彭星光,男,汉族,博士学位。1981年5月出生,西北工业的大学副教授、硕士生导师。分别于2003、2006、2009年获西北工业大学学士、硕士、博士学位;2010~2012年在航海学院兵器科学与技术博士后流动站从事研究工作,合作导师:徐德民院士;2012年获副教授专业技术资格并留校任教,现为西北工业大学水下航行器研究所(国防科技创新团队和教育部长江学者创新团队)成员,入选西北工业大学“翱翔之星”计划。 2015.2~2016.2赴英国University of Surrey访问一年。2011年,西北工业大学航海学院科研先进个人;2012年,西北工业大学“翱翔之星”人才计划;2012年,国家863某主题先进个人;2013年,西北工业大学航海学院教学先进个人;2013年,西北工业大学航海学院科研先进个人。
项目:主持科研项目:1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目3. NSFC——广东联合基金(超算应用专项 )4. 中国博士后科学基金5. 陕西省自然科学基金6. 中央高校基本科研业务费布局培育项目7. 西北工业大学基础研究基金作为课题副组长、项目骨干参与了863、973、国家自然科学基金等科研项目十余项,获部级科学技术二等奖1项。 出版中文专著1本 ,在《Swarm and Evolutionary Computation》、《Soft Computing》、《控制与决策》、IEEE CDC等国内外知名刊物和会议上发表SCI、EI收录学术论文30余篇,英文图书章节1章;申报、授权专利9项。专著[1]彭星光,《面向无人系统的动态进化算法及应用》,科学出版社,2017年3月,ISBN978-7-03-052364-9.(2016博士后研究人员优秀学术专著出版资助)图书章节[2] Xingguang Peng*, Shengxing Yang, DeminXu, Xiaoguang Gao. SolvingDynamic Optimization Problems for Multiple UCAV Anti-Ground Attack UsingDynamic Evolutionary Algorithms. EvolutionaryComputation for Dynamic Optimization Problems, in the book series onStudies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 2013. 期刊论文[3] Xingguang Peng*, Yapei Wu. Large-Scale CooperativeCo-Evolution Using Niching Based Multi-Modal Optimization and Adaptive Fast Clustering.Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. vol 35, pp. 65-77, 2017. (IF: 3.893) [4] Xingguang Peng*, Kun Liu, Yaochu Jin, A DynamicOptimization Approach to The Design of Cooperative Co-Evolutionary Algorithms, Knowledge-Based Systems (2016), vol. 109, pp. 174-186. (IF: 4.529) [5]XingguangPeng*, Shuai Zhang, Xiaokang Lei. Multi-target Trapping in Constrained Environments Using GeneRegulatory Network Based Pattern Formation. InternationalJournal of Advanced Robotic Systems. September-October 2016: 1–12. (IF: 0.987)[6] 刘明雍, 雷小康*, 杨盼盼, 彭星光. 群集运动的理论建模与实证分析研究进展. 科学通报, vol.59, no. 25, 2464-2483. [7] 彭星光*, 张帅, 刘坤. 动态适值空间补偿信息: 一种抗病态合作协同进化算法. 控制与决策, vol.30, no. 1, 25-31. [8] 刘明雍, 雷小康*, 彭星光. 融合邻域自适应跟随的群集系统分群控制方法研究. 西北工业大学学报. Vol.31, no. 2, pp. 1-5, 2013. [9] Xingguang Peng*, Demin Xu. Intelligent Online Path Planning for UAVsin Adversarial Environments. InternationalJournal of Advanced Robotics Systems, vol. 9, no. 1, 2012. (IF: 0.615)[10] Xingguang Peng*, Xiaoguang Gao,Shengxiang Yang. EnvironmentIdentification Based Memory Scheme for Estimation of Distribution Algorithms inDynamic Environments. Soft Computing,vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 311-326, 2011. (IF: 1.63)[11] 彭星光*, 徐德民, 高晓光. 基于Pareto解集关联与预测的动态多目标进化算法. 控制与决策, vol. 26,no. 4, pp. 6 15-618, 2011. [12] 彭星光*, 高晓光. 动态环境下一种具有记忆能力的分布估计算法. 控制与决策, vol.25, no. 3, pp. 339-345, 2010. [13] 彭星光*, 高晓光. 基于记忆辅助动态UMDA的UCAV编队动态目标分配. 系统工程与电子技术, vol. 32,no. 10, pp. 2166-2170, 2010. [14] 彭星光*, 高晓光, 魏小丰. 基于混合多目标进化算法的多无人机侦察路径规划. 系统工程与电子技术, vol.32, no. 2, pp. 326-331, 2010. [15] 彭星光*, 高晓光, 魏小丰, 孟波波. 一种基于粒子滤波的动态进化算法. 西北工业大学学报, vol.28, no. 3, pp. 393-397, 2010. 会议论文[16] Xingguang Peng*, Yapei Wu. Large-scaleCooperative Co-evolution with Bi-objective Selection Based ImbalancedMulti-Modal Optimization. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), SanSebastian, Spain, 2017.[17] Xingguang Peng*, Zhe Shi. FindingInformative Collaborators for Cooperative Co-evolutionary Algorithms Using aDynamic Multi-population Framework. IEEE Symposium Series on ComputationalIntelligence, Dec. 5-8, 2016, Athens, Greece.[18] ShuaiZhang, Xingguang Peng*, Yunke Huang,et al. Gene Regulatory Networks with Asymmetric Information for Swarm RobotPattern Formation. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robotics andApplications. Plymouth, UK, 2015. [19] Xingguang Peng*, Kun Liu, A Long-distance NavigationModel for AUV Based on Multiple Parameter Search. IEEE International Conferenceon Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics. Macau, China, 2016. [20] Xingguang Peng*, Shuai Zhang,Yunke Huang. Pattern Formation in Constrained Environments: A Swarm RobotTarget Trapping Method. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics andMechatronics. Macau, China, 2016.[21] Xingguang Peng*,Xiaokang Lei. Compensate Informationfrom Multimodal Dynamic Landscapes: An Anti-Pathology CooperativeCoevolutionary Algorithm. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC),Beijing, China, 2014. [22] MingyongLiu, Kun Liu*, Xingguang Peng, HongLi. Bio-inspired Navigation Based on Geomagnetic for Autonomous UnderwaterVehicles. Oceans’14, Taiwan, 2014.[23] WeishengYan,Xiaoshan Bai*, Xingguang Peng,Lei Zuo, Jiguo Dai. The Routing Problem of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles inOcean Currents. Oceans’14, Taiwan,2014. [24] Xingguang Peng*, Demin Xu, Weisheng Yan. Intelligent Flight for UAV via Integrationof Dynamic MOEA, Bayesian Network and Fuzzy Logic. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Orlando,Florida, USA, December 12-15 2011. [25] Xingguang Peng*, Demin Xu, Fubin Zhang. On the Effect of Environment-TriggeredPopulation Diversity Compensation Methods for Memory Enhanced UMDA. 30th Chinese Control Conference (CCC) atYantai, China, July 2011, 5430-5435. [26] Xingguang Peng*, Demin Xu, Fubin Zhang. UAV Online Path Planning Based on DynamicMultiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm. 30thChinese Control Conference (CCC) at Yantai, China, July 2011, 5424-5429. [27] Xingguang Peng*, Demin Xu,Xiaoguang Gao. A Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Particle Filter forUCAV Formation Control. 29th ChineseControl Conference (CCC) at Beijing, China, July 2010, 5238-5241.