2015.4 ~ 至今,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院,副教授;2012.3 ~ 2015.4,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院,讲师;2010.5 ~ 2010.8,美国佐治亚理工学院 ,研究助理。
研究兴趣:融合信息技术的建设工程管理、智能交通 、计算机视觉主持项目: 国家自然科学基金 — 建筑工人行为分析理解及其在施工管理中的应用研究 校基础研究基金 — 建筑实体三维模型重构及其在施工管理中的应用研究参与项目: NSF — Automated Vision-BasedSensing for Site Operations Analysis NSF — CAREER: Observer Design forIntelligent Visual Tracking 合作伙伴: Prof. Patricio A. Vela , Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Jochen Teizer , RAPIDS Laboratory [1] J.Yang, M. Park, P. A. Vela and M. Golparvar-Fard. Construction performance monitoring via still images, time-lapse photos, and video streams: now, tomorrow and the future . Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2015, 29: 211-224. [2] J.Yang, Z. Shi and Z. Wu. Automatic Recognition of Construction Worker ActivitiesUsing Dense Trajectories. 32nd International Symposium on Automationand Robotics in Construction and Mining, June 15-18, 2015, Oulu, Finland. [3] J.Yang, Z. Shi and Z. Wu. Towards automatic generation of as-built BIM: 3D buildingfacade modeling and material recognition from images. International Journal ofAutomation and Computing, 2015. In press. [4] J.Yang, P. A. Vela, J. Teizer and Z. K. Shi. Vision-Based Tower Crane Trackingfor Understanding Construction Activity. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,2014, 28(1): 103-112. [5]J. Yang, Z. Shi. Image-Based 3D Semantic Modeling of Building Facade. LectureNotes in Computer Science, 2014, 8671: 661-671. [6]J. Yang, T. Cheng, J. Teizer, P. A. Vela and Z. K. Shi. A performanceevaluation of vision and radio frequency tracking methods for interactingworkforce. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2011, 25(4): 736-747. [7]J. Yang, Z. K. Shi and P. A. Vela. Person Reidentification by Kernel PCA basedAppearance Learning. In proceedings of 2011 Canadian Conference on Computer andRobot Vision, pp. 227-233, St. John's, Newfoundland, 2011.05.25-27, poster. [8]J. Yang, O. Arif, P. A. Vela, J. Teizer and Z. K. Shi. Tracking multipleworkers on construction sites using video cameras. Advanced EngineeringInformatics, 2010, 24(4): 428-434. [9] P. A. Vela, J. Yang, O. Arif, J. Teizer and Z. K. Shi. VisualMonitoring of Airport Ground Operations. 2009 IEEE/AIAA 28th Digital AvionicsSystems Conference, 2009, pp 1000-1007. [10] J. Yang, P. A. Vela, Z. K. Shi and J. Teizer. Probabilistic Multiple People Tracking through Complex Situations. Proceedings 11th IEEE International Workshop on PETS, Miami, June 25, 2009, pp. 79-97.
2007.9 ~ 2011.12 西北工业大学,博士; 2008.9 ~ 2010.8 美国佐治亚理工学院 联合培养博士生;2005.9 ~ 2008.4 西北工业大学 硕士;2001.9 ~ 2005.6 西北工业大学 本科。