2007年陕西省科学技术三等奖,排名第2博士学位论文获2008年陕西省优秀博士学位论文;2007年入选西北工业大学首批“翱翔之星”计划;2012年西北工业大学吴亚军优秀青年教师奖教金一等奖。2010.05-至今 西北工业大学 副教授;2015.03-2016.03 英国利兹大学 交通运输研究所 访问学者;2006.10- 2010.04 西北工业大学 讲师;2006.07- 2006.09 西北工业大学 教师。科研项目:[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:自适应巡航控制和协同式自适应巡航控制车辆对交通流的影响研究,2018.01-2021.12 ,主持。 [2] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:路网混合交通流的流体力学模型与数值模拟研究, 2012.01-2014.12,主持。[2] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,2015.01-2016.12,主持。[3] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,2013.01-2014.12,主持。[4] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,2013.09-2015.09,第一参加人。[5] 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划项目,2008.10-2009.10,第一参加人。[6] 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划项目,2011.09-2012.10,第一参加人。 [1]Jianzhong Chen*, Ronghui Liu, Dong Ngoduy, Zhongke Shi. A new multi-anticipative car-following model with consideration of the desired following distance. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 85(4), 2705–2717. (SCI) [2] 李阳, 陈建忠*, 张倩, 杨慧珍. 考虑环境熟悉度的行人疏散模型研究. 中国安全科学学报, 2016, 26(4): 168-174. [3]Jianzhong Chen*, Fang Yuan. Macroscopic modeling for traffic flow on three-lane highways. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2015, 26(11): 1550127. (SCI) [4]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhiyuan Peng, Fang Yuan. An extended lattice model for two-lane traffic flow with consideration of the slope effect. Modern Physics Letters B, 2015, 29(05), 1550017. (SCI)[5]胡彦梅, 封建湖, 陈建忠. 基于无振荡中心格式求解非均匀道路上的多车种LWR交通流模型. 数学的实践与认识, 2015, 45(4): 18-24.[6]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Lei Yu, Zhiyuan Peng. Nonlinear analysis of a new extended lattice model with consideration of multi-anticipation and driver reaction delays. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 9(3): 031005. (SCI EI)[7]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhiyuan Peng, and Yuan Fang. Effects of car accidents on three-lane traffic flow. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, Volume 2014, Article ID 413852, 11 pages. (SCI)[8]Yanmei Hu, Tianshan Ma, Jianzhong Chen. An extended multi-anticipative delay model of traffic flow. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2014, 19: 3128-3135. (SCI EI)[9]胡彦梅, 封建湖, 陈建忠. 多车种LWR交通流模型的半离散中心迎风格式. 计算物理, 2014, 31(3): 323-330.[10]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Yanmei Hu, Lei Yu, Yuan Fang. An extended macroscopic model for traffic flow on a highway with slopes. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2013, 24(9): 1350061. (SCI)[11]Fang Yuan, Chen Jian-Zhong*, Peng Zhi-Yuan. The effect of moving bottlenecks on a two-lane traffic flow. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(10): 108902. (SCI EI)[12]Chen Jianzhong*, Shi Zhongke, Hu Yanmei. Stabilization analysis of a multiple look-ahead model with driver reaction delays. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2012, 23(6): 1250048. (SCI)[13]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Yanmei Hu. Numerical solutions of a multi-class traffic flow model on an inhomogeneous highway using a high-resolution relaxed scheme. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE-C, 2012, 13(1): 29-36. (SCI EI)[14]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Yanmei Hu. A fifth-order relaxation scheme for the shallow water equations. 工程数学学报, 2010, 27(1): 173-178.[15]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Yanmei Hu. A relaxation scheme for a multi-class Lighthill-Whitham-Richards traffic flow model. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE-A, 2009, 10(12): 1835-1844. (SCI EI)[16]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Yanmei Hu. Numerical simulation of a multi-class LWR traffic flow model. ICICTA 2009, Vol. 2, pp.136-139. (EI)[17]陈建忠*, 史忠科, 封建湖, 胡彦梅. 求解双曲型守恒律的五阶松弛格式. 空气动力学学报, 2008, 26(4): 508-512. (EI)[18]陈建忠*, 史忠科, 封建湖, 胡彦梅. 二维双曲型守恒律的一种五阶松弛格式. 应用力学学报, 2008, 25(1): 124-128. (EI)[19]陈建忠*, 史忠科, 胡彦梅. 二维浅水方程的高阶松弛格式求解. 水动力学研究与进展, A辑, 2007, 22(3): 305-310.[20]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Hu Yanmei. Numerical solution of a two-class LWR traffic flow model by high-resolution central-upwind scheme. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4487, 2007, 17-24. (EI ISTP)[21]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi. Application of a fourth-order relaxation scheme to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2006, 22(1): 84-92. (SCI EI)[22]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi. Solution of the 2D shallow water equations by the genuinely multidimensional semi-discrete central scheme. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2006, 18 (4): 436-442. (SCI EI)[23]陈建忠*, 史忠科. 双曲型守恒律的一种三阶半离散中心迎风格式. 计算物理, 2006, 23(3): 373-380. (EI)[24]陈建忠*, 史忠科. 求解双曲型守恒律的半离散三阶中心迎风格式. 计算力学学报, 2006, 23(2): 157-162. (EI)[25]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi. High-resolution semi-discrete central scheme for dam-break problems. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2005, 17(5): 585-589. (SCI EI)[26]Jianzhong Chen*, Zhongke Shi, Yanmei Hu. High-resolution central difference scheme for the shallow water equations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2005, 24(5): 39-45. (SCI)[27]陈建忠*, 封建湖, 史忠科, 胡彦梅. 求解双曲型守恒律的半离散中心差分格式. 应用力学学报, 2005, 22(4): 536-540. (EI)
2002.9-2006.4 西北工业大学自动化学院 获工学博士学位;2000.9-2003.4 西北工业大学应用数学系 获理学硕士学位;1995.9-1999.7 宁夏大学数学与电算工程系 获理学学士学位。