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1. 复杂结构多轴数控加工技术  2. 智能加工技术 [1] Baohai Wu, Shangjin Wang. Automatic triangulation over three-dimensional parametric surfaces based on advancing front method.Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2005, 41: 892-910.(SCI, EI).[2] 吴宝海,王尚锦. 自由曲面叶轮的四坐标数控加工研究. 航空学报, 2007, 28(4): 993-998. (EI)[3] 吴宝海,罗明,张莹,李山,张定华.自由曲面五坐标加工刀具轨迹规划技术的研究进展. 机械工程学报, 2008,44(10): 9-18.(EI)[4] B. H. WU, M. LUO, D. H. ZHANG, Xu ZHOU. Deformation Control and Chatter Suppression in 5-axis Milling of Thin-walled Blade. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 188: 314-318. (EI)[5] 吴宝海,张莹,张定华.基于广域空间的自由曲面宽行加工方法.机械工程学报, 2011, 47(15): 181-187.(EI) [6] Baohai Wu, Dinghua Zhang, Ming Luo,Ying Zhang. Collision and interference correction for impeller machining withnon-orthogonal four-axis machine tool. The International Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology, 2013, 68(1-4), pp693-700.(SCI, EI)[7] Baohai Wu, Xue Yan, Ge Gao, Ming Luo.Cutting Force Prediction for Circular End Milling Process. Chinese Journal ofAeronautics, 2013, 26(3): 823-830.(SCI, EI)[8] Baohai Wu, Ming Luo, and DinghuaZhang, An efficient approach for identifying stable lobes with discretization method,Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/682684. (SCI)[9] Ge Gao, Baohai Wu, Dinghua Zhang,Ming Luo. Mechanistic identification of cutting force coefficient in bull-nosemilling process. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2013, 26(3): 823-830. (SCI,EI)[10] Yilong Liu, Dinghua Zhang, Baohai Wu. An efficient full-discretization method for prediction of milling stability. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2012, 63:44-48. (SCI, EI)[11] 吴宝海, 韩飞燕. 叶轮流道四轴非正交机床加工刀轴控制方法. 中国机械工程, 2012, 23(21): 2546-2551.[12] 吴宝海, 张娟, 杨建华, 张定华. 螺杆压缩机转子成形砂轮刃形计算, 机械工程学报, 2012, 48(19): 192-199. (EI)


学士,流体机械及工程,西安交通大学,1997硕士,流体机械及工程,西安交通大学,2000博士,动力工程及工程热物理,西安交通大学,2005 博士后,航空宇航制造工程,西北工业大学,2007
