朱雄,男,1963年4月生,药物化学专业博士。1987年7月留校工作。现任研究员,研究生导师,中国药科大学医药化工研究所所长。 南京市321人才。多年来,本人主要专注于新药研究与开发工作,主持承担的国家重大新药创制科技重大专项一项( 2015GKH-065);江苏省新药转化基金项目一项(JH-09-29) ;福建省区域科技重大项目一项(2010Y3001);江苏省科技支撑计划一项(BE-2013708)。获得国家各类新药证书15本;获得新药临床批件13件;在新药开发和技术转让方面,具有比较丰富的经验和突出的成绩。先后申请发明专利12个,已授权专利8个,其中获得美国和日本专利授权各1个;在国内外核心刊物上发表论文20余篇。
近几年发表的部分论文:[1]Zhu Xiong, Zhou Jinpei, Zhu Yan, et al. Synthesis and Biological Activities of Sulfinyl Acetamide Derivatives for Narcolepsy Treatment [J]. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery , 2013, 10(3): 266-270。[2]Zhenzhou Jianga,c,1, Meijuan Wua,1, Jingshan Miaoa, Huaqin Duana, Shuang Zhanga,Mi Chena, Lixin Suna,c, Yurong Wanga, Xueji Zhanga, Xiong Zhu d,∗, Luyong Zhanga,b,∗∗Deoxypodophyllotoxin exerts both anti-angiogenic and vasculardisrupting effectsThe International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 45 (2013) 1710– 1719[3]Xiong Zhu,Yue Wang,Wen Long Huang.. Crystal structure of 2-(bis(4-fluorophenyl)methylsulfonyl)acetamide,C15H13F2NO2S[J]. Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2010,225(4):639-640。[4]XiongZ,YueWang,TaoLu2-[3-Cyano-4-(2-methylpropoxy)phenyl] -4- methylthiazole-5-carboxylic acid pyridine solvate[J]. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online,2009, 65(11):2603。[5] Yan Tanga,c, Zhewei Tua, Jing Sunb, Xiong Zhuc,#, Kun Liua, Shuying Heb and Yungen Xua,* Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Aminosaccharide Derivatives of Combretastatin A-4 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2013, 10, 935-941[6] Xiong Zhu1, Jinpei Zhou*,2, Yan Zhu1, Xiaowen Hu†,3, Yuemin Bian2, Xinting Hu2, Zhuo Tao2, Cong Gao1 and Wenlong Huang,Synthesis and Biological Activities of Sulfinyl Acetamide Derivatives for Narcolepsy Treatment Letters in Drug Design & Discovery, 2013, 10, 266-270[7] Meijuan Wua,1, Zhenzhou Jiang a,c,1, Huaqin Duan a, Lixin Sun a,c, Shuang Zhang a, Mi Chen a, Yun Wanga, Qin Gao a, Yuming Song a, Xiong Zhu d,*, Luyong Zhang a,b,** Deoxypodophyllotoxin triggers necroptosis in human non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H460 cells Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 67 (2013) 701–706