1. 国家自然科学基金项目:构造煤甲烷吸附/解吸特征及与其微晶结构耦合机理(41372161),2014.1~2017.12,80万2. 国家自然科学基金项目:煤孔隙结构演化的构造制约及瓦斯富集机理研究(41072153),2011.1~2013.12,49万3. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“碳专项”子课题“煤层气”(XDA05010304),2011.1~2015.12, 200万4. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“碳专项”子课题“河南及西北地区煤炭开发中的碳排放”(XDA05030103),2011.1~2015.12 ,200万5. 河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划项目:煤层气储层物性及其地质控制(17IRTSTHN025),2017.1~2018.12,100万6. 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目:构造变形煤纳米级孔隙特征及其构造演化机制研究(13HASTIT030),2013.1~2015.12,60万
Pan Jienan*, Hou, Quanlin, Ju, Yiwen, Bai, Heling, Zhao, Yanqing. Coalbed methane sorption related to coal deformation structures at different temperatures and pressures, Fuel, 2012, 102: 760-765(SCI)
Pan Jienan*, Zhu Haitao, Hou Quanlin, Wang Haichao, Wang Sen. Macromolecular and pore structures of Chinese tectonically deformed coal studied by atomic force microscopy. Fuel, 2015,139:94-101 (SCI)
Pan Jienan*, Niu Qinghe, Wang Kai, Shi Xinghua, Li Meng. The closed pores of tectonically deformed coal studied by small-angle X-ray scattering and liquid nitrogen adsorption. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2016,224:245-252(SCI)
Pan Jienan*, Meng Zhaoping, Hou Quanlin, Ju Yiwen, Cao Yunxing. Coal strength and Young’s modulus related to coal rank, compressional velocity and maceral composition. Journal of Structural Geology, 2013, 54:129-135(SCI)
Pan Jienan*, Zhao Yanqing, Hou Quanlin, Jin Yi. Nanoscale pores in coal related to coal rank and deformation structures. Transport in Porous Media, 2015, 107: 543-554(SCI)
Pan Jienan*, Sun Teng, Hou Quanlin, Cao Yunxing, Deng Xiaowei. Examination of the formation phases of coalbed methane reservoirs in the Lu’an mining area (China) based on a fluid inclusion analysis and Ro method. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 22: 73-82 (SCI)
Pan Jienan*, Wang Sen, Ju Yiwen, Hou Quanlin, Niu Qinghe, Wang Kai, Li Meng, Shi Xinghua. Quantitative study of the macromolecular structures of tectonically deformed coal using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27: 1852-1862 (SCI)
Pan Jienan*, Wang Haichao, Wang kai, Niu Qinghe. Relationshiop of fractures in coal with lithotype and thickness of coal lithotype. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2014, 6(6):613-624(SCI)
Wang Haichao, Pan Jienan*, Wang Sen, Zhu Haitao. Relationship between macro-fracture density, P-wave velocity, and permeability of coal, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2015,117: 111–117 (SCI)