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吴筱星,博士,特聘研究员,博士生导师。1997至2004年分别在兰州大学和浙江大学完成本科及硕士。2004年赴美国布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University)攻读博士学位,师从著名有机合成化学家Barry B. Snider教授,从事天然产物全合成。2009年到麻省理工学院(MIT),与世界著名有机金属化学家、美国科学院院士Stephen L. Buchwald教授合作开展博士后研究。2011年10月回国,加入中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院开展独立科研工作。2014至2017年在国际顶级制药公司(艾伯维与礼来),从事代谢性疾病领域小分子新药的研发工作。2017年底加入中国药科大学,针对代谢性疾病和肿瘤免疫治疗等领域的靶点或通路,开发创新小分子药物。


代表性论文:1. Lei, J. Wu, X.* Zhu, Q.* “Copper-Catalyzed Trifluoromethylalkynylation of Isocyanides” Org. Lett.2015, 17, 2322-2325.2. Lei, J. Liu, X. Zhang, S. Jiang, S. Huang, M. Wu, X.* Zhu, Q.* “Copper-Catalyzed Trifluoromethylation of Trisubstituted Allylic and Homoallylic Alcohols” Chem. Eur. J.2015, 21, 6700-6703.3. Liu, X. Wu, X.* “Development and Challenges in the Copper-Catalyzed Trifluoromethylation of Alkenes” Synlett2013, 24, 1882-1886.4. Liu, X. Xiong, F. Huang, X. Xu, L. Li, P.* Wu, X.* “Copper-Catalyzed Trifluoromethylation-Initiated Radical 1,2-Aryl Migration in α,α-Diaryl Allylic Alcohols” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2013, 52, 6962-6966.5. Wu, X. Fors, B. P. Buchwald, S. L.* “A Single Phosphine Ligand Allows Palladium-Catalyzed Intermolecular C-O Bond Formation with Secondary and Primary Alcohols” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2011, 50, 9943-9947.6. Cai, X.-C. Wu, X. Snider, B. B.* “Synthesis of the Spiroiminal Moiety of Marineosins A and B” Org. Lett.2010, 12, 1600-1603.7. Wu, X. Zhou, J. Snider, B. B.* “Introduction of the (–)-Berkelic Acid Side Chain and Assignment of the C-22 Stereochemistry” J. Org. Chem.2009, 74, 6245-6252.8. Wu, X. Zhou, J. Snider, B. B.* “Synthesis of (–)-Berkelic Acid” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2009, 48, 1283-1286.9. Snider, B. B.* Wu, X. “Synthesis of (–)-Chaetominine” Org. Lett.2007, 9, 4913-4915.10. Snider, B. B.* Wu, X. Nakamura, S. Hashimoto, S. “A Short, Formal, Biomimetic Synthesis of (±)-Polygalolides A and B” Org. Lett.2007, 9, 873-874.11. Snider, B. B.* Wu, X. “Synthesis of (+)-Myrtopsine, (+)-7,8-Dimethoxymyrtopsine, and Related 2,3-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)benzofuran Natural Products” Heterocycles2006, 70, 279-294.12. Wang, Y.-G.* Wu, X.-X. Jiang, Z.-Y. “A Mild and Efficient Selective Tetrahydropyranylation of Primary Alcohols and Deprotection of THP Ethers of Phenols and Alcohols Using PdCl2(CH3CN)2 as Catalyst” Tetrahedron Lett.2004, 45, 2973-2976.


1997.08 – 2001.07 兰州大学,化学,学士。2001.09 – 2004.03 浙江大学,有机化学,硕士。2004.08 – 2009.05 美国布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University),有机化学, 博士 。
