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朱光明教授,国家公派德国Ruhr-University Bochum访问学者。现任Journal of Polymer Science, Part A,Polymer Chemistry;Journal of Applied Polymer Science;PolymerInternational、European Polymer Journal;Biomacromolecules;AngewandteChemie等杂志审稿人。


已获省部级科技进步奖3项,申报发明专利7项(已授权4项),发表科研论文100多篇,SCI收录40多篇、EI收录50多篇,著有《形状记忆聚合物及其应用》、《材料化学》等专著和教材。 热、电、磁、光敏多相结构形状记忆聚合物的制备及性能研究、具有良好生物降解性的生物医用形状记忆聚合物的制备及性能研究、单畴向列相液晶调控的形状记忆高分子的制备及性能研究、形状记忆复合材料的制备及其在航空航天展开结构中的应用研究、高功率微波透波复合材料的研究、聚合物的辐射改性研究 近期发表的论文1. Kun Wei, Guangming Zhu, Yusheng Tang, Guangming Tian andJianqiang Xie, Thermomechanical properties of shape-memory hydro-epoxy resin,Smart Mater. Struct. 21 (2012) 055022.2. Kun Wei, Guangming Zhu, Yusheng Tang, Ximin Li and TingtingLiu, The effects of carbon nanotubes on electroactive shape-memory behaviors ofhydro-epoxy/carbon black composite, Smart Mater. Struct. 21 (2012) 085016. 3. KunWei, Guangming Zhu, Yusheng Tang and Ximin Li, Electroactive shape-memoryeffects of hydro-epoxy/carbonblack composites, Polymer Journal, 2012, 45(6):671-675. 4. Wei Kun, Zhu Guangming Tang Yusheng Li Ximin Liu Tingting Niu Lei, An investigation on shape memory behavioursof hydro-epoxy/glass fibre composites, Composites Part B: Engineering, v 51, p 169-174, August 2013 5.Xie, Jianqiang,Zhu,Guangming, Tang,Yusheng, Zhang,Zengping, Synthesis andProperties of Reactive Liquid Crystal Monomers, MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUIDCRYSTALS,2013,575(1) Pages:40-48。6. Wei K Zhu GM Tang YS Niu L ,Shape-memory effects of a hydro-epoxyresin system, JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH,  2013,20(5): 123.  7. XieJianqiang,  ZhuGuangming, Tang Yusheng,ZhangZengping, Synthesis and properties of reactive liquid crystalmonomers and side-chain liquid crystalline polymers, LIQUIDCRYSTALS  2013,40( 4 ):546-554.8. Wei Kun, Zhu Guangming, Tang, Yusheng, Liu Tingting, XieJianqiang, The effects of crosslink density on thermo-mechanical properties ofshape-memory hydro-epoxy resin, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH,2013,28(20), p2903-2910.  9.Xie Jianqiang, Zhu Guangming, Tang Yusheng, Wang Yongkun,Synthesis and characterisation ofreactive liquid crystals containing an azo group,LIQUID CRYSTALS, 2014,41(1),p36-43。  10.Wang Yongkun, Zhu Guangming, Tang, Yusheng,Xie Jianqiang, Liu Tingting, Liu Zhe,  Mechanical and shape memory behavior of chemicallycross-linked SBS/LDPE blends ,JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH, 2014,21( 4 ), 文献号: 405  11.Wang Kun, Zhu Guangming, Niu Lei, Wang Yongkun,Liu Zhe, Shape memory effect and mechanical properties of cyanateester-polybutadiene epoxy copolymer, JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH, 2014, 21( 4), 文献号: 385 12. CHENG Huan and ZHUGuangming,Preparation andCharacterization of SiO2-coated 2,4-Hexadiyn-1,6-bis(ethylurea) Microcapsules,Chem.Res. Chin. Univ., 2014, 30(3), 431-436。13.Fang Ren, Guangming Zhu, Penggag Ren, Yongkun Wang, Xiaoping Cui, In situpolymerization of grapheme oxide and cyanate ester-epoxy with enhancedmechanical and thermal properties, Applied Surface Science,2014,316,549-557.14. Wang Yongkun, Zhu Guangming, Cui Xiaoping, LiuTingting, Liu Zhe, Wang Kun Electroactive shape memory effect of radiationcross-linked SBS/LLDPE composites filled with carbon black,Colliod and PolymerScience, 2014, 292: 2311-2317. 15. Wang Yongkun, Zhu Guangming, Tang Yusheng, LiuTingting, Xie Jianqiang, Ren Fang. Short glass fiber reinforced radiationcrosslinked shape memory SBS/LLDPE blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2014, 131(17): 40691.16.RenFang, Zhu Guangming, Ren Penggang, et al. Cyanate ester resin filled withgraphene nanosheets and CoFe2O4-reduced graphene oxide nanohybrids as a microwaveabsorber. Applied Surface Science. 2015, 351: 40-47.
