1981年12月于西北工业大学应用物理学专业毕业留校任教至今。 发表学术论文70余篇(SCI收录50余篇、EI收录40余篇),培养硕士、博士研究生30余人,其中在读博士生吴宏景同学已在国际主流期刊发表学术论文15篇,并获得教育部学术新人奖、学校国家奖学金、学校博士论文顶尖基金、学校博士论文创新基金、学校博士论文创新专项奖励基金二等奖、学校三好学生标兵、学校吴亚军奖学金、学校研究生创业种子基金等奖励与资助。主要代表性学术论文(2010-2013):1.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang, Jiaoqiang Zhang, Zhongyuan Shen, Jinghui Zhao.Catalytic oxidation of benzene, toluene andp-xylene over colloidal gold supported on zinc oxide catalyst,Catalysis communications, 12 (2011) 859–865. 758VK,IF 3.0,他引11次,三区2.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang,Shape effect of microstructured CeO2with various morphologies on CO catalytic oxidation,Catalysis communications, 12 (2011) 1374–1379. 802EH,IF 3.0,他引5次,三区3.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang, Zhongyuan Shen, Jinghui Zha.Catalytic oxidation of toluene andp-xylene using gold supported on Co3O4catalyst prepared by colloidal precipitation method,Journal of molecular catalysis A: chemical, 351 (2011) 188–195. 862XK,IF 3.0,他引4次,三区4.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang, Yiming Wang, Shaoli Guo, Zhongyuan Shen.Enhanced microwave absorbing properties of carbonyl iron-doped Ag/ordered mesoporous carbon nanocomposites,Materials science and engineering B, 177 (2012) 476–482. 931PH, IF 1.518,他引2次,三区5.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang, Shaoli Guo, Yiming Wang, Zhongyuan ShenElectromagnetic and microwave-absorbing properties of highly ordered mesoporous carbon supported by gold nanoparticles, Materials chemistry and physics,133 (2012) 965–970.932HO,IF 2.234,他引4次,二区6.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang, Yiming Wang, Shaoli Guo, Zhongyuan Shen.Enhanced microwave performance of highly ordered mesoporous carbon coated by Ni2O3nanoparticles, Journal of alloys and compounds, 525 (2012) 82–86. 922UV,IF 2.289,他引5次,二区7.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang, Shaoli Guo,Zhongyuan Shen.Double-layer structural design of dielectric ordered mesoporous carbon/paraffin composites for microwave absorption, Applied physics A: Materials Science & Processing,(2012) 108: 439–446.975WU,IF 1.63,他引2次,三区8.Hongjing Wu,Liuding Wang, Yiming Wang, Shaoli Guo.Microwave absorption properties of CeO2and Zn-modified CeO2microstructures, Applied surface science, 258 (2012) 10047– 10052. 991VB,IF 2.103,三区9.H. Wu,L. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Guo and H. Wu. Flower-like α-Fe2O3/ordered mesoporous carbon nanocomposite and its enhanced microwave absorption property, Materials Research Innovations, 2013. 05. 23. DOI 10.1179/1433075X13Y.0000000134.10.Liuding Wang, Hongjing Wu, Zhongyuan Shen, Shaoli Guo, Yiming Wang.Enhanced microwave absorption properties of Ni-doped ordered mesoporous carbon/polyaniline nanocomposites, Materials science and engineering B, 177 (2012) 1649–1654. 033BL,IF 1.518,三区11.Yiming Wang,Liuding Wang,Hongjing Wu. Enhanced Microwave Absorption Properties of α-Fe2O3-Filled Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Nanorods, materials, 2013, 6, 1520–1529.12.Wang Yi-Jun,Wang Liu-Ding, Yang Mi, Yan Cheng. Effects of B and N dopings and H2O adsorption on structural stability and field emission properties of cone-capped carbon nanotubes,Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(11): 117304, 867YW,IF 1.6300.13.Guo Shao-Li,Wang Liu-Ding, Wang Yi-Ming, Wu Hong-Jing, Shen Zhong-Yuan. Enhanced absorption property of ordered mesoporous carbon/Co-doped ordered mesoporous carbon double-layer absorber,Chin. Phys. B, 2013, 22(4):044101. 119UI.IF 1.6300.14.王益军,王六定,杨敏,严诚.锥顶碳纳米管的结构稳定性与场致发射性能,物理学报, 2011, 60(7):077303. 800MZ,IF1.02715.王益军,王六定,杨敏,刘光清,严诚.分层掺B和吸附H2O碳纳米管的结构稳定性及电子场发射性能,物理学报, 2010, 59(7): 4950–05. 629BJ,IF1.259