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副教授,2016/11-今,航空学院, 西北工业大学兼职研究员,2017/01-今,钱学森空间技术实验室,中国空间技术研究院副研究员,2015/04-2016/11,钱学森实验室,中国空间技术研究院 博士后,2013/07-2015/02,代尔夫特理工大学,航空宇航学院,荷兰


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(11602286),薄壁结构静、动力屈曲分析的新型非线性有限元降阶方法研究,2017/01-2019/12,27万元,在研,主持2. 中央高校基本科研业务基金(G2017KY0302),复合材料加筋壁板后屈曲强度分析,2017/01-2018/12,20万元,在研,主持3. 航天一院高校联合创新基金(CALT基金)(2017MC010110),轴压大型薄壁筒壳屈曲承载力的高效可靠评估,2017/08-2018/08,10万元,在研,主持4. 钱学森空间技术实验室自主研发课题(m-2015-hb-kh),航天薄壁结构屈曲承载能力的高效高精度、鲁棒评估方法研究,2015/04-2016/11,20万元,结题,主持5. 欧盟7框架项目DESICOS:航空宇航工程中大型复合材料圆柱壳结构的屈曲稳定性设计,7th Framework European Program (No. 282522) 2012/03-2015/07,300万欧元,参与6. 航天复材-金属连接件的强度分析, 由荷兰宇航局Dutch Space资助,2011/06-2012/02,参与 英文出版物Ke Liang, A Koiter-Newton arc-length method for buckling sensitive structures. PhDthesis, Printed by: Wohrmann Print Service, the Netherlands. 2013. ISBN 978-94-6203-387-0. 205 pages期刊论文(中科院分区)1.Ke Liang, et. al. A Koiter-Newton approach fornonlinear structural analysis. InternationalJournal for numerical method in Engineering. 2013, 96(12): 763-786. 二区2.Ke Liang, et. al. The Koiter-Newton approach usingvon Karman kinematics for buckling analyses of imperfection sensitivestructures. Computer Method in AppliedMechanics and Engineering. 2014, 279: 440-468.  一区3.Ke Liang, et. al. A new robust design forimperfection sensitive stiffened cylinders used in aerospace engineering. Science China Technological Sciences.2015,58:1-7. 三区4.Ke Liang, et. al. An eigenanalysis-based bifurcationindicator proposed in the framework of a reduced-order modeling technique fornonlinear analysis. International Journalof Non-linear Mechanics. 2016, 81: 129-138. 三区 5. Ke Liang, et. al. Co-rotational finiteelement formulation used in the Koiter-Newton method for nonlinear bucklinganalyses. Finite Elements in Analysis andDesign.2016,116:38-54. 二区6. Ke Liang, et. al. Nonlinear buckling analysis of the conical and cylindrical shells using the SGL strain based reduced order model and the PHC method. Aerospace Science and Technique. 2016, 55:103-110. 二区7.Ke Liang. A global-local finite element analysis ofhybrid composite-to-metal bolted connections used in aerospace engineering. Journal of Central South University. 2017, 24(6):1225-1232.四区8.Ke Liang. Koiter-Newton analysis of thick and thinlaminated composite plates using a robust shell element. Composite Structures, 2017, 161:530-539.  二区    9. Ke Liang, et. al. Buckling and post-bucklinganalysis of the delaminated composite plates using the Koiter–Newton method, CompositeStructures, 2017, 168:266-276二区10. Ke Liang, et. al. Reduced-ordermodeling analysis of shell structures buckling using a co-rotationalsolid-shell element. Aerospace Scienceand Technology. Inpress, 2017, 70:435-444.  二区 11. Ke Liang, et. al. A modified Newton-type Koiter-Newton method for tracing the geometrically nonlinear response of structures.  International Journal for numerical method in Engineering. 2017. In press. DOI: 10.1002/nme.5709. 二区12. D. Magisano, KeLiang, et al. An efficient mixed variational reduced order modelformulation for non-linear analyses of elastic shells. International Journal for numerical method in Engineering. 2017. In press.DOI: 10.1002/nme.5629. 二区13.L. Friedrich, S. Loosen, Ke Liang, et al. Stacking sequenceinfluence on imperfection sensitivity of cylindrical composite shells underaxial compression. Composite Structures.2015, 134:750-761. 二区专利1. 发明专利(201510737131.2):一种高效高精度地探测及跟踪结构屈曲分支路径的方法,第一发明人 2.发明专利(201610072681.1):一种轴压筒壳结构承载力折减系数及其确定方法,第一发明人3. 发明专利(201710604375.2):完全基于降阶模型的结构非线性屈曲平衡路径跟踪方法,第一发明人2015/03  欧盟FP7项目DESICOS杰出贡献奖(Excellent Work),德国宇航中心DLR颁发


博士学位(2010/10-2013/07): 代尔夫特理工大学,航空宇航学院,荷兰  专业:航空宇航结构设计与计算力学专业· 博士学位(2007/09-2012/11): 西北工业大学,航空学院,中国.   专业:飞行器设计· 学士学位(2003/09-2007/06): 西北工业大学,航空学院,中国.   专业:飞行器设计
