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曾先后在德国柏林工业大学和香港理工大学工作学习四年。 长期从事振动理论与应用方面的研究,重点研究方向为结构损伤和振动检测的理论与技术、声振耦合分析与计算、故障信号分析与特征提取等。主持完成的主要科研项目有国家自然科学基金、国防973课题、国家863课题、教育部博士点基金、香港地区RGC基金项目、国家重点实验室开放基金及陕西省自然科学基金等。曾获陕西省科技进步三等奖、陕西省高校科技进步一等奖、美国UTC容闳科技教育奖、陕西省优秀教学成果一等奖等多项成果与荣誉。在国内外学术期刊和国内外学术会议发表论文150余篇(其中SCI收录35篇、EI收录80篇)。主持的主要科研项目1.“基于随机共振弱信息检测的结构小损伤振动识别研究”,国家自然科学基金,2009-2011。2.“结构小损伤振动识别中的弱信息特征构建与提取”,教育部高校博士点基金,2009-2011。3.“XX仪器舱声振耦合机理”,国防973项目子课题,2006-2009。4.“支持故障预测的传感器布置及损伤诊断技术”,国家863项目,2007-2008。5.“复杂机体结构小损伤定位定量振动检测技术研究”,国家自然科学基金,2004-2006。6.“压电智能结构在复合材料损伤监测中的应用”,香港RGC基金项目,2002-2003。7.“充液容器裂纹损伤程度和位置的自动化检测”,香港RGC基金项目,2004-2005。8.“复合材料结构故障振动诊断实验技术”,国家重点实验室开放基金,2001-2003。9.“复合材料结构故障振动诊断理论与方法”,陕西省自然科学基金,2000-2002。1.“复杂结构小损伤振动检测理论与技术研究”,2008年度陕西省科技进步三等奖(排名第一)。2.“复杂结构小损伤振动检测理论与技术研究”,2008年度陕西高校科技进步一等奖(排名第一)3.2000年度美国UTC容闳科技教育奖(排名第一)4.“MEEF系统软件”1998年度陕西省优秀教学成果一等奖(排名第一)发表的主要论文1. Y.J. Yan, P.L. Cui, H.N. Hao, Vibration mechanism of a mistuned bladed-disk, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.317, Issue 1-2, (2008) 294—307 (SCI、EI收录).2. Y.J. Yan, L.H. Yam, Detection of delamination damage in composite plates using energy spectrum of structural dynamic responses decomposed by wavelet analysis, Computers and Structures, (4-5) 82 (2004) 347—358. (SCI、EI收录).3. YJ Yan LH Yam, L Cheng and L Yu. FEM modeling method of damage structures for structural damage detection. Composite Structures, 2006 72(2),193-199 (SCI、EI收录).4. Y.J. Yan, H.N. Hao, L.H. Yam. Vibration-based Construction and Extraction of Structural Damage Feature Index. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2004 Volume 41 Issue 24-25 pp. 6661-6676(SCI、EI收录).5. Y.J Yan and L.H. Yam, A synthesis analysis on design of optimum control for an optimized intelligent structure, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 249 (4), 775-784, 2002. (SCI、EI收录).6. YJ Yan, LH Yam,Optimal design on number and locations of Actuators in active vibration control of Piezo-laminated structures,Smart Materials and Structures, 11, 496-503, 2002. (SCI、EI收录).7. Y.J Yan and L.H. Yam, Online detection of crack damage in composite plates using embedded piezoelectric actuators/sensors and wavelet analysis, Composite Structures, 58(1), 29-38, 2002. (SCI、EI收录).8. Y.J Yan and L.H. Yam, Mechanical interaction issue in piezoelectric composite structures, Composite Structures, 59(1), 61-65, 2003. (SCI、EI收录).9. Y.J. Yan, L. Cheng, Z.Y Wu, L. H. Yam, Development in vibration-based structural damage detection technique, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21(5), 2007, 2198-2211. (SCI、EI收录). Y.J. Yan, H.G. Chen, J.S. Jiang, Optimal Placement of Sensors for Damage Characterization using Genetic Algorithms, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 334-335 (2007) pp. 1033-1036 (EI、ISTP收录).10. S.Z. Zhang, Y.J. Yan, Z.Y. Wu,Electric potential detection for structural surface crack using coating sensors,Sensors and Actuators A, 137 (2007) 223-229 (SCI、EI收录).11. G.Q. Xue, Y.J. Yan, Li, X. Pseudo-seismic wavelet transformation of transient electromagnetic response in engineering geology exploration. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 34, 31 August 2007(SCI、EI收录).12. G. Q. Xue, Y. J. Yan, X. Li, and Q. Y. Di,Transient electromagnetic S-inversion in tunnel prediction, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, , 2007(SCI、EI收录).13. H.G. Chen, Y.J. Yan, W.H. Chen, J.S. Jiang, L. Yu and Z.Y. WU, Early Damage Detection in Composite Wingbox Structures using Hilbert-Huang Transform and Genetic Algorithm, Structural Health Monitoring, 2007 6 281(SCI、EI收录).14. L.H. Yam, Y.J. Yan and Z. Wei Vibration-Based Non Destructive Structural Damage Detection. Advances in Nondestructive Evaluation, Pt 1-3 Key Engineering Materials 270-273: 1446-1453, Part 1-3 2004 (SCI、EI收录).15. L.H. Yam, Y.J. Yan. Vibration-based damage detection for composite structures using wavelet transform and neural network identification, Composite Structures, 60(4), 403-412, 2003. (SCI、EI收录).16. L.H. Yam, Y.J. Yan and J.S Jiang, Identification of complex crack damage for honeycomb sandwich plate using wavelet analysis and neural networks. Smart Material and Structures 12, 2003, 661-671. (SCI、EI收录).17. H.G. Chen, Y.J Yan, J.S. Jiang,Vibration-based Damage Detection of Composite Wingbox Structures using Improved Hilbert-Huang Transform,Key Engineering Materials Vols. 324-325 (2006) pp. 539-542(SCI、EI收录).18. H.G. Chen, Y.J. Yan, J.S. Jiang, Vibration-based damage detection in composite wingbox structures by HHT, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 21 (2007) 307—321(SCI、EI收录).19. X. Ge, Y.J Yan, H.G. Chen,A damage detection method: CMSE combined with Niche GA, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 334-335 (2007) pp. 929-932(EI、ISTP收录).20. L. Yu, Y.J. Yan, J.S. Jiang, L. Cheng, Optimization of Wavelet Packets Analysis for Damage Detection in Composite Materials, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 334-335 (2007) pp. 1149-1152 (EI、ISTP收录).21. L. Yu, L. Cheng, L.H. Yam, Y.J. Yan, Application of eigenvalue perturbation theory for detecting small structural damage using dynamic responses, Composite Structures, 78 (2007), 402-409(SCI、EI收录).22. L. Yu, L. Cheng, L.H. Yam, Y.J. Yan, J.S. Jiang, Online damage detection for laminated composite shells partially filled with fluid, Composite Structures 80 (3): 334-342 OCT 2007(SCI、EI收录).23. L Yu, L Cheng, L H Yam, Y J Yan and J S Jiang,Experimental validation of vibration-based damage detection for static laminated composite shells partially filled with fluid,Composite Structures 79 (2): 288-299 JUL 2007 (SCI、EI收录).
