2007.7 - 西北工业大学机电学院 教师2014.12-2015.12 英国巴斯大学 访问学者 主要研究方向:cad/cam、服务型制造、数字化制造、制造过程感知等 主持项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,复杂服务型制造网络的建模、分析和优化方法研究,no.50805122陕西省自然科学基金项目,复杂构件高品质制造的智能感知,no.2013jm7001 huibin sun,xianzhi zhang & junyang wang. online machining chatter forecast based on improved local mean decomposition.the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2015, doi:10.1007/s00170-015-7785-8.huibin sun,yingfeng zhang,zhan wang & rong mo. evaluating and optimising product service relationships from microscopic and macroscopic perspectives.international journal of computer integrated manufacturing, 2015, 28(5): 460-469.huibin sun, zhan wang, yingfeng zhang, zhiyong chang, rong mo & yang liu. evaluation method of product–service performance. international journal of computer integrated manufacturing, 2012, 25(2): 150-157.huibin sun, neng wan, zhiyong chang and rong mo. approach to optimization of part machining service combination. the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology. 2011,56(5-8): 767-776.huibin sun, zhiyong chang and rong mo. monitoring and controlling the complex product assembly executive process via mobile agents and rfid tags [j]. assembly automation. 2009,29(3), 263-271.huibin sun, pingyu jiang. tracking online workpiece machining procedure in a mobile collaborative environment [j]. international journal of concurrent engineering: research and applications. 2008,16(4), 291-300.huibin sun, pingyu jiang. study on manufacturing information sharing and tracking for extended enterprises [j]. the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology. 2007, 34: 790-798.