陕西省第九批青年百人计划2010国家优秀自费留学生奖学金欧洲材料研究学会(European Materials Research Society)2010 Young Scientist Award
2011.07- 2012.01 德国Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, 博士后;2012.02-2016.05 西班牙CIC纳米研究中心, 博士后; 2016.06 西北工业大学,生命学院,教授。 科研项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(31771577)陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(2017044)代表性论文:1. Fan Yang, Mikel Abadia, Chaoqiu Chen, WeikeWang, Le Li, Lianbing Zhang*, CeliaRogero, Andrey Chuvilin, Mato Knez* Design of active and stable oxygenreduction reaction catalysts by embedding CoxOy nanoparticles intonitrogen-doped carbon. Nano Research 2017,10,97-107. 2. Le Li, Lianbing Zhang*, Mato Knez* Comparison of two endogenous deliveryagents in cancer therapy: Exosomes and ferritin. Pharmacological Research 2016,110,1-9.3. LeLi, Maider Mu?oz-Culla, Unai Carmona, Maria Paz Lopez, Fan Yang, CesarTrigueros, David Otaegui, LianbingZhang*, Mato Knez* Ferritin-mediated siRNA delivery and gene silencing inhuman tumor and primary cells. Biomaterials 2016,98,143-151.4. Lianbing Zhang, Le Li, Di Penta, A.Carmona, U. Yang, F. Sch?ps, R. Brandsch, M. Zugaza, JL. Knez, M.* H-ChainFerritin: A Natural Nuclei Targeting and Bioactive Delivery Nanovector. AdvancedHealthcare Materials 2015,4, 1305-1310. 5.UnaiCarmona, Le Li, Lianbing Zhang*,Mato Knez* Ferritin light-chain subunits: key elements for the electrontransfer across the protein cage. Chem. Commun. 2014,50,15358-15361.
1996.09-2000.07 郑州大学, 商用英语, 文学学士;2000.09-2007.07 德国哈勒维滕贝格大学, 生物化学, Diplom;2007.09-2011.07 德国斯图加特大学, 生物化学, 博士。