2008年12月~2010年10月 西北工业大学航空宇航科学与技术流动站,博士后;2010年11月~2011年04月 西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院,讲师;2011年04月~2016年04月 西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院工程力学系,副教授;2012年02月~2012年08月 利物浦大学工程系,访问学者;2015年01月~2016年01月 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学数学系,访问学者;2016年05月~现在,西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院工程力学系,教授。获奖:1 西北工业大学首届“翱翔青年学者”(2014年);2 西北工业大学“翱翔之星”(2012年);3 西北工业大学“校新人新方向”建设项目负责人(2011);4 西北工业大学吴亚军优秀青年教师特等奖(2014)
近年来主持国家自然科学基金、航空科学基金等基础性科研项目17项 ,在国内外重要学术期刊上发表第一作者学术论文30余篇,其中SCI收录19篇(I区4篇),SCI他引100余次,出版专著1部,近期主持的主要科研项目包括:1 耗散Hamilton系统的广义多辛积分方法研究(11002115),国家自然科学基金2 软物质动力学系统阻尼效应的保结构分析方法研究(11372253),国家自然科学基金3 超大超柔周期性阻尼结构中波传播特性的保结构分析方法(11672241),国家自然科学基金4 动力学系统的对称破缺与耗散效应(2015JM1026),陕西省自然科学基金5 脉冲爆震发动机性能损失机理研究(2010ZB53021),航空科学基金6 流动介质中爆震波传播特性及自持机理研究(2013ZB53020),航空科学基金7 流动介质中爆震波结构及传播特性的保结构分析(2015-HT-XGD),航天支撑技术基金8 两相脉冲爆震发动机性能的数值研究(201003682),中国博士后科学基金特别资助9 脉冲爆震发动机起爆过程的小波多尺度保结构算法研究(20090450170),中国博士后科学基金(一等) 学术专著:1 胡伟鹏, 邓子辰. 无限维动力学系统的保结构分析方法. 西安:西北工业大学出版社, 2015代表作:1Weipeng Hu, Mingzhe. Song, Zichen. Deng, Energy dissipation/transfer andstable attitude of spatial on-orbit tethered system, Journal of Sound andVibration, 412: 58-73, 20182Weipeng Hu. Mingzhe Song. Zichen Deng. Tingting Yin. Bingqing Wei. Axialdynamic buckling analysis of embedded single-walled carbon nanotube by complexstructure-preserving method. Applied Mathematical Modeling, 52: 15–27, 20173Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng,Tingting Yin, Almost structure-preservinganalysis for weakly linear damping nonlinear Schrodinger equation with periodicperturbation, Communications in NonlinearScience and Numerical Simulation.42: 298-312, 20174Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Yu Zhang, Multi-symplectic method forpeakon-antipeakon collision of quasi-Degasperis-Procesi equation, ComputerPhysics Communications.185(7): 2020–2028, 20145Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Songmei Han, Wenrong Zhang, Generalizedmulti-symplectic integrators for a class of Hamiltonian nonlinear wave PDEs,Journal of Computational Physics. 235: 394-406,20136Weipeng Hu, Qingjun Li, Xianhong Jiang,Zichen Deng, Coupling dynamicbehaviors of spatial flexible beam with weak damping, International Journal forNumerical Methods in Engineering, 111: 660–675.5477, 20177Weipeng Hu, Mingzhe Song,Zichen Deng, Hailin Zou, Bingqing Wei, Chaoticregion of elastically restrained single-walled carbon nanotube, Chaos, 27(2),023118, 20178Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Bo Wang, Huajiang Ouyang, Chaos in an embeddedsingle-walled carbon nanotube, Nonlinear Dynamics. 72(1-2): 389-398,20139Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng,Chaos in embedded fluid-conveying single-walledcarbon nanotube under transverse harmonic load series, Nonlinear Dynamics.79(1):325-333,201510Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Competition between geometric dispersion andviscous dissipation in wave propagation of KdV-Burgers equation, Journal ofVibration and Control.21(15): 2937-2945,201511Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Qin Yuyue, Multi-symplectic method to simulatesoliton resonance of (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation, Journal of GeometricMechanics. 5(3): 295-318,2013 (recommended by editor-in-chief)12Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Huajiang Ouyang, Generalized multi-symplecticmethod for dynamic responses of continuous beam under moving load,International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 5(3):1350033,201313Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng,Tingting Yin,Temperature Effect on DynamicBehaviors of Cis-Polyisoprene Chain, International Journal of AppliedMechanics. 8(1):1650012, 201614W.P. Hu, S.M. Han, Z.C. Deng, W. Fan, Analyzing dynamic response ofnon-homogeneous string fixed at both ends, International Journal of Non-linearMechanics. 47 (10):1111-1115,201215Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Gongnan Xie, Energy loss in pulse detonationengine due to fuel viscosity, Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Doi: 10.1155/2014/ 735926, 201416W.P. Hu, Z.C. Deng, S.M. Han, W. Fan, An implicit difference schemefocusing on the local conservation properties for Burgers equation,International Journal of Computational Methods. 9(2):1240028,201217Hu Weipeng, Deng Zichen, Qin Yuyue, Zhang Wenrong, Multi-symplecticmethod for the generalized (2+1)-dimensional KdV-mKdV equation, Acta Mechanica Sinica.28(3): 793-800,201218Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Multi-symplectic method for the generalizedfifth order KdV equation, Chinese Physics B. 17(11): 3923-3929,200819Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Multi-symplectic method to analyze the mixedstate of II-superconductors, Science in China, Ser.G. 51(12):1835-1844,200820Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Songmei Han, Wei Fan, Complex multi-symplecticscheme for generalized sinh-Gordon equation, Science in China, Ser.G.52(10):1618-1623,200921Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Wenchen Li, Multi-symplectic methods formembrane free vibration equation, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-EnglishEdition. 28(9): 1181-1189,200722Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Multi-symplectic method for generalizedBoussinesq equation, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition. 29(07):927-932,200823Weipeng Hu, Zichen Deng, Songmei Han, Wei Fan, Multi-symplecticrunge–kutta methods for Landau-Ginzburg-Higgs equation, Applied Mathematics andMechanics-English Edition. 30(08):1027-1034,200924Weipeng Hu, Mingzhe Song, Zichen Deng. Structure-preserving propertiesof St?rmer-Verlet scheme for mathematical pendulum. Applied Mathematics andMechanics-English Edition, 38(9):1225-1232, 201725Weipeng Hu, Mingzhe Song, Xindong Wang, Zichen Deng, Zhiwei Xiong,Structure-preserving Analysis on Folding and Unfolding Processes ofUndercarriage, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 29:631–641, 2016·? 国际会议报告1 W.P. Hu, Z.C.Deng, Generalized multi-symplectic integrators for a class of Hamiltoniannonlinear wave PDEs, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and CoherentStructures. Seattle, USA, 20122? W.P. Hu, Z.C.Deng, Oscillation properties of damping cantilevered single-walled carbonnanotube subjected to transverse impact load, The 4th International Conferenceon Dynamics, Vibration and Control. Shanghai, China, 20143? W.P. Hu, S.M.Han, Z.C. Deng, W. Fan, Analyzing dynamic response of nonhomogeneous stringfixed at both ends, The 3rd International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration andControl. Hangzhou, China, 20104? Weipeng Hu,Songying Han, Zichen Deng, Zhufeng Yue, Multidisciplinary design optimizationof the windshield and canopy aerodynamic shape, Proceeding of CJK-OSM5. Jeju,Korea, 2008
1999年09月~2003年07月 西北工业大学土木建筑工程系,本科;2003年09月~2006年03月 西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院,硕士;2005年09月~2008年11月 西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院,博士。