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张之梁,教授,IEEE高级会员。2009年获加拿大女皇大学博士学位(Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada)。研究方向为高频电力电子和电力电子在新能源系统中的应用。在IEEE电力电子期刊发表SCI论文21篇,发表IEEE国际会议论文50余篇;SCI总引用次数599次;论文累计被同行引用1000余次;获授权美国专利1项,申请发明专利9项,授权3项;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,青年基金项目1项;主持省部级项目5项;各类研究所企业研发项目20余项;所提“电流源驱动”获美国International Rectifier公司资助和加拿大自然科学基金资助,完成“电流源驱动芯片”试制;担任IEEE Power Control Core Technologies委员会秘书、《电源学报》编委。在美国Linear Technology Corporation工作时,提出超高频信号与功率同步传输方法,并在产品中成功应用;所研发模块电源产品在航天卫星中得到应用;获美国联合技术公司“容闳”科教奖;获皇后大学教学助理荣誉证书;入选2013年南京市“321海外领军型科技创新创业人才”。


IEEE Trans期刊
[1] Zhiliang Zhang, Y. Y. Cai, Y. Zhang and Y. F. Liu, “A distributed architecture based on micro-bank modules with self-reconfiguration control to improve the energy efficiency in the battery energy storage system,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., accepted.
[2] Zhiliang Zhang, J. Y Lin, Y. Zhou and X. Ren, “Analysis and decoupling design of a 30 MHz resonant SEPIC converter,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., accepted.
[3] Zhiliang Zhang, F. F. Li and Y. F. Liu, “A high-frequency dual-channel isolated resonant gate driver with low gate drive loss for ZVS full-bridge converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 29, No. 6, June 2014, pp. 3077 -3090.
[4] Zhiliang Zhang, C. Xu and Y. F. Liu, “Digital adaptive discontinuous current source driver for high frequency interleaved boost PFC converter,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron, Vol. 29, No. 3, Mar. 2014, pp. 1298-1310.
[5] Zhiliang Zhang, X. F. He and Y. F. Liu, “An optimal control method for photovoltaic grid-tied interleaved flyback micro-inverters to achieve high efficiency in wide load range,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron, Vol. 28, No. 11, Nov. 2013, pp. 5074-5087.
[6] Zhiliang Zhang, P. Xu and Y. F. Liu, “Adaptive continuous current source drivers for 1-MHz boost PFC converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol.28, No.5, May 2013, pp. 2457-2467.
[7] Zhiliang Zhang, J. Fu, Y. F. Liu and P.C. Sen, “Adaptive current source drivers for efficiency optimization of high frequency synchronous buck converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol.27, No.5, May 2012, pp. 2462-2470.
[8] Zhiliang Zhang, J. Zhen, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Switching loss analysis considering parasitic loop inductance with current source drivers for buck converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Letters, Vol.27, No.7, Jul. 2011, pp. 1815-1819.
[9] Zhiliang Zhang, E. Myer, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A non-isolated ZVS self-driven current tripler topology for low voltage and high current applications,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 26, No. 2, Feb. 2011, pp. 512 -522.
[10] Zhiliang Zhang, J. Fu, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Discontinuous current source drivers for high frequency power MOSFETs,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 25, No. 7, Jul. 2010, pp. 1863-1876.
[11] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A 1-MHz, 12-V ZVS non-isolated full-bridge VRM with gate energy recovery,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 25, No. 3, Mar. 2010, pp. 624-636.
[12] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A nonisolated ZVS asymmetrical buck voltage regulator module with direct energy transfer,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., Vol. 56, No. 8, Aug. 2009, pp. 3096-3105.
[13] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, P. Lin, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A 1-MHz high efficiency 12V buck voltage regulator with a new current-source gate driver,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 23, No. 6, Nov. 2008, pp. 2817-2827.
[14] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, Z. Yang, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Optimal design of resonant gate driver for buck converter based on a new analytical loss model,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 23, No. 2, Mar. 2008, pp. 653 -666.
[15] J. Zhen, Zhiliang Zhang, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “MOSFET switching loss model and optimal design of a current source driver considering the current diversion problem,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 998-1012, Feb. 2012.
[16] J. Zhen, Zhiliang Zhang, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A new high efficiency current source driver with bipolar gate voltage,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 985-997, Feb. 2012.
[17] E. Meyer, Zhiliang Zhang and Y. F. Liu, “Digital charge balance controller to improve the loading/ unloading transient response of buck converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1314-1326, Mar. 2012.
[18] E. Meyer, Zhiliang Zhang and Y. F. Liu, “Controlled auxiliary circuit to improve the unloading transient response of buck converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 25, No. 4, Apr. 2010, pp. 806-819.
[19] W. Eberle, Zhiliang Zhang, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A practical switching loss model for buck voltage regulators,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 24, No. 3, Mar. 2009, pp. 700-713.
[20] E. Meyer, Zhiliang Zhang and Y. F. Liu, “An optimal control method for buck converters using a practical capacitor charge balance technique,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 23, No. 4, Jul. 2008, pp. 1802 -1812.
[21] W. Eberle, Zhiliang Zhang, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A current source gate driver achieving switching loss savings and gate energy recovery at 1-MHz,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 23, No. 2, Mar. 2008, pp. 678 -691.
IEEE 国际会议
[1] Zhiliang Zhang, Y. Y. Cai and Y. F. Liu, “An energy storage distributed architecture based on micro-Bank modules with self-reconfiguration control regarding battery recovery effect for DC MicroGrids,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2014, pp. 3091- 3096.
[2] Zhiliang Zhang, F. F. Li, F. Zhang and Y. F. Liu, “A dual-channel isolated resonant gate driver for low gate drive loss in ZVS full-bridge converters,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2013, pp. 31-37.
[3] Zhiliang Zhang, X. F. He, Y. F. Liu, X. Ren and L. Xin, “Multi-mode control for photovoltaic grid-connected interleaved flyback micro-inverters to achieve high efficiency in wide load range,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2012, pp. 2433-2438.
[4] Zhiliang Zhang, P. Xu, X. Ren, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Optimization and comparison of continuous and discontinuous current source drivers for MHz boost PFC converters,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), 2012, pp. 1165-1171.
[5] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Cai and P. Xu, “Adaptive current source drivers to achieve efficiency improvement in a wide load range,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE ), 2011, pp. 1196-1201.
[6] Zhiliang Zhang, P. Xu, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Adaptive current source drivers for efficiency optimization of high frequency synchronous buck converters,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2011, pp. 1181-1187.
[7] Zhiliang Zhang, P. Xu, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Adaptive current source drivers for MHz power factor correction,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2011, pp. 1456-1463.
[8] Zhiliang Zhang, J. Fu, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Comparison of continuous and discontinuous current source drivers for high frequency applications,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2010, pp 2434-2440
[9] Zhiliang Zhang, J. Fu, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Switching loss analysis considering parasitic inductances with current source drivers for Buck converters,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2010, pp. 1482-1486.
[10] Zhiliang Zhang, J. Fu, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A new discontinuous current-source driver for high frequency power MOSFETs,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2009, pp. 1655-1662.
[11] Zhiliang Zhang, M. Eric, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A non-isolated ZVS self-driven current tripler topology for low voltage and high current applications,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2009, pp. 1983-1990.
[12] Zhiliang Zhang, E. Meyer, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A new ZVS non-isolated full-bridge VRM with synchronous rectifier gate energy recovery,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2009, pp. 1469-1475.
[13] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A novel non-isolated ZVS asymmetrical buck converter for 12 V voltage regulators,” in Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC), 2008, pp. 974-978.
[14] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A new hybrid gate drive scheme for buck voltage regulators,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2008, pp.2498-2503.
[15] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “A new current-source gate driver for a buck voltage regulator,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2008, pp. 1433- 1439.
[16] Zhiliang Zhang, W. Eberle, Z. Yang, Y. F. Liu and P. C. Sen, “Optimal design of current source gate driver for a Buck voltage re
1)“Certificate for Teaching Assistants: Scholarship”, Program in University Teaching and Learning, Center for Teaching and Learning, Queen’s University, 2006.
2)美国联合技术公司“容闳”科教奖,“United Technologies Corporation Rong Hong Endowment” by United Technologies, 1999.
1)Zhiliang Zhang and Yan-Fei Liu, “Current Source Gate Drivers,” U. S. Patent No. 8, 085, 083
2)Zhiliang Zhang and Yan-Fei Liu, “A Family of Zero-Voltage-Switching Self-Driven Non-Isolated Voltage Regulators,” U. S. Patent Serial No. 12/ 610,097
3)Yan-Fei Liu, Zhiliang Zhang and Jizhen Fu, “Current Source Gate Driver with Negative Gate Voltage,” US Patent 20120068683 A1
4)张之梁,胥鹏程,蔡卫,发明专利,“电流源驱动电路及其自适应控制方法与应用”,申请号 201110143223.X
5)张之梁,蔡勇勇,发明专利,“基于微变换智能模块的分布式储能系统”,申请号 201310000540.5
7)张之梁,桂涵东,何晓飞,“一种隔离型谐振高升压比电路”,申请号 201310671008.6
1)国家自然科学基金 面上项目,项目主持,“基于恢复效应的分布式微模块自重组电池储能系统与控制”,2016/01-2019/12,在研,主持
2)国家自然科学基金 面上项目,51377077,“超高频(30 MHz-300 MHz)功率变换与系统集成”,2014/01-2017/12,在研,主持
3)国家自然科学基金 青年科学基金,51007036,“超高频自适应电流源驱动的研究”,2010/01-2013/12,已结题,评为优秀,主持
4)江苏省自然科学基金 面上项目, SBK201123015,“超高频MOSFET数字化自适应混合驱动关键技术的研究”,2011/01-2014/07,在研,主持
5)江苏省前瞻性联合研究项目, BY2015003-04,“基于SiC IGBT的高性能电力电子变压器系统”,2015/07-2017/06,在研,主持
9)台达电力电子科教发展基金,“超高频(30 MHz-300 MHz)功率变换拓扑、控制与集成”,2013/07-2015/07,在研,主持
11)无锡市“530”海外人员创新创业基金项目,“基于电流源驱动技术Micro-Inverters光伏系统集成与产业化”, 2010/06-2012/12,已结题,主持
12)光宝科技电力电子产学研科研合作基金,“基于微变换器的分布式自重组电池储能系统”,2014/03—2017/05,50万, 在研,主持
14)NSERC, Discovery Grant (加拿大国家自然基金 基础研究基金),“High Efficiency High Power Density Voltage Regulator Module for Next Generation CPU”, 2009/01—2012/12, 已结题,参与 (主要参与人)
15)NSERC, Idea to Innovation (加拿大国家自然基金 基础创新基金),“Technology Development for Current Source MOSFET Driver Chip”, 2008/01—2009/12, 已结题,参与 (主要参与人)
16)CITO,Market Readiness (加拿大安大略省产学研预研基金),“Resonant Gate Drive Circuit for High Efficiency Fast Dynamic Response Computer Power System”, 2006/01—2006/12, 已结题,参与 (主要参与人)
2)广州金升阳 (Mornsun) 科技有限公司,“电源模块高频化技术合作开发”, 2014/02—2017/02, 在研,主持
3)OCE / Gold Phoenix Market Readiness (加拿大安大略省产业联合项目),“Technologies for High Efficiency Power Supplies for High End Computers”, 2008/01—2010/12,$240,000加元, 已结题,参与 (主要参与人)
4)加拿大安大PARTEQ公司,“Design and Evaluation of Self Driven ZVS Power Converter”, 2008/01—2009/12, 已结题,参与 (主要参与人)
5)电子工业部第三十八电子研究所,“4kW通信电源”,2001/01—2002/12, 已结题,参与 (主要参与人)
