获奖情况:1. 2012年,教育部霍英东高校青年教师奖(2年评选一次,此次全国共102人获奖);2. 2011年,吴亚军优秀青年教师奖特等奖(当年全校共5人获特等奖);3. 2010年,陕西省科学技术一等奖(第2完成人);4. 2010年,全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖;5. 2010年,第八届陕西青年科技奖;6. 2010年,陕西省青年科技新星;7. 2009年,国家教育部新世纪优秀人才;8. 2006年,教育部自然科学二等奖(第2完成人);9. 2009年,西北工业大学青年学者奖;10. 2009年,西北工业大学优秀青年教师;11. 2008年,西北工业大学“翱翔之星”;12. 2008年,西北工业大学理学院优秀教师;13. 自2013年,Applied Physics Letters、Philosophical MagazineLetters国际学术期刊的审稿人;14. 自2010年,Nanotechnology、Int.J. MolecularSci.国际学术期刊的审稿人;15. 自2008年,Journal of Physics D: AppliedPhysics国际学术期刊的审稿人;16. 自2008年,Journal of Physics: CondensedMatter国际学术期刊的审稿人;17. 自2008年,陕西物理学会会员;18. 研究生学习期间被授予“优秀研究生干部标兵”、“三好研究生标兵”、“十佳学生社会活动标兵”和陕西省“优秀毕业生”等称号。1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,电磁悬浮大体积镍基合金快速凝固机理与组织形成控制,2015~2018,主持人;2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,亚稳液态多元合金的物理化学性质与微观结构研究,主持人;3. 国家教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,液态多元钛基合金的表面性质与表面结构研究,主持人;4. 211工程三期新人新事新方向,液态Ni基高温合金的微观结构研究,主持人;5. 陕西省自然科学基金,新型钛合金的无容器快速凝固研究,主持人;6. 西工大翱翔之星人才计划,深过冷液态合金的热物理性质研究,主持人;7. 921载人航天空间应用科学项目,XXXXXX,主要参与人;8. 国家基金创新研究群体项目,金属材料空间环境地面模拟,主要完成人;9. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,超常条件下材料凝固理论研究,主要完成人; 发表论文情况 在Applied Physics Letters、Physical Review E、Journal of Chemical Physics、Philosophical Magazine Letters、Physics Letters A、Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics、Science in China和Chinese Physics Letters国内外一流学报上发表学术论文40余篇,SCI、EI收录40余篇。代表性论文1. H. P. Wang,J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Measurement and Calculation of Surface Tension for Undercooled Liquid Nickel and its Alloy”,Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 106 (3) 033506. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子2.2)PDF2.H. P. Wang,C. D. Cao and B. Wei, “Thermophysical Properties of a Highly Superheated and Undercooled Ni-Si Alloy Melt”,Applied Physics Letters, 2004, 84 (20) 4062-4064.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子4.0)PDF3.H. P. Wang,W. J. Yao, and B. Wei, “Remarkable Solute Trapping Within Rapidly Growing Dendrites”,Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (20) 201905. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子4.0)PDF4. H. P. Wang,B. C. Luo, and B. Wei, “Molecular Dynamics Calculation of Thermophysical Properties for a Highly Reactive Liquid”,Physical Review E, 2008, 78 (4) 041204. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子2.5)PDF5. H. P. Wang, S. J. Yang, and B. Wei, "Molecular Dynamics Prediction of Density for Metastable Liquid Noble Metals",Chemical Physics Letters, 2012, 539 30-34. (SCI收录,影响因子2.2)PDF发表论文目录2013年42.J. Chang,H. P. Wang, K. Zhou, and B. Wei, “Thermophysical properties and rapid solidification of an undercooled liquid hexabasic Ni-based alloy”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2013, 93 (4) 201-207. (SCI)41.K. Zhou,H. P. Wang, and B. Wei, “Thermophysical properties of substantially undercooled liquid Ti-Al-Nb ternary alloy measured by electromagnetic levitation”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2013, 93 (3) 138-141. (SCI)40.L. Hu,H. P. Wang, L. H. Li, and B. Wei, “Geometric optimization of electrostatic fields for stable levitation of metallic materials”, Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56 (1) 53~59. (SCI)2012年39.H. P. Wang, S. J. Yang, and B. Wei, "Molecular Dynamics Prediction of Density for Metastable Liquid Noble Metals",Chemical Physics Letters, 2012, 539 30-34. (SCI收录,影响因子2.2)38.H. P. Wang, and B. Wei, “Ordered Structure Formation from Disordered Atoms Within Undercooled Liquid Rhodium”,Chemical Physics Letters, 2012, 521 (1) 55-58. (SCI收录,影响因子2.2).37.H. P. Wang, S. J. Yang and B. Wei, “Density and Structure of Undercooled Liquid Titanium”,Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57 (7), 719-723. (SCI收录,影响因子1.1)36.L. Hu,H. P. Wang, L. H. Li, and B. Wei, “Electrostatic Levitation of Plant Seeds and Flower Buds”,Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29 (6) 064101~4. (SCI)35.J. Chang,H. P. Wang, K. Zhou, and B. Wei, “Surface Tension Measurement of Undercooled Liquid Ni-Based Multicomponent Alloys”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2012, 92 (9) 428-435. (SCI)34.J. Chang,H. P. Wang, K. Zhou, and B. Wei, “Rapid Dendritic Growth and Solute Trapping Within Undercooled Ternary Ni-5%Cu-5%Mo Alloy”,Applied Physics A, 2012, 109 (1) 139-143. (SCI)33.K. Zhou,H. P. Wang, and B. Wei, “Determining Thermophysical Properties of Undercooled Liquid Ti–Al Alloy by Electromagnetic Levitation”,Chemical Physics Letters, 2012, 521 (1) 52-54. (SCI收录,影响因子2.2).2011年32.H. P. Wang, S. B. Luo, and B. Wei, “Measurement and Simulation of Specific Heat for Metastable Liquid Ni80Fe10Cu10Alloy”,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2011, 105, 987-990. (SCI收录,影响因子1.8)31.H. P. Wang, and B. Wei, “Understanding Atomic-scale Phase Separation of Liquid Fe-Cu Alloy”,Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56, 3416-3419. (SCI收录,影响因子1.1)30.K. Zhou,H. P. Wang, J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Surface Tension Measurement of Metastable Liquid Ti-Al-Nb Alloys”,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2011, 105 (1) 211-214. (SCI、EI收录, 影响因子1.8)29.K. Zhou,H. P. Wang,J. Chang, and B. Wei, Specific Heat Measurement of Stable and metastable liquid Ti-Al alloys.Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2011, 103 (3) 135-137. (SCI、EI收录, 影响因子1.8)28.D. Y. Zang,H. P. Wang, F. P. Dai, D. Langevin, and B. Wei, “Solidification Mechanism Transition of Liquid Co-Cu-Ni Ternary Alloy”,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2011, 102 (2) 141-145.、EI收录, 影响因子1.8)2010年27.H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Positive Excess Volume of Liquid Fe-Cu Alloys Resulting from Liquid Structure Change”,Physics Letters A, 2010, 374, 4787-4792. (SCI收录,影响因子2.2)26.H. P. Wang,J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Density and Related Thermophysical Properties of Metastable Liquid Ni-Cu-Fe Ternary Alloys”,Physics Letters A, 2010, 374: (24) 2489-2493. (SCI收录,影响因子2.2)25.H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Thermophysical Properties and Structure of Stable and Metastable Liquid Cobalt”,Physics Letters A, 2010, 374 (8) 1083-1087. (SCI收录,影响因子2.2)24.K. Zhou,H. P. Wang,J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Surface Tension of Substantially Undercooled Liquid Ti-Al Alloy”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2010, 90 (6) 455-462. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.9 )23.L. Hu,H. P. Wang, W. J. Xie and B. Wei, “Electrostatic Levitation Under Single-axis feedback Control Condition”,Science China, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,2010, 53 (8)1438-1444. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.2)22.L. Hu,H. P. Wang, W. J. Xie and B. Wei, “Electrostatic Levitation Under Single-axis Feedback Control Condition”,Chinese Science Bulletin,2010, 55 (24) 2755. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.1)2009年21.H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Thermophysical Property of Undercooled Liquid Binary Alloy Composed of Metallic and Semiconductor Elements”,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009, 42 (3) 035414. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子2.2)20.H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Thermophysical Properties of Stable and Metastable Liquid Copper and Nickel by Molecular Dynamics Simulation”,Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2009, 95 (3) 661-665. (SCI收录、EI,影响因子1.8)19.H. P. Wang,J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Measurement and Calculation of Surface Tension for Undercooled Liquid Nickel and its Alloy”,Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 106 (3) 033506. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子2.5)18.B. C. Luo,H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Specific Heat, Enthalpy, and Density of Undercooled Liquid Fe-Si-Sn Alloy”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2009, 89 (9) 527-533. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.9 )17.B. C. Luo,H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Phase Field Simulation of Monotectic Transformation for Liquid Ni-Cu-Pb Alloys”,Chinese Science Bulletin,2009, 54 (2) 183-188. (SCI收录,影响因子1.1)16.陈乐,王海鹏,魏炳波,液态三元Ni-Cu-Fe合金比热的实验与计算研究,物理学报,2009, 58 (1) 384-389. (SCI收录,影响因子1.3)2008年15.H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Experimental Determination and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Specific Heat for High Temperature Undercooled Liquid”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2008, 88 (11) 813-819. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.9)14.H. P. Wang,B. C. Luo, and B. Wei, “Molecular Dynamics Calculation of Thermophysical Properties for a Highly Reactive Liquid”,Physical Review E, 2008, 78 (4) 041204. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子2.5)13.H. P. Wang,B. C. Luo, T. Qin, J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Surface Tension of Liquid Ternary Fe-Cu-Mo Alloys Measured by Electromagnetic Levitation Drop Oscillating Method”,Journal of Chemical Physics, 2008, 129 (12) 124706-1. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子3.0)12.H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Evidence for Thermodynamic Property of Metastable Liquid Fe-Cu-Mo Ternary alloys”,Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93 (17) 171904. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子4.0)11.J. Chang,H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Rapid Dendritic Growth Within an Undercooled Ni-Cu-Fe-Sn-Ge Quinary Alloy”,Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2008, 88 (11) 821-828. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.9 )2007年及以前10.H. P. Wang,W. J. Yao, and B. Wei, “Remarkable Solute Trapping Within Rapidly Growing Dendrites”,Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (20) 201905. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子4.0)9.H. P. Wang,W. J. Yao, C. D. Cao and B. Wei, “Surface Tension of Superheated and Undercooled Liquid Co–Si Alloy”,Applied Physics Letters, 2004, 85 (16)3414-3416. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子4.0)8.H. P. Wang,C. D. Cao and B. Wei, “Thermophysical Properties of a Highly Superheated and Undercooled Ni-Si Alloy Melt”,Applied Physics Letters, 2004, 84 (20) 4062-4064.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子4.0)7.H. P. Wang, C. D. Cao, and B. Wei, “Rapid Monotectic Solidification During Free Fall in Drop Tube”,Chinese Science Bulletin,2004, 49 (3) 220-225. (SCI收录)6.H. P. Wang, B. C. Luo, J. Chang and B. Wei, “Specific Heat and Related Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Fe-Cu-Mo Alloy”,Science in China G,2007, 50 (4) 397-406. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.2)5.H. P. Wang, J. Chang, B. C. Luo, and B. Wei, “Determination of the Surface Tension of Liquid Fe77.5Cu13Mo9.5Ternary Monotectic Alloy”,Chinese Physics Letters,2007, 24 (2) 504-507. (SCI收录,影响因子1.1)4.H. P. Wang, and B. Wei, “Surface Tension and Specific Heat of Ni70.2Si29.8alloy”,Chinese Science Bulletin,2005, 50 (10) 945-949. (SCI收录)3.T. Qin,H. P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Simulated Evolution Process of Core-shell Microstructures”,Science in China G,2007, 50 (4) 546-552. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.2)2.臧渡洋,王海鹏,魏炳波,深过冷三元Ni-Cu-Co合金的快速枝晶生长,物理学报,2007, 56 (8) 4804-4809. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子1.3)1.X. Z. Song,H. P. Wang, Y. Ruan, and B. Wei, “Rapid Dendrite Growth in Quaternary Ni-based Alloys”,Chinese Science Bulletin,2006, 50 (8) 945-949. (SCI收录,影响因子1.1)