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主要研究方向为网络化嵌入式计算领域的自适应嵌入式实时计算、智能系统与软件以及面向航天/航空及智能交通领域的多机器人群体智能、嵌入式系统仿真验证技术。在法博士后研究期间,参与欧盟CyberCars项目中无人车辆控制及多车辆自主协作方向的研究。 一、主持项目       近年来,主持国家自然科学基金青年课题、国家自然科学基金面上课题、陕西省重大科技创新计划、航空院所合作课题多项,主要纵向项目有:        [1]. 城市服务域多无人车的协同规划模型与控制方法,  中央高校基础研究基金, 2017-2018        [2]. 时空-服务域多无人车自主行为协同模型与关键机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(61572403), 2016-2019        [3]. 信息物理融合的智能车优先级自适应协作模型与方法,中央高校基础研究基金(3102015JSJ0102), 2015-2016        [4]. 多形态嵌入式系统智能化实时服务模型及实现方法,国家自然科学基金青年课题(61103004), 2012-2014        [5]. Generation of an intelligent memory controller forintensive data parallel applications using Array-OL concepts and the UML MARTEprofile, 与Université  de Bourgogne  LE2I实验室的Ouassila副教授联合承担中法合作交流项目(26106YB) ,2011        [6]. 面向装备物联的网络化嵌入式软件平台,陕西省“13115”科技创新工程重大科技专项(ZDKG-83), 2010-2012        [7]. 面向智能工业缝制设备的可定制嵌入式软件, 陕西省科技计划项目, 2007-2008.     院所研究项目如下:        [1]. ***实时控制软件容错设计, 航空研究院所, 2009-2010        [2]. ******, 航空计算技术研究所(装发预研), 2018-2019        [3]. 多星******技术, 航天八院(预研), 2018-2019.二、参加项目         作为技术负责人,参加国家十一五预研项目、国家发改委产业化示范项目、西安市科技局重大项目等,三项项目评价优秀;       作为主要成员,参加国家核高基重大专项、国家十二五预研、国家自然基金重点课题、国家863课题、陕西省科技战略研究项目等多项。三、对外合作与交流          与法国ParisTech Mines机器人研究中心CAOR、法国勃艮第大学LE2I实验室、巴黎第十二大学LISSI实验室等建立学术合作关系。        2017年7月,与北京翼辉信息技术有限公司联合成立“西北工大-翼辉信息 嵌入式操作系统联合实验室”。       2017年10月13日-15日,组织、举行法中科学与应用基金会第九届学术年会。四、论文发表    在IEEE TRANS on ITS、IEEE Communication Letters等国际期刊、IEEE ITSC等国际学术会议、国内核心学术期刊等发表学术论文50余篇,三大索引30余篇次。[1] Kailong ZHANG, Ansheng YANG,  Hang SU, Arnaud de LA FORTELLE, Kejian MIAO, Yuan YAO. Service-Oriented Cooperation Models and Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Driverless Vehicles at Continuous Static Critical Sections, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Regular Paper), Volume:18, Issue:7, 2017.pp1867-1881  IEEE Link     SceneVideo[2] KailongZHANG, Dafang ZHANG, Arnaud De La FORTELLE, Xiao WU, Jean GRéGOIRE, State-driven Priority Scheduling Mechanisms forDriverless Vehicles Approaching Intersections, IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems (Regular Paper), Vol:16(5), 2015.pp2487-2500    IEEE Link[3] Yao Yuan, Zhang Kailong, Zhou Xingshe.  A Flexible Multi-channel Coordination MAC protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Communications Letters,Vol:21(6), 2017.pp1305-1308     IEEE Link[4]Yao Yuan, Zhou Xingshe, Zhang Kailong. Density-Aware Rate Adaptation for Vehicle Safety Communications in the Highway Environment, IEEE Communications Letters, 18(7), pp 1167-1170, 2014/7   IEEE Link[5] Zhang Kailong, Wang Min, Su Hang, Yang Ansheng, Arnaud de La Fortelle, Miao Kejian. QoS-CITS: A simulator for service-oriented cooperative ITS of intelligent vehicles, 2017 IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS2017), Wuhan, 24-26 May, 2017.  IEEE Link[6] Kailong ZHANG, Ansheng Yang, Hang Su, Arnaud de La Fortelle, Xiao WU. Unified Modeling and Design of Reservation-based Cooperation Mechanisms for Intelligent Vehicles, IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1-4, 2016. IEEE Link[7] Kailong Zhang, Liang Hu, Panfei Zuo, Xiao Wu, Kejian Miao, Yuan Yao, Wireless Extension Mechanism and Logic Design for FPGA-based Ethernet Powerlink Node, IEEE/ACIS ICIS 2016. Okayama, Japan, June, 2016.  IEEE Link[8] Zhang Kailong, Zhou Shaoli, Hu Liang, Su Hang, Wu Xiao, Miao, Kejian. Design and verification of heterogeneous streaming parallel mechanisms on Kepler CUDA, 13th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing(PICom 2015),Liverpool, United kingdom, Oct, 2015.pp2256-2262   IEEE Link[9] Zhang Kailong, ArnaudDe La Fortelle , Zhang Dafang, Wu Xiao. Analysis andmodeled design of one state-driven autonomous passing-through algorithm fordriverless vehicles at intersections, 16th IEEE International Conference on ComputationalScience and Engineering (CSE 2013), 2013/12/3-2013/12/5, pp 751-757, Sydney,NSW, Australia, 2013 IEEE Link[10] Zhang Kailong, Li Jiwei, De La Fortelle Arnaud et al., Agent based adaptive cooperative models and mechanisms ofmultiple autonomous cyber-physical systems, 14th ACISInternational Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence,Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2013), 2013/7/1- 2013/7/3,pp 159-164, Honolulu, HI, United states, 2013  IEEE Link[11] Zhang Kailong, Li Jiwei, Lu Zhou, Luo Mei, Wu Xiao. A scene-drivenmodeling reconfigurable hardware-in-loop simulation environment for theverification of an autonomous CPS, 5thInternational Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2013), 2013/8/26-2013/8/27, pp 446-451, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2013 IEEE Link[12] Zhang Kailong, Yao Yuan, Lu Zhou, Wu Xiao, Labanni Ouassila. A newuniversal-environment adaptive multiprocessor scheduler for autonomouscyber-physical system, IEEE/ACIS11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2012),2012/5/30-2012/6/1, pp 373-378, Shanghai, China, 2012 IEEE Link[13] Luo Mei, Zhang Kailong, Yao Longhui, Zhou Xingshe. Research on resources scheduling technology based onfuzzy clustering analysis ,2012 9thInternational Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2012,2012/5/29-2012/5/31, pp 152-155, Chongqing, China, 2012[14] Yao Longhui, Zhang Kailong, LuoMei, Zhou Xingshe. Configurable communication middleware model andimplementation for industrial network service software. 4th IEEE InternationalConference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), Beijing, 2013[15] Erfeng SU, Kailong ZHANG and Xingshe ZHOU. Optimized Image Recognition based Sewing Pattern FileAuto-Generating Method for Intelligent Industrial Equipments, 11th IEEE/ACISInternational Conference on Computer and Information Science, China, 2012[16] Zhou LU, Kailong ZHANG and Xingshe ZHOU. A Software Fault-Tolerant Method Based on Exception Handingin RT/E System. 10th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security andPrivacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom2011), 2011.pp1283-1287[17] Yuan YAO, Kailong ZHANG and Xingshe ZHOU. Application of a Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural NetworkController with Group-Based Genetic Algorithm to Greenhouse, 7th InternationalConference on Natural Computation, pp.660-667, 2011[18] Yao yuan, Zhou Xingshe, Zhang Kailong, Dong Dong, Dynamic trajectory planning for unmanned aerial vehicle based on sparse A* search and improved artificial potential field, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2010(07).pp953-959[19] KailongZHANG, Xingshe Zhou, Chongqing Zhao, Yuan Yao.Synthesis Constraints Optimized Genetic Algorithm for Autonomous Task Planningand Allocating in MAS. 7th ACIS International Conference on SoftwareEngineering Research, Management and Applications, Hainan, pp.10-15, 2009  IEEE Link[20] ZHANGKailong, ZHOU Xingshe, YAO Yuan, ZHAO Chongqing.  FEAS: Fuzzy-logic based Environment Adaptive Scheduler for Agent System. 10thACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence,Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, South Korea, pp.269-274, 2009 IEEE Link[21] Yuan YAO, Kailong ZHANG and Xingshe ZHOU. A Novel Parameter Learning Algorithm for a Self-constructingfuzzy neural network design. In 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference onComputer and Information Science, Shanghai, China. June, 2009. 77-81[22] ZHANGKailong, LIANG Ke, ZHOU Xingshe, WU Xiao. ASimilar Resource Auto-Discovery Based Adaptive Fault-tolerant Method forEmbedded Distributed System. International Conference on Parallel ProcessingWorkshops, pp.21-21, Xi'an, 2007[23] ZHANGKailong, ZHOU Xingshe, LIANG Ke, LI Jianjun. 2004, TheCustomizable Embedded System for Seriate Intelligent Sewing Equipment. The 1stInternational Conference of Embedded System and Software, Hangzhou, pp.143-149, 2004五、科研成果及获奖    作为技术负责人,研制的系列新型工业装备智能化嵌入式系统,产学研合作实现了产业化和国际化推广;    作为技术负责人,研制的新型装备嵌入式分布计算平台已在某设备地面原型系统应用验证;    中国国家发明专利5项,其中第一发明人4项,第二发明人1项;    中国计算机软件著作权12项,其中第一著作权人11项,第二著作权人1项;    获陕西省科技进步一等奖1项、鉴定国防科技成果并获国防科技成果三等奖1项;    第二届中国嵌入式系统十大杰出青年(2011)。    QoS-CITS智能交通仿真软件v2.0: Youku视频链接


2000年7月,西北工业大学计算机系,获工学学士学位;2003年4月,西北工业大学计算机学院,获工学硕士学位; 2009年3月,西北工业大学计算机学院,获工学博士学位;2012年11月-2014年5月,入选法国法中科学与应用基金FFCSA博士后项目,法国Mines ParisTech机器人研究中心CAOR,博士后。 2017年10月-2017年11月,应邀赴美国UC Berkeley大学PATH研究院进行短期学术访问。
