主持承担国家自然科学基金4项(青年1项、面上2项、合作重点1项,难变形材料环件辗轧成形方向),完成的青年基金被评为国家基金委机械学科“优秀结题项目”;主持博士后科学基金1项;主持承担国家重大科技专项课题3项(环件精密辗轧工艺、8米径轴向环轧机、2万吨难变形合金挤压装备与工艺方向);参加国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家杰出青年科学基金、国家重大科技专项等课题多项;获国家自然科学二等奖1项(排名3/5)、陕西省科学技术一等奖2项;发表学术论文60余篇,分别于InTech和Elsevier出版社发表英文专著书章3篇,其中InTech出版的有关环轧建模仿真书章,被德国、美国、英国、日本等国家广泛下载,下载量突破12000次,出版社认为产生了重要影响(Achieved impressive readershipresults and significant impact);获授权专利9件,软件著作权1项。 获奖情况: [1] 郭良刚(3/5), 复杂构件不均匀变形机理与精确塑性成形规律, 中华人民共和国国务院, 国家自然科学奖, 二等奖, 2012.[2] 郭良刚(7/8), 难变形材料精确塑性成形理论与技术研究, 陕西省人民政府, 陕西省科学技术奖, 一等奖, 2012.[3] 郭良刚(10/11),高性能轻量化构件局部加载成形成性一体化制造技术, 陕西省人民政府, 陕西省科学技术奖, 一等奖, 2014. 论文:[1] LG Guo, He Yang, Mei Zhan. Researchon plastic deformation behaviour in cold ring rolling by fem numericalsimulation. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,2005, 13 (7): 1029-1046.[2] LG Guo, H Yang. Towards a steadyforming condition for radial-axial ring rolling. International Journal of MechanicalSciences, 2011, 53(4): 286-299. (top 25 hottest article of IJMS in 2011 fullyear)[3] LG Guo, S Yang, He Yang, Jun Zhang.Processing map of as-cast 7075 aluminum alloy for hot working. Chinese Journalof Aeronautics, 2015, 28(6): 1774–1783.[4] LG Guo, H Yang, M Zhan, et al.Simulation for guide roll in 3D-FE analysis of cold ring rolling. Advances inMaterials Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2004, Vol. 471-472: 760-764.[5] LG Guo, H Yang. Numericalsimulation of inhomogeneous deformation in cold ring rolling. Steel Research International.2010, 81(9): 198-201.[6] LG Guo, H Yang. A Process PlanningMethod and Process Stability Analysis in Cold Ring Rolling. Steel Research International.2011, Special Edition: 188-93.[7] LG Guo, S Zhu and H Yang. Blanksize dependence of microstructure in radial-axial ring rolling of TA15 titaniumalloy by macro-micro FE simulation. Proceedings of the 4th InternationalConference on New Forming Technology, MATEC Web of Conferences 21, 03001:p1~p7,(2015), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 6th to 9th August 2015.[8] LG Guo, KK Dong, BJ Zhang, He Yang,WD Zheng. Dynamic recrystallization rules in needle piercing extrusion forAISI304 stainless steel pipe. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012)s519-s527.[9] LG Guo, L Dang, H Yang, J Zang, WDZeng. Identification of processing window for extrusion of large thick-walledInconel 625 alloy pipes using response surface methodology [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2016, 26 (7):1902-1911.[10] LG Guo, S Zhu, H Yang, XG Fan, FLChen. Quantitative analysis of microstructure evolution induced by temperaturerise during (α+ β) deformation of TA15 titanium alloy [J]. Rare Metals,2016, 35(3):223-229.[11] L Guo, X Fan, G Yu, H Yang.Microstructure control techniques in primary hot working of titanium alloybars: A review [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2016, 29 (1): 30-40. [12] L Guo, S Yang, H Yang, J Zhang.Processing map of as-cast 7075 aluminum alloy for hot working [J]. ChineseJournal of Aeronautics,2016, 28 (6):1774-1783.[13] 郭良刚, 杨合, 金坚诚. 环件径轴向轧制毛坯尺寸设计方法. 机械工程学报, 2010, (24):1-9.[14] 郭良刚, 邸伟佳, 杨合, 李永堂. 难变形材料环件双向辗轧过程轧制曲线设计方法. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(16): 83-88.[15] 郭良刚, 陈孝庆, 杨合, 陈建华, 邸伟佳. tc4钛合金锥形环辗轧整圆曲线设计及其影响规律. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(14): 126-134.[16] 郭良刚, 陈建华, 杨合, 谷瑞杰. tc4钛合金锥形环热辗轧应变及温度场对轧辊尺寸的响应规律. 航空学报, 2013, 34(6): 1463-1473.[17] 郭良刚, 杨合, 邸伟佳, 陈福龙, 朱帅. TC4钛合金薄壁带筋锥形环辗轧充填规律. 航空学报, 2015, 36(8): 2798-2806.[18] S Zhu, H Yang, L G, XG Fan. Effectof cooling rate on microstructure evolution during α/β heat treatment of TA15titanium alloy. Materials Characterization, 2012, 70: 101-110.[19] S Zhu, H Yang, LG Guo, RJ Gu.Investigation of deformation degree and initial forming temperature dependencesof microstructure in hot ring rolling of TA15 titanium alloy by multi-scalesimulations. Computational Materials Science. 2012, 65: 221-229.[20] S Zhu, H Yang, LG Guo, LL Hu,Xiaoqin Chen. Research on the effects of coordinate deformation on radial-axialring rolling process by FE simulation based on in-process control.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2014, 72(1-4):57-68.[21] 朱帅, 杨合, 郭良刚, 邸伟佳, 凡玉. ta15环件径轴向辗轧成形全过程组织演变模拟研究. 航空学报, 2014, 35(11): 3145-3155.[22] 张保军,杨合,郭良刚,石磊,谷瑞杰,寇永乐.AZ31 镁合金薄壁管挤压分流孔轴向倾角影响规律研究.中国有色金属学报, 2012, 22(10): 2713-2719.[23] Dang li, Yang he, Guo liang gang,et al. Study on exit temperature evolution during extrusion for large-scalethick-walled Inconel 625 pipe by FE simulation [J]. The International Journalof Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2015, 76: 1421-1435.专著:[24] LG Guo, H Yang. numerical modelingand simulation of radial-axial ring rolling process. numerical analysis -theory and application, isbn 978-953-307-389-7, edited by: jan awrejcewicz,publisher: intech, september 2011 (english book chapter, 目前下载量突破12000次,top5国家含美、德、英、法、日,出版社认为:achieved impressive readership andsignificant impact)[25] LG Guo, H Yang. Deformation rulesand mechanism of large-scale profiles extrusion of difficult-to-deformmaterials. In Comprehensive Materials Processing McGeough, J., Ed. ElsevierLtd., 2014 Vol. 5, pp 291–319. ISBN: 9780080965321. 专利:[26] 郭良刚, 杨合. 一种确定环件径轴向轧制毛坯尺寸的方法. 国家发明专利, 专利号:ZL201010164754.2, 2011.8.[27] 郭良刚, 杨合. 一种确定环件径轴向轧制稳定成形域的方法. 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL201010277960.4, 2012.9.[28] 郭良刚,高冰,杨合.一种钛合金薄壁复杂异形环形工件胀形模具. 国家发明专利,专利号:201510197511.1, 2016.9.软件:[29] 郭良刚, 杨合, 金坚诚. 环件径轴向轧制工艺设计与管理系统 [简称RARRDMS] v1.0. 计算机软件著作权, 著作权人: 西北工业大学, 登记号:2010sr038369.