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在研项目1.东北区域性造血干细胞/骨髓移植为核心的重大血液病分层诊断及个体化治疗技术体系建设项目,辽宁省省直医院改革重点临床科室诊疗能力建设项目,闫金松(主持人),(2015.07-2018.06),200万。2.IRAIN-DNMT3A正反馈回路影响急性髓细胞白血病发生发展的分子机制 及临床意义,国家自然基金面上项目(81570124/H0812),闫金松(主持人),(2016.01-2019.12),71.6万。3.膜联蛋白Annexin II在急性早幼粒细胞白血病中高表达的病理生理效应及分子调控机制,国家自然基金面上项目(81270606/H0812),闫金松(主持人),(2013.01-2016.12),70万。4.伯基特淋巴瘤显著降解细胞外基质的病理生理机制的研究,辽宁省自然科学基金(2014023014)。(2014.03-2017.02),闫金松(主持人),5万。
代表文章1)Lu C, Liu X, Liu C, Wang J, Li C, Liu Q, Li Y, Li S, Sun S, Yan J, ShaoJ. Chlorpyrifos induces MLL translocations through caspase 3-dependent genomic instability and topoisomerase II inhibition in human fetal liver hematopoietic stem cells. Toxicol Sci. 2015 Oct 147(2):588-606. ( IF 3.854)2)Liu X, Wang J, Lu C, Zhu C, Qian B, Li Z, Liu 1, Shao J, Yan J.The role of lysosomes in BDE 47-mediated activation of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in HepG2 cells. Chemosphere. 2015 Apr 124:10-21. (IF 3.499)3)Yan J, Chen X, Shao J. A single course of ATRA plus arsenic trioxide reached a long-term survival in a patient with newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia: a suggestion for reduction of treatment courses? Eur.J.Haematol. 2013 (IF 2.5)4)Yan JS, Wang KK, Dong LM et al. PML/RARɑ fusion protein transactivates the tissue factor promoter through a GAGC-containing element without direct DNA association. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A,2010, 107:3716-3721 (IF,9.432)。5)Su, XY, Mi, JQ, Yan, JS, et al: RGT, a synthetic peptide corresponding to the integrin beta 3 cytoplasmic C-terminal sequence, selectively inhibits outside-in signaling in human platelets by disrupting the interaction of integrin alpha IIb beta 3 with Src kinase. Blood, 2008,112, 592-602 (IF,10.43)。6)Wang L, Zhao WL, Yan JS et al. Eriocalyxin B induces apoptosis of t(821) leukemia cells through NF-kappa B and MAPK signaling pathways and triggers degradation of AML1-ETO oncoprotein in a caspase-3-dependent manner. Cell Death.Differ. 200714:306-317. (Co-first author,IF 7.78 ) .7)Zhao WL, Wang L, Liu YH, Yan JS et al. Combined effects of histone deacetylase inhibitor and rituximab on non-Hodgkin's B-lymphoma cells apoptosis. Exp.Hematol. 200735:1801-1811. (Co- first author,IF 3.8) .8)闫凡芝,闫金松(通讯),赵佳等,建立过表达HMGB1蛋白的K562稳定细胞株,中国实验血液学杂志,2011,19 (1):1-5。9)杨岩,闫凡芝,闫金松(通讯)等,筛选调控组织因子基因表达的药物研究,中国实验血液学杂志,2011,19 (1):207-210。10)闫金松,陈雪瑜,李伟平等,B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤小鼠模型的建立,癌症,2009, 28 (2): 217-220。


1988.9-1993.7 上海铁道医学院(现上海同济大学医学院),医学学士;1995.9-1998.7 大连医科大学,硕士学位;2003.9-2007.7 上海交通大学上海血液学研究所,内科学博士学位。
