主要研究成果:[1] Understanding the meaning of shortterm, Yiyeqing relationships and how they are formed: Implications for condom use in Liuzhou, China, journal of AIDS and Behavior, Nan Zhang, Laurie Abler, Yu Bao, Suiming Pan, 2013,4[2] HIV/AIDS: Interpretation and Prevention Practices among Commercial Sex Workers within the Socio-Political Context of the Sex Industry in Xishuangbanna China, 2010, working series paper[3] Promiscuous capitalism meets ‘exotic’ ethnicity: Intimate aspirations amongst cross-border Chinese Dai, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, Chris Lyttleton, Rui Deng and Nan Zhang, 2011,12[4] Brief NonCommercial Sexual Encounters Among Patrons of Entertainment Venues in Liuzhou, China, AIDS and behavior, Sharon S. Weir, Suiming Pan, Yingying Huang, Zhang Nan, Anisha D. Gandhi, Xiang-Sheng Chen, 2014-02-01[5] Coping Strategies for HIVRelated Stigma in Liuzhou, China, AIDS and behavior , Ying-Xia Zhang, Carol E. Golin, Jin Bu, Catherine Boland Emrick, Zhang Nan, Ming-Qiang Li, 2014-01-29 [6] 跨境民族地区健康保障制度探索--以中国与老挝跨境民族地区为例,张楠,东南亚研究,2015-07-03[7]灾难人类学视角下的人祸--以艾滋病为例,张楠,西南民族大学学报,2013.12[8] 场域与惯习理论视角下的中国“一夜情”,云南师范大学学报,张楠,2014.1[9] “全球化”给中国人类学带来的机遇—2013“全球化与中国人类学”国际高级论坛综述,张楠、何晴、彭文斌,民族学刊,2013.5[10]农村地区药品使用与基本药物政策,中国农村卫生事业管理,2000年11月,第20卷,11期。[11] 贫困地区卫生服务质量评价的思考,中国农村卫生事业管理, 2000年9月,20卷,9期[12] 卫VIII项目地区卫生服务质量评价的思考,中国卫生质量管理,2000年1期