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获陕西省科技进步二等奖1项,三等奖1项。获第五届陕西省青年科技奖、陕西高校“巾帼建功标兵” 、陕西省青年突击手等荣誉称号。


2013.6-至今,在西北工业大学生物学院任教;1998年7月-2013年5月,在西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院任教。其中,2000.3-2000.7,在法国利玛格兰种业公司ULICE实验室进行合作研究;2002.6-2004.12,在江南大学生物工程学院作博士后;2006.5-2007.5,在美国加州大学戴维斯分校农业与工程学院做访问学者。2000年晋升讲师,2002年晋升副教授,2008年晋升教授。现为西北工业大学生命学院教授,博士生导师,生物系主任。 近五年主持的项目[1]国家支撑计划:国家支撑计划(2015BAD16B02)——微生物源生物拮抗菌剂的研发,2015-2017[2]国家自然科学基金面上项目(31471718):葡萄内生菌合成白藜芦醇的代谢途径构建与功能基因解析,2015-2018 [3]国家自然科学基金(31201408):拟茎点霉合成松脂醇二葡萄糖苷的糖基化酶性质表征与基因克隆,2013-2015 [4]陕西省自然科学基金(2014JM3049):链格孢属合成白藜芦醇的酶学机制及其酶法合成体系的构建,,2014-2016[6]陕西省科技攻关项目(2008K02-09),发酵法高效生产松脂醇二葡萄苷技术研究,2011-2013 近5年发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI论文40余篇。近年来代表性论文:[1] Lu Y, Shao DY, ,Huang QS, Yang H, Jin ML. Strategies for enhancing resveratrol production andthe expression of pathway enzymes. Appl Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016,100:7404-7421. [2] Che JX,Transcriptome analysis reveals the genetic basis of the resveratrolbiosynthesis pathway in an endophytic fungus (alternaria sp. MG1) isolated from vitis vinifera. Frontiers inMicrobiology. 2016, 7:1-12.[3] Che JX, , Gao ZH,Zhang Y. A new approach to produce resveratrol by enzymatic bioconversion. Journalof Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 26(8):1348-1357.[4] Chen DF, , Hu XZ. Enhancement ofpolyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of oat (Avena nuda L.) bran bycellulase treatment. Applied Biological Chemistry. 2016, 59(3):397-403.[5] Chen ZN,, Yang XJ, Liu Y, Nan B,Wang ZF. Isolation of exopolysaccharide-producing bacteria and yeasts fromTibetan kefir and characterisation of the exopolysaccharides. InternationalJournal of Dairy Technology. 2016. 69:1-8.[6] Zhang Y, , Gao ZH, Che JX, Shao DY,Liu YL. Comparison of pinoresinol diglucoside production by Phomopsis sp.XP-8in different media and the characterisation and product profiles of thecultivation in mung bean. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2016,96 (12):4015-4025.[7] Shao DY, Zhang LJ, Du SK, Yokoyama W, , Li N, Wang JX. Polyphenolic content and color of seedless andseeded shade dried chinese raisins. Food Science and Technology Research. 2016,22(3): 359-369.[8] Zhu J, Shi JL*, Lu Y, Liu LP, Liu YL. Application ofstrains of geotrichum spp. To decrease higher alcohols and to increase ester.Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2016, 122:147-155.[10] Chen DF, Shi JL*, Hu XZ, Du SK. Alpha-amylasetreatment increases extractable phenolics and antioxidant capacity of oat(Avena nuda L.) flour. Journal of Cereal Science, 2015, 65: 60-66[11] Shao DY, Li J, Li J, Tang RH, Liu L*,Shi JL**, Huang QS, Yang H. Inhibition of Gallic Acid on the Growth and BiofilmFormation of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus mutans. Journal of FoodScience, 2015, 80(6): M1299-M1305 (DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.12902)[12] Shao DY, Venkitasamy C, Li X, Pan ZL*,Shi JL**, Wang B, Teh HE, McHugh TH. Thermal and storage characteristics oftomato seed oil. LWT-Food Science and Technology 2015, 63(1): 191-197 (DOI:10.1016/j.lwt.2015.03.010)[13] ZhangY, Shi JL*, Gao Z,Yangwu R, Jiang H, Che J, Liu YL. Production of pinoresinoldiglucoside, pinoresinol monoglucoside, and pinoresinol by Phomopsis sp. XP-8 using mung bean and its major components.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2015., 99:4629–4643.[14]Chen ZN, Shi JL, Yang XJ, Nan B, Liu Y, Wang ZF. Chemicaland physical characteristics and antioxidant activities of the exopolysaccharideproduced by Tibetan kefir grains during milk fermentation. International DairyJournal. 2015, 43: 15-21.[15] Zhu CY, Shi JL*, Jiang CM, Liu YL. Inhibitionof the growth and ochratoxin A production by Aspergillus carbonarius and Aspergillusochraceus in vitro and in vivo through antagonistic yeasts. Food Control,2015, 50: 125-132[16] Jiang CM, Shi JL*, Chen XQ, Liu YL. Effectof sulfur dioxide and ethanol concentration on fungal profile and ochratoxin aproduction by Aspergillus carbonarius during wine making. Food Control, 2015,47: 656-663[17] Li N, Shi JL*, Wang K. Profile andAntioxidant Activity of Phenolic Extracts from 10 Crabapples (Malus Wild Species). J Agric Food Chem2014, 62: 574-581.[18] Jiang CM, Shi JL*, Cheng YL, Liu YL.Effect of Aspergillus carbonarius amountson winemaking and ochratoxin A contamination. Food Control,2014,40:85-92[19] Zheng YJ, Shi JL*, Pan ZL, Cheng YL,Zhang Y, Li N. Effect of heat treatment, pH, sugar concentration, and metal ionaddition on green color retention in homogenized puree of Thompson seedlessgrape. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2014,55:595-603[20] Jiang CM, Shi JL*, Liu YL, Zhu CY.Inhibition of Aspergillus carbonarius andfungal contamination in table grapes using Bacillussubtilis. Food Control,2014, 35:41-48[21] Zhang JH, Shi JL*, Liu YL. Substratesand enzyme activities related to biotransformation of resveratrol fromphenylalanine by Alternaria sp. MG1.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013,97:9941-9954[22] Jiang CM, Shi JL*, Zhu CY. Fruitspoilage and ochratoxin a production by Aspergilluscarbonarius in the berries of different grape cultivars. FoodControl,2013,30: 93-100.[23] Jiang CM, Shi JL*, Han QA, Liu YL.Occurrence of toxin-producing fungi in intact and rotten table and wine grapesand related influencing factors. Food Control. 2013,31:5-13.[24] Zhang JH, Shi JL*, Lv HL, Liu YL.Induction of hexanol dehydrogenase in Geotrichumspp. by the addition of hexanol. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013,97:1279-1287[25] Zhang JH, Shi JL*, Liu YL.Bioconversion of resveratrol using resting cells of non–genetically modified Alternaria sp. Biotechnology and AppliedBiochemistry, 2013,60(2):236-243.[26] Shi JL, Liu C, Liu LP, Hao HS, Yang BW,Zhang YZ. Structure identification and fermentation characteristics ofpinoresinol diglucoside produced by Phomopsissp. isolated from Eucommia ulmoidesOliv. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2012, 93:1475-1483 [27] Shi JL, Zeng Q, Liu YL, Pan ZL. Alternaria sp. MG1, aresveratrol-producing fungus: isolation, identification and optimal cultivationconditions for resveratrol production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2012, 95:369–379 [28] Zhu J, Shi JL*, Pan ZL. Purificationand characterization of a hexanol-degrading enzyme extracted from apple,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60 (12):3246–3252 [29] Zheng YJ, Shi JL, Pan ZL. Biochemicalcharacteristics and thermal inhibition kinetics of polyphenol oxidase extractedfrom Thompson seedless grape. European Food Research and Technology,2012,234:607–616


