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2016.05–今,西北工业大学,理学院应用物理系,副教授2012.05–2016.05,西北工业大学,理学院应用物理系,讲师2010.04–2012.05,西北工业大学,理学院应用物理系,助教 期刊论文[1] D. L. Geng, W.J. Xie, N. Yan, B. Wei, Vertical vibration and shape oscillation ofacoustically levitated water drops, Applied Physics Letters 105(10): 104101, 2014[2] D. L. Geng, W. J. Xie, N. Yan, B. Wei, Surface waves on floatingliquids induced by ultrasound field, Applied Physics Letters 102(4): 041604, 2013[3]D. L. Geng, W. J. Xie, B. Wei, Containerless solidification ofacoustically levitated Ni-Sn eutectic alloy, Applied Physics A 109(1): 239-244,2012[4] 耿德路,解文军,洪振宇,魏炳波. 声悬浮条件下Ag-Cu共晶合金的无容器凝固研究,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学. 41(3): 227-235, 2011[5]N. Yan, D. L. Geng, Z. Y. Hong, B. Wei, Rapidsolidification of acoustically levitated Al-Cu-Si eutectic alloy under laserirradiation, Chinese Science Bulletin 56(9): 912-918, 2011[6] W. Zhai, D.L. Geng, W. L. Wang, B. Wei, A calorimetric study of thermodynamicproperties for binary Cu-Ge alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 535: 70-77,2012 [7] N. Yan, D. L. Geng, Z. Y. Hong, B. Wei, Ultrasoniclevitation processing and rapid eutectic solidification of liquid Al-Ge alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 607: 258-263, 2014[8] Z.Y. Hong, N. Yan, D. L. Geng, B. Wei, Surface wave patterns onacoustically levitated viscous liquid alloys, Applied Physics Letters 104(15): 154102,2014[9] N. Yan, Z. Y. Hong, D. L. Geng, B. Wei, Acomparison of acoustic levitation with microgravity processing forcontainerless solidification of ternary Al-Cu-Sn alloy, Applied Physics A 120(1):207-213, 2015[10] W. Zhai, L. Hu, D. L. Geng, B. Wei, Thermodynamicproperties and microstructure evolution of ternary Al-10%Cu-x%Sn immisciblealloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 627: 402-409, 2015[11] Z. Y. Hong, P.Lü, D. L. Geng, W. Zhai, N. Yan, B. Wei, The near-field acousticlevitation of high-mass rotors, Review of Scientific Instruments 85:104904,2014[12] Z. L. Yan, W. J. Xie, D. L. Geng, B. Wei, The ninth-modesectorial oscillation of acoustically levitated drops, ChineseScience Bulletin 56(31): 3284-3288, 2011[13] W. Zhai, W. L. Wang, D.L. Geng, B. Wei, A DSC analysis of thermodynamic properties andsolidification characteristics for binary Cu-Sn alloys, Acta Materialia 60:6518-6527, 2012[14] N. Yan, Z. Y. Hong, D. L. Geng, W. L. Wang, B. Wei,Phase Separation and Structure Evolution of Ternary Al-Cu-Sn Immiscible Alloyunder Ultrasonic Levitation Condition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 544:6-12, 2012[15] W. Zhai, Z. Y. Hong, X. L. Wen, D. L. Geng, B. Wei, Microstructuralcharacteristics and mechanical properties of peritectic Cu-Sn alloy solidifiedwithin ultrasonic field, Materials Design, 72: 43-50, 2015会议论文[1] D. L. Geng, W. J. Xie, B. Wei, Preparationof Ti50Ni30Cu10Pd10 shape memory alloys by rapid solidification, Proceedings ofthe 12th World Conference on Titanium 1: 605-608, Beijing, 2011


