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· 国家教育教学成果奖一等奖,排名第六(2014)· 国家级精品课程,排名第六(2009)· 陕西省高校优秀教学团队,排名第六(2009)· 陕西省教育教学成果奖特等奖,排名第六(2013)· 陕西省青年教师教学竞赛优秀奖(2012)· 西北工业大学“新人新方向”(2012)· 西北工业大学优秀青年教师(2013)· 西北工业大学讲课比赛一等奖(2013)· 西北工业大学“翱翔之星”(2009)· 西北工业大学“最满意教师”(2010)· 西北工业大学优秀奖教金(2010、2012)· 西北工业大学优秀共产党员(2012)· 西北工业大学三育人先进个人(2010)· 西北工业大学优秀工会干部(2010)· 西北工业大学理学院优秀青年教师(2008)


· 2015.05-至今,西北工业大学,理学院应用数学系,教授· 2010.05-2015.04 ,西北工业大学,理学院应用数学系,副教授 · 2006.05-2010.04,西北工业大学,理学院应用数学系,讲师· 2004.04-2006.04,西北工业大学,理学院应用数学系,助教 · 2015.02-至今,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,访问学者 · 2014.06-2014.07,St. Petersburg State University,访问学者· 2011.10-2011.11,VU University Amsterdam,访问学者 ◎ 主持的科研项目· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,具有联盟结构合作对策收益分配的非合作机制设计研究,2013.01-2016.12 · 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于代数结构的合作对策模型及其分配方案研究,2010.01-2012.12· 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目,网络合作对策研究,2013.01-2014.12· 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目,第二届中国-荷兰对策论国际研讨会,2013.06-2013.12· 教育部留学回国基金,合作对策空间的线性变换与矩阵分析,2009.06-2011.06· 陕西省自然科学基金,基于代数特征的联盟限制合作对策模型研究,2010.06-2012.12· 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划国际科技合作项目,网络合作对策及其应用研究,2014.01-2015.12· 西北工业大学基础研究基金,广义合作对策模型的代数结构与解的代数特征研究,2014.05-2016.05· 西北工业大学“新人新方向”建设项目,基于博弈理论的协同对抗决策支持技术研究,2012.09-2014.08· 西北工业大学基础研究基金,具有限制联盟结构合作对策解的一致性研究,2011.09-2013.08· 西北工业大学“翱翔之星计划”启动基金,联盟限制下合作对策模型的代数结构研究,2010.01-2012.12· 西北工业大学科技创新基金,合作博弈的代数结构与方法,2009.01-2010.12· 西北工业大学引进高层次人才科研启动基金,联盟限制下合作对策的代数结构与方法,2009.06-2011.05◎ 参与的科研项目· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,合作对策方案的相容性研究,2012.01-2015.12,第二参与人· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,联盟限制下合作对策的优化分配方案,2009.01-2011.12,第二完成人· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,集合对策解的公理化理论,2006.01-2008.12,第四完成人· 国家自然科学基金主任基金,基于图的粘连度和边粘连度的网络抗毁性研究,2007.01-2007.12,第六完成人· 陕西省自然科学基金,限制性集合对策解的公理化方法,2008.01-2009.12,第三完成人· 陕西省自然科学基金,整谱图及相关专题研究,2009.01-2010.12,第四完成人 ◎ 主要学术论文· Leon Petrosyan, Artem Sedakov, Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu*, (2016), Time consistency of the interval Shapley-like value in dynamic games, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, DOI:10.3233/IFS-151909.(SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Han Dai, Dongshuang Hou, Hao Sun, (2016), A-potential function and a non-cooperative foundation for the Solidarity value, Operations Research Letters 44 (1), pp. 86-91.(SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Theo S.H. Driessen, and Hao Sun, (2015), Extreme points of the Harsanyi set and the Weber set, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 432 (2), pp. 678-698.(SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Han Dai, Haobin Shi, (2015), Axiomatizations and a noncooperative interpretation of the a-CIS value, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 32(5), pp. (1550031)1-15.(SCI、EI索引)· Haobin Shi, Lincheng Xu, Lin Zhang, Wei Pan, Genjiu Xu, (2015), Research on self-adaptive decision-making mechanism for competition strategies in robot soccer, Frontiers of Computer Science 9 (3), pp. 485-494.(SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, René van den Brink, Gerard van der Laan, and Hao Sun, (2015), Associated consistency characterization of two linear values for TU games by matrix approach, Linear Algebra and its Applications 471, pp. 224-240.(SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Theo S.H. Driessen, Hao Sun, Jun Su, (2013), Consistency for the additive efficient normalization of semivalues, European Journal of Operational Research 224, pp. 566-571. (SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Wenna Wang, Hua Dong, (2013), Axiomatization for the center-of-gravity of imputation set value, Linear Algebra and its Applications 439, pp. 2205-2215. (SCI、EI索引)· Hongwei Gao, Leon Petrosyan, Han Qiao, Artem Sedakov, Genjiu Xu, (2013), Transformation of characteristic function in dynamic games, Journal of Systems Science and Information 1, pp. 22-37.· Weibin Han, Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu, (2012), A new approach of cooperative interval games: The interval core and Shapley value revisited, Operations Research Letters 40, pp. 462-468. (SCI、EI索引)· Jun Su, Wei Xu, Genjiu Xu, Liang Gao, (2012), Negaton, positon and complexiton solutions of the nonisospectral KdV equations with self-consistent sources, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 17, pp. 110-118. (SCI、EI索引)· Jun Su, Wei Xu, Duan Donghai, Genjiu Xu, (2011), New explicit exact solution of one type of the sine-Gordon equation with self-consistent source, Acta Physica Sinica 60(110203), pp.1-6. (SCI、EI索引)· Sun Lihui, Sun Hao, Yang Boqing, Xu Genjiu, (2011), A Repeated Game Theoretical Approach for clustering in mobile ad hoc networks, Proceedings of Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 544-549. (EI索引)· Hui Wang, Genjiu Xu, Hao Sun, (2010), The algebraic axiomatization of the Owen value, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications 1, pp. 323-327.· He Ninglun, Sun Hao, Xu Genjiu, (2011), Shapley Value and Core for Games on Matroids with Generalized Characteristic Functions, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, pp.1-4.· Wenna Wang, Genjiu Xu, (2012), Characterization of values with associated consistency, Proceedings of 2012 China International Conference on Game Theory and Applications, pp. 264-270.· Jun Su, Wei Xu, Genjiu Xu, Liang Gao, (2010), Complexiton solutions of the mKdV equation with self-consistent sources, Physics Letters A 374, pp.1457-1463. (SCI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Theo Driessen, and Hao Sun, (2009), Matrix approach to dual similar associated consistency for the Shapley value, Linear Algebra and its Applications 430, pp. 2896-2897. (SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Theo S.H. Driessen, and Hao Sun, (2008), Matrix analysis for associated consistency in cooperative game theory, Linear Algebra and its Applications 428, pp. 1571-1586. (SCI、EI索引)· Genjiu Xu, Hao Sun, Cornelis Hoede, and Theo Driessen, (2008), A solution defined by fine vectors, Game Theory and Applications 13, pp. 203-214. (ISTP索引)· Genjiu Xu, Xueliang Li, and Shenggui Zhang, (2007), The binding number of a digraph, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4381, pp. 221-227 (EI索引)· Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu, Theo Driessen, (2008), An overall-coalitional marginalistic value for set games, Game Theory and Applications 13, pp. 151-164. (ISTP索引)· Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu, and Hua He, (2007), A co-marginalistic contribution value for set games on matroids, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management, pp. 425-430. (ISTP索引)· Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu and Hua He, (2007), A Co-Marginalistic Contribution Value for Set Games on Matroids, Proceedings of ICM’2007, the 6th International Conference on Management, August 3-5, Wuhan, China, pp. 425-430. (ISTP索引)· 王文娜,徐根玖,李程,(2015),弱势群体在公共资源中的协调和一致分配,数学杂志,第35卷第1期,pp. 195-202.· 徐根玖,刘洋,刘一鸣,张泽卿,(2014),基于熵权法的高等教育生源危机预测分析,统计与决策,第21卷,pp. 92-95.· 徐根玖,苏军,张胜贵,(2007),有向图的结合数与计算,工程数学学报,第24卷第3期,pp. 527-534.· Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu, Quantitative marginalistic values for set games,运筹学学报, 2006,第10卷第4期, pp. 2-8.◎ 博士论文· Genjiu Xu, Matrix Approach to Cooperative Game Theory, Twente University Press, the Netherlands, ISBN: 9789036527101, 2008.◎组织的学术会议· 1st Joint China-Dutch Seminar on Game Theory and 4th China Meeting on Game Theory and Applications,首届中国-荷兰对策论国际研讨会暨第四届中国对策论及其应用国际学术会议(CMGTA’2010),Xi’an,August 16-20,2010· The 2nd DUTCH-CHINESE Seminar on Game Theory and Applications, Enschede, August 26-30, 2013· 2013 博弈论及其在管理科学中的应用研讨会, Xi’an, November 13-14, 2013.· 离散数学及其应用研讨会,Xi’an, June 10-11,2011◎学术会议报告· Axiomatizations and an implementation of the α-CIS value, The Eighth International Conference on Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 25-27, 2014.· The potential and an Implementation of the Solidarity value,2014(北京)青年运筹学者大会暨对策论专题研讨会,北京,July 4-6,2014.· Associated consistency and linear values for TU games, 2013 Xi’an Workshop on Game Theory and Its Application in Management Science, Xi’an, November 13-14, 2013.· Time-Consistency of Interval Shapley Value in Dynamic Games, 2nd Dutch-Chinese Seminar on Game Theory and Applications, Enschede, the Netherlands, August 26-30, 2013.· The implementation of cost allocation problems by Bankruptcy approach, 2nd Dutch-Chinese Seminar on Game Theory and Applications, Enschede, the Netherlands, August 26-30, 2013.· Axiomatization of two dual values with associated consistency, The Seventh International Conference on Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-28, 2013.·Associated consistency of linear values, 2012, Fourth Congress of the Game Theory Society, Istanbul, Turkey, July 22- 26, 2012.· Characterization of values with associated consistency, 2012 China International Conference on Game Theory and Applications, Qingdao, August 29-30, 2012.· Extreme points of the Harsanyi set and the Weber set,赛局理论及其应用国际研讨会,Tainan, Taiwan, September 29-30, 2011.· 基于代数结构的合作对策模型及其分配方案研究,国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学与工程学科2010年度青年基金项目研究工作交流会,长沙,October 21-22,2010· Matrix approach to cooperative games,The 3th China Meeting on Game Theory and Applications,贵阳,July 23-26, 2009.· Matrix Approach to the Shapley value, Workshop on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Tianjin, November 15-16, 2008.· Moebius transformation and its complementarity in game theory, The 4th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory,Wroclaw, Poland, June 26-28, 2008.· Matrix approach to the Shapley value and two types of associated consistency, The 3rd Pan-Pacific Game Theory Conference, Beijing, China, October 20-23, 2006.· The binding number of a digraph, The 7th China-Japan Joint Conference on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics and Graph Theory 2005, Xi’an, November 22-24, 2005.· A property of atom-contracted vertex-transitive digraphs and its applications, Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Cologne, May 18-20, 2005.


· 2004.10-2008.09,University of Twente,数学科学学院,研究生/博士· 2001.09-2004.04,西北工业大学,理学院应用数学系,研究生/硕士· 1997.09-2001.07,西北工业大学,应用数学系,本科/学士
