2008/1-2010/5年,西北工业大学,力学与土木建筑学院,讲师。2014/9-2015/9年,英国诺丁汉大学,工程学院,访问学者。2010/5-至今,西北工业大学,力学与土木建筑学院,副教授、硕士研究生导师。 主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目1项(编号:51475369)、航空科学基金1项(编号:2013ZF53068)、国防民机科研项目5项和西北工业大学基础研究基金1项(编号:JC20110257),参与完成国家自然科学基金项目2项、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目1项、国防科技工业技术基础科研项目1项和总装、空装等国防民机科研项目30余项,在航空航天材料、结构、强度设计和分析方面取得了一定的突破,解决了诸多型号的关键技术问题。出版专著3部,发表学术论文60余篇,被SCI、EI和ISTP收录40余篇。同时兼任国家自然科学基金和教育部学位中心论文评议专家,兼任国际SCI杂志《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《Computational Materials Science》和《Cement and Concrete Composites》,国内EI杂志《航空学报》、《复合材料学报》、《振动与冲击》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》和《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》,校内杂志《航空工程进展》等的特约审稿人。 近年来代表性著作和论文1. 王富生,姚小虎,刘军,李磊,岳珠峰著,飞机风挡鸟体冲击实验与分析技术,科学出版社,2015.2. 岳珠峰,王富生,王佩艳,霍世慧,刘洋,董永朋著,飞机复合材料结构分析与优化设计,科学出版社,2011.3. Fusheng Wang, ShiHui Huo, Shengjun Qiao, Junran Zhang, Zhufeng Yue, An effective computer modeling approach to the study of aeroelastic characteristics of an aircraft composite wing with high aspect ratio, Mathematical and Computer modeling of Dynamical Systems, 2015, 21(1), 58-76. (SCI和EI检索)4. F.S. Wang, N. Ding, Z.Q. Liu, Y.Y. Ji, Z.F. Yue, Ablation damage characteristic and residual strength prediction of carbon fiber/epoxy composite suffered from lightning strike, Composite Structures, 2014, 117, 222-233. (SCI和EI检索)5. WANG Fu-sheng, WANG Pei-yan, JI Yao-yao, LIU Zhi-qiang, YUE Zhu-feng, Mechanical property of single-bolted composite laminates, Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(2), 466-471. (SCI和EI检索)6. Fusheng Wang, Shihui Huo, Zhufeng Yue, Wei Qian, Further study on aeroelastic response of aircraft wing with freeplay, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2012, 18(11), 1690-1697. (SCI和EI检索)7. WANG Fu-sheng, ZHANG Jun-ran, WANG Pei-yan, HUO Shi-hui, YUE Zhu-feng, Reliability analysis of laminated composite under compression and shear loads, Journal of Central South University, 2012, 19(10), 2712-2717. (SCI检索)8. F.S.Wang, Z.F.Yue,W.Z.Yan, Factors study influencing on numerical simulation of aircraft windshield against bird strike, Shock and Vibration, 2011, 18( 3), 407-424. (SCI和EI检索)9. F.S.Wang, Z.F.Yue, Numerical simulation of damage and failure in aircraft windshield structure against bird strike, Materials and Design, 2010, 31(2), 687-695. (SCI和EI检索)10. Fusheng Wang, Yaoyao Ji, Jinglin Zhang, Shengjun Qiao, Dynamical penetration simulation of solid target under shaped charge liner, Applied Mechanics Materials, 2014, 548-549, 410-416. (EI检索)11. 王富生,张钧然,郑涵天,刘洋,岳珠峰,复合材料加筋壁板鸟撞动响应分析,振动与冲击,2013,32( 4),6-9. (EI检索)12. 王富生,谯盛军,华林,岳珠峰,复合材料双曲度大网格高精度单元研究,复合材料学报,2012,29(2),135-144. (EI检索)