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赵丹,男,汉族,1982年9月生,博士、讲师, 物理化学学院硕士生导师。


        2013年1月-- 2015年12月,项目名称探索合成新型钼酸盐非线性光学晶体材料,项目来源:国家基金委,经费23万元2014年5月-- 2014年12月,项目名称:一种新型的长波段发光材料磷酸钡钾化合物,项目来源:企业横向,经费1万元。2009年12月-- 2012年12月,项目名称:固体光学材料的合成及其光电功能研究,项目来源河南理工大学博士基金,经费6万元。论文情况:
      [1] Zhao, D. Zhao, E. X. Xin, X. Li, F. F., Single-Crystal Structure and Bond Structure of Scheelite-Like KGd(MoO4)(2). Chinese J Inorg Chem 2014, 30 (5), 1143-1150.[2] Zhao, D. Liang, P. Li, Y. P. Liu, Q. Q. Li, W. L., Crystal structure of orthorhombic-catena-((mu(5)-adipato-kappa O-4,O ':O,O ')-lead(II)), C6H8O4Pb. Z Krist-New Cryst St 2013, 228 (3), 343-344.[3] Zhao, D. Zhu, J. Liang, P. Chang, H. He, R., Lithium europium(III) molybdate(VI), Li3.5Eu1.5(MoO4)(4). Acta Crystallogr E 2012, 68, I14-U125.[4] Zhao, D., Heptasodium tetraaluminium tetrakis(diphosphate) orthophosphate, Na7Al4(P2O7)(4)(PO4). Acta Crystallogr E 2011, 67, I64.[5] Zhao, D. Li, F. F. Qiu, S. Jiao, J. L. Ren, J. R., RbSn2(PO4)(3), a NASICON-type phosphate. Acta Crystallogr E 2011, 67, I32-U129.[6] Zhao, D. Li, F. F., K3Gd( PO4)(2). Acta Crystallogr E 2010, 66, I64-U114.[7] Zhao, D. Li, F. F. Zhang, A. Y. Yang, L. Zhu, R., CsAlZr2(PO4)(4): an anhydrous aluminium zirconium phosphate with a novel three-dimensional framework. Acta Crystallogr C 2011, 67, I4-I6.[8] Zhao, D. Cheng, W. D. Zhang, H. Huang, S. P. Xie, Z. Zhang, W. L. Yang, S. L., KMBP2O8 (M = Sr, Ba): A New Kind of Noncentrosymmetry Borophosphate with the Three-Dimensional Diamond-like Framework. Inorg Chem 2009, 48 (14), 6623-6629[9] Zhao, D. Zhang, H. Huang, S. P. Zhang, W. L. Yang, S. L. Cheng, W. D., Crystal and band structure of K(2)AlTi(PO(4))(3) with the langbeinite-type structure. J Alloy Compd 2009, 477 (1-2), 795-799.[10] Zhao, D. Zhang, H. Xie, Z. Zhang, W. L. Yang, S. L. Cheng, W. D., Syntheses, crystal and electronic structures of compounds AM(PO4)(2) (A = Sr, M = Ti, Sn A = Ba, M = Sn). Dalton T 2009, (27), 5310-5318
