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1. Guojun Peng, Synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems, Physics Letters A, 363(5-6), 426-432, Elsevier 出版社, 2007. (SCI检索)2. Guojun Peng, Yaolin Jiang, Generalized projective synchronization of a class of fractional-order chaotic systems via a scalar transmitted signal, Physics Letters A, 372(22), 3963-3970, Elsevier 出版社, 2008. (SCI检索)3. Guojun Peng, Yaolin Jiang, Fang Chen, Generalized projective synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems, Physica A, 387(14), 3738-3746, Elsevier 出版社, 2008. (SCI检索)4. Guojun Peng, Yaolin Jiang, Bifurcations of a Holling-type II predator-prey system with constant rate harvesting, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 19(8), 2499-2514, World Scientific 出版社, 2009. (SCI检索)5. Guojun Peng, Yaolin Jiang, Two routes to chaos in the fractional Lorenz system with dimension continuously varying, Physica A, 389(19), 4140-448, Elsevier 出版社, 2010. (SCI检索)6. Guojun Peng, Yaolin Jiang, Practical computation of normal forms of the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 66(1-2),99-132, Springer出版社, 2011. (SCI检索)7. Guojun Peng, Yaolin Jiang, Computation of universal unfolding of the double-zero bifurcation in Z2- symmetric systems by a homological method, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 19(9), 1501--1512, Taylor & Francis出版社, 2013. (SCI检索)8. 彭国俊,陈潮填,计算分岔规范型和普适开折的同调方法,吉林大学学报(理学版),51(5),783-788, 2013.9. Guojun Peng, Changpin Li, Computation of universal unfolding of the double zero bifurcation in the Z2- symmetric system, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91(3), 461--479, Taylor & Francis出版社, 2014. (SCI检索)
