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李哲峰,  博士/副教授, 化工学院化学系。2003-2008年中科院长春应用化学研究所硕博连读 博士毕业,主要从事配合物有机电致发光性能研究。2009.2-2010.8 于香港中文大学化学系从事博士后研究, 主要研究方向为纳米材料材料制备与纳米器件工艺优化。2010年9月加入重庆大学化学化工学院。在Adv. Mater. 以及J. Phys. Chem. C.等期刊发表学术论文20余篇,SCI/EI收录20余篇。国家级精品课程资源共享平台《大学化学》课程主讲教师。


[1] Zhefeng Li*, Jiao Li, Xianye Luo, “Application of phosphonic acid self-assembled monolayerin organic field-effect transistors”, Applied Surface Science 282,487-491, 2013.[3] Li Zhefeng*, Luo Xianye, “ADO-phosphonic acid self-assembledmonolayer modified dielectrics for organic thin film transistors”. Journalof Semiconductors 2014.[4]Zhefeng Li,Hongjie Zhang, Jiangbo Yu, Near-infrared electroluminescence fromdouble-emission-layers devices based on Ytterbium (III) complexes. ThinSolid Films 520 (2012) 3663–3667. (SCI. IF 1.8)[5] Danqing Liu, Zhefeng Li and Qian Miao*, Inducedcrystallization of rubrene with diazapentacene as the template. J. Mater.Chem., 2012, 22, 4396-4400. (SCI. IF 5.1)[6] ZujinZhao, Zhefeng Li, Jacky W. Y. Lam, High hole mobility of, 2-bis[40-(diphen -ylamino) biphenyl-4-yl]-1,2-diphenylethenein field effect transistor.Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 6924–6926. (SCI.IF 5.8)[7]Zhefeng Li, Jun Du,Qin Tang, Feng Wang, Jian-Bin Xu, Jimmy C. Yu, Qian Miao,“Induced Crystallization of Rubrene in Thin Film Transistors”, Adv.Mater., 2010. 22.3242-3246. (SCI. IF 10.8)[8]Zhefeng Li, Liang Zhou, Jiangbo Yu, Hongjie Zhang, Ruiping Deng,Zeping Peng, Zhiyong Guo, “Synthesis, Structure, Photoluminescence andElectroluminescence Properties of a New Dysprosium Complex”, J.Phys. Chem. C., 2007, 111,2295-2300. (SCI. IF 4.2)[9] Zhefeng Li, Jiangbo Yu, Liang Zhou, Hongjie Zhang*, Ruiping Deng,Zhiyong Guo, “1.54 μm Near-Infrared Photoluminescent and ElectroluminescentProperties of a New Erbium (III) Organic Complex”, Organic Electronics,2008, 9, 487-497. (SCI. IF 4.1)[10] Zhefeng Li, Jiangbo Yu, Liang Zhou, Hongjie Zhang*, RuipingDeng, “The Optical Properties and The Natural Lifetime Calculation of a Sm(III)Complex” Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2008, 11, 1284-1287.(SCI. IF 2.0)[11] Zhefeng Li, JiangboYu, Liang Zhou, Ruiping Deng, Hongjie Zhang*, “The near-infrared opticalproperties of an Nd (III) complex and its potential application inelectroluminescence”, Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2009, 12, 151-153. (SCI. IF 2.0)
