曹觉先,男,湘潭大学物理与光电工程学院副院长,中国共产党党员,教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪人才。主要从事计算凝聚态物理学、新能源材料、磁性薄膜材料等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、教育部新世纪人才项目1项、省部级项目等10余项项目,作为核心人员参加国家自科重点项目1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目3项和省部级项目10余项基金项目研究。在项目的资助下,在低维结构的电子输运、热输运、低维磁性材料设计等方面取得多项开创性成果,发展了轨道杂化理论、转移矩阵方法、晶格动力学理论、计算磁晶各向异性的扭矩法、能带刚性模型,在Science(1篇,影响因子33.61),Acs Nano(1篇,影响因子12.88),Phys. Rev. Lett. (1篇,影响因子7.51), Phys.Rev. B(20篇,影响因子3.71),Appl. Phys. Lett. (9篇,影响因子3.30)等国际主流杂志发表论文80 余篇。研究工作得到了国际同行的高度评价,多次被Science,Nature等杂志综述报道,学术论文被引用1200次。
1. P. Li, J. X. Cao, X. Z. Guo, New approach for fabrication germanene with Dirac electrons preserved: A first principle study, J. Mater. Chem. C,4,1736(2016)2. Y. Zhang, G. J. Zhu, Z. Wang, J. L. Lu, Z. X. Guo, J. X. Cao, Graphyne as a promising substrate for high density magnetic storage bits, RSC Adv.,5, 87841 (2015)3. H. S. Zhang, T. Zhou, G. F.Xie, J. X. Cao, Z. Q. Yang, Thermal transport in folded zigzag and armchair graphene nanoribbons, Appl. Phys. Lett, 104, 24 (2014)4. Y. Zhang, Z. Wang , J. X. Cao, Prediction of magnetic anisotropy of 5d transition metal-doped g-C3N4, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2.8817 (2014)5. J. L. Lu, Y. H, Guo, Y. Zhang, Y. R. Tang and J. X. Cao, Li decorated 6, 6, 12-graphyne: A new star for hydrogen storage material,Inter. J. Hydrog. Energy. 39,17112 (2014)6. Q. Yang, J. X. Cao, Y. C. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Y. Ma, and X. J. Lou, Tunable oxygen vacancy configuration by strain engineering in perovskite ferroelectrics from first-principles study, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 142911 (2013)7. Y. H. Guo, X. X. Lan, J.X. Cao, B. Xu, Y. D. Xia, J. Yin, Z. G. Liu,A comparative study of the reversible hydrogen storage behavior in several metal decorated graphyne,Inter. J. Hydrog. Energy. 38, 10 (2013)8. Y. Jiang, Y. N. Zhang, J. X. Cao, R. Q. Wu, W. Ho, Real-space imaging of Kondo screening in a two-dimensional O2 lattice, Science, 333, 324 (2011)9. W. Ouyang, A. Shinde, Y. Zhang, J. X. Cao, R. Ragan, R. Wu, Structural and Chemical Properties of Gold Rare Earth Disilicide Core? Shell Nanowires, ACS Nano, 5, 477 (2011)10. Y. N. Zhang, J. X. Cao, R. Q. Wu, Rigid band model for prediction of magnetostriction of iron-gallium alloys, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 062508 (2010)