主持项目: 国家自然科学基金基金青年项目1项(2014-2016); 高等学校博士点基金1项(2014-2016)。研究结果:1、Chunlin Hao and Yuhong Dai, A Sequential subspace projection method for extreme Z-eigenvlaues of supersymmetric tensor. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications(under vevision).2、Yiqing Hu, Chunlin Hao and Yuhong Dai, Projected gradient algorithm for optimization over oder simplices. Optimization Methods and Software(under vevision).3、Xin Liu, Chunlin Hao and Minghou Cheng, A Sequential subspace projection method for linear eigenvalue problem. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. Volume 30, Issue 03, June 2013.4、Chunlin Hao and Xinwei Liu, Global convergence of an SQP algorithm for nonlinear optimization with overdetermined constraints. Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, Volume 2, Number1, pp. 19-29, 2012.5、Chunlin Hao and Xinwei Liu, A trust-region filter-SQP method for mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Volume 7, Number 4, pp. 1041-1055, 2011.
2008年-2011年,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院计算数学所博士,导师戴YU虹研究员 2005年-2008年,河北工业大学硕士,导师刘新为教授