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石万元 博士、重庆大学动力工程学院教授、博士生导师。2006年获日本九州大学工学博士学位,分别在北海道大学、东北大学(日本)从事博士后研究工作。多年来一直从事传热学、非平衡热力学的教学和科研工作,担任本科生《传热学》和研究生《非平衡热力学》的教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项和其它省部级项目5项,参加了科技部“973”计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等项目的研究。主要研究热对流及不稳定现象、液体蒸发过程传热传质规律、气液两相流及复杂界面问题数值模拟、非平衡热力学稳定性理论及应用、电磁悬浮技术及悬浮液滴稳定性问题等。开展了环形液层内热毛细对流,旋转液层内热毛细对流,环形液池内双层流体热毛细对流,蒸发液滴内Marangoni对流,蒸发液层内热毛细对流,以及悬浮液滴的对流不稳定特征及其失稳机理等方面的研究工作。研究手段包括实验观测、数值模拟、线性稳定性分析及扰动能量分析等。发现了蒸发液滴内圆弧形的Bénard-Marangoni对流涡胞,发现了热流体波的等角螺旋形特征,发现了旋转液池内热流体波的传播方向与液池的旋转方向相反的现象,分析了系统旋转对环形池内单层流体、双层流体热毛细对流不稳定性及失稳机理的影响。相关研究成果在2017年第12届 “Two-Phase Systems for Space and Ground Applications”国际学术会议上获“最佳展板奖”、在2017年第十届全国微重力科学学术会议上获“优秀青年论文奖”。发表SCI/EI论文40多篇,申请和授权发明专利3项,参加编写《传热分析与计算》教材1部。担任国家自然科学基金项目函评专家、《力学研究》期刊编委,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer、Physics of Fluids、Microgravity Science and Technology、工程热物理学报等多个国际国内学术期刊审稿人。


代表论文: L. Feng, W-Y Shi. Numerical investigationon frequency shift of an electromagnetically levitated molten droplet. Int. J.Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 69-77. H-M Li, W-Y Shi, M K Ermakov.Thermocapillary flow instabilities of medium Prandtl number liquid in rotatingannular pools. Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 2017, 120: 233-243. H-M Li, W-Y Shi. Thermocapillaryconvection in a differentially heated two-layer annular system with and withoutrotation. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 105: 684-689. W-Y Shi, K-Y Tang, J-N Ma, H-M Li, L Feng. Marangoniconvection instability in a sessile droplet with low volatility on heatedsubstrate. Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 2017, 117: 274-286. L Feng, W-Y Shi. Theinfluence of Marangoni effect on flow and deformation of an electromagneticallylevitated molten droplet under static magnetic fields. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2016, 101: 629-636. W-Y Shi,S-M Rong, L Feng. Marangoni convection instabilities induced by evaporation ofliquid layer in an open rectangular pool. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2017, 29:91-96. L Feng, W-Y Shi. The influence of eddy effect of coils on flow andtemperature fields of molten droplet in electromagnetic levitation device. Metallurgicaland Materials Transactions B, 2015, 46: 1895-1901. W-Y Shi, E Kurihara, N Oshima. Effect of capillary pressure on liquid water removal in a cathode gasdiffusion layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cell. J. Power Sources, 2008,182:112-118. W-Y Shi, M K Ermarkov, N Imaishi. Effect of pool rotation on thermocapillary convection in shallow annularpool of silicone oil. J. Crystal Growth, 2006, 294: 474-485. W-Y Shi, N Imaishi. Hydrothermal waves in differentially heated shallow annular pools ofsilicone oil, J. Crystal Growth, 2006, 290: 280-291.
