承担的国家级项目:(近5年)1. 国家自然科学基金miR-34a在乳腺癌干细胞自我更新过程中的调节机制 81272430 2013.1-2016.12 85万 主持人
代表性论文(近5年):例:作者、文章题目、杂志名称(影响因子)、卷期、页码 SCI收录1.Zhang C, Lu Y, Li Q, Mao J, Hou Z, Yu X, Fan S, Li J, Gao T, Yan B, Wang B, Song B, Li L.(通讯作者),Salinomycin suppresses TGF-beta 1-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells,Chem Biol Interact. 2016 Mar 25248:74-81(影响因子2.618)
2.Zhang J, Liu D, Feng Z, Mao J, Zhang C, Lu Y, Li J, Zhang Q, Li Q, Li L.(通讯作者),MicroRNA-138 modulates metastasis and EMT in breast cancer cells by targeting vimentin,Biomed Pharmacother. 2016 Feb77:135-41(影响因子2.326)
3.Gao T, Li JZ, Lu Y, Zhang CY, Li Q, Mao J, Li LH.(通讯作者),The mechanism between epithelial mesenchymal transition in breast cancer and hypoxia microenvironment,Biomed Pharmacother. 2016 May80:393-405(影响因子2.326)
4.Zhang F, Li L, Yang X, Wang B, Zhao J, Lu S, Yu X.(第2作者),Expression and activation of EGFR and STAT3 during the multistage carcinogenesis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma induced by 3'-methyl-4 dimethylaminoazobenzene in rats.J Toxicol Pathol.2015 Apr28(2):79-87(影响因子0.848)
5.Zhang F, Yang X, Li L, Sun L, Wang BO, Yu X.(第3作者),Epidermal growth factor receptor expression and gene copy number analysis in gastric carcinoma samples from Chinese patients,Oncol Lett. 2016 Jan11(1):173-181(影响因子1.482)
6.Xiang D, Zheng C, Zhou SF, Qiao S, Tran PH, Pu C, Li Y, Kong L, Kouzani AZ, Lin J, Liu K, Li L, Shigdar S, Duan W.(第12作者),Superior Performance of Aptamer in Tumor Penetration over Antibody: Implication of Aptamer-Based Theranostics in Solid Tumors.Theranostics. 2015 Jul 25(10):1083-97(影响因子8.854)
7.Ma W, Xiao GG, Mao J,Lu Y, Song B, Wang L, Fan S, Hou Z, Li J, Wang B, Xu F, Liu Q, Li L.(通讯作者),Dysregulation of the miR-34a-SIRT1 axis inhibits breast cancer stemness. Oncotarget. 20153. (影响因子6.791)
8.Le Kang, Jun Mao, Yajun Tao, Bo Song,Wei Ma, Ying Lu, Lijing Zhao, Jiazhi Li,Bao xue Yang and Lianhong Li.(通讯作者), MiR-34a Suppresses the Breast Cancer Stem Cell-like Characteristics by Downregulating Notch1 Pathway. Cancer Science.2015. (影响因子3.534)
9. Lu Y, Ma W, Mao J, Yu X, Hou Z, Fan S, Song B, Wang H, Li J, Kang L, Liu P, Liu Q, Li L.(通讯作者),Salinomycin exerts anticancer effects on human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cancer stem cells via modulation of Hedgehog signaling. Chem Biol Interact. 201525:100-107. (影响因子2.982)
10. Wang L, Duan W, Kang L, Mao J, Yu X, Fan S, Li L, Tao Y. (通讯作者),Smoothened activates breast cancer stem-like cell and promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis of breast cancer. Biomed Pharmacother 201468(8):1099-1104. (影响因子2.108)
11. J Mao, S Fan, W Ma, P Fan, B Wang, J Zhang, H Wang, B Tang, Q Zhang, X Yu, L Wang, B Song and L Li. (通讯作者),Roles of Wnt/b-catenin signaling in the gastric cancer stem cells proliferation and salinomycin treatment. Cell Death & Disease 2014 5: e1039. (影响因子5.177)
12. Lin song, Jun Mao, Jun Zhang, Ibrahim MM, Lianhong Li,Jianwu Tang. (通讯作者),Annexin A7 and its binding protein galectin-3 influence mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cell line in vitro. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 201368(3):377-384. (影响因子2.108)13. Fan P, Fan S, Wang H, Mao J, Shi Y, Ibrahim MM, Ma W, Yu X, Hou Z, Wang B, Li L. (通讯作者),Genistein decreases the breast cancer stem-like cell population through Hedgehog pathway. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2013,4(6):146. (影响因子4.634)
14. Jin Y, Mao J, Wang H, Hou Z, Ma W, Zhang J, Wang B, Huang Y, Zang S, Tang J, Li L. (通讯作者),Enhanced tumorigenesis and lymphatic metastasis of CD133+ hepatocarcinoma ascites syngeneic cell lines mediated by JNK signaling pathway in vitro and in vivo. Biomed Pharmacother. 2013 ,67(4):337-45. (影响因子2.108)
15. Mao J, Song B, Shi Y, Wang B, Fan S, Yu X, Tang J, Li L. (通讯作者),ShRNA targeting Notch1 sensitizes breast cancer stem cell to paclitaxel. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2013 ,45(6):1064-73. (影响因子4.240)
16. Li L, Xiao B, Tong H, Xie F, Zhang Z, Xiao GG. (第1作者),Regulation of breast cancer tumorigenesis and metastasis by miRNAs. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2012,9(6):615-25. (影响因子3.542)
17. Tao Y, Mao J, Zhang Q, Li L. (通讯作者), Overexpression of Hedgehog signaling molecules and its involvement in triple-negative breast cancer. Oncol Lett. 2011 ,2(5):995-1001. (影响因子0.987)
18. Yan M, Zhang Y, He B, Xiang J, Wang ZF, Zheng FM, Xu J, Chen MY, Zhu YL, Wen HJ, Wan XB, Yue CF, Yang N, Zhang W, Zhang JL, Wang J, Wang Y, Li LH, Zeng YX, Lam EW, Hung MC, Liu Q. (第18作者),IKK alpha restoration via EZH2 suppression induces nasopharyngeal carcinoma differentiation. Nat Commun.2014,5:3661. (影响因子10.742)
19. Shigdar S, Qiao L, Zhou SF, Xiang D, Wang T, Li Y, Lim LY, Kong L, Li L, Duan W.(通讯作者),RNA aptamers targeting cancer stem cell marker CD133. Cancer Lett. 2013, 330(1):84-95. (影响因子5.016)
20. Shigdar S, Qian C, Lv L, Pu CW, Li Y, Li LH, Marappan M, Lin J, Wang LF, Duan W.(第6作者) ,The Use of Sensitive Chemical Antibodies for Diagnosis: Detection of Low Levels of Epcam in Breast Cancer. PLOS ONE.2013, 8(2): e57613. (影响因子3.534)
21.Chu Wanjiang,Zhuang Engui,Wang Honghai,Xu Zhuping,Bai Canming,Wang Jian and Li Lianhong,(通讯作者), Construction and application of high quality medical video teaching resources.Frontier and future development of information technology in medicine and education.2013,3:2013-2021
1999年9月-2002年7月 医学博士 大连医科大学;1988年9月-1991年7月 医学硕士 白求恩医科大学;1979年9月-1984年 7月 医学学士 大连医科大学。