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熊志立,女,教授,博士研究生导师。1996年毕业于天津医科大学药学院,获理学学士学位,2003年获沈阳药科大学药学专业博士学位,毕业后留校任教,在分析化学教研室工作至今。2005年被聘为沈阳药科大学药物分析专业和分析化学专业硕士研究生导师,2011年9月作为访问学者去美国University of Georgia, Athens交流学习1年,2013年5月任分析化学教研室主任。2018年4月被聘为沈阳药科大学药物分析专业博士研究生导师。作为课题负责人主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,辽宁省博士启动基金1项,辽宁省科学技术计划项目1项,辽宁省高等学校杰出青年学者成长计划1项,沈阳药科大学科研专项基金2项;作为项目骨干成员参加国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,面上项目及青年基金项目4项。另外,主持横向科研项目数项。目前在国内外核心学术期刊发表研究论文130余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Journalof Chromatography B, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,Talanta,Journalof Ethnopharmacology等SCI期刊发表科研论文20余篇。


近年来发表代表性论文(限第一作者或通讯作者,SCI须写明影响因子):(限填10篇)1.ZhiliXiong, Yanmin Wang, Lang Lang, Shuping Ma, Longshan Zhao,Wei Xiao, Yanjuan Wang*. Tissue metabolomic profiling to reveal the therapeuticmechanism of reduning injection on LPS-induced acute lung injury rats. Royal Society of Chemistry Advances(RSC Advances).2018, 8, 10023–10031 (SCI, IF=3.108).2.XiaoWu, Yue Huang, Jinghan Sun, Yongqing Wen , Feng Qin, Longshan Zhao, Zhili Xiong* A HILIC-UHPLC-MS/MSuntargeted urinary metabonomics combined with quantitative analysis of fivepolar biomarkers on osteoporosis rats after oral administration of Gushudan.Journal of Chromatography B, 2018,1072: 40-49. (SCI, IF=2.603)3.YunhaiBo, Lijuan Wang, Xiao Wu, Longshan Zhao, Jingyu Yang, Zhili Xiong*, Chunfu Wu. Development and validation of aUHPLC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of five bioactiveflavonoids in rat plasma and comparative pharmacokinetic study after oraladministration of Xiaochaihu Tang and three compatibilities. Journal ofSeparation Science.2017,40(9): 1896–1905.(SCI,IF=2.557)4.Zhili Xiong, Jie Yang, Yue Huanga, KuoZhang,Yunhai Bo, Xiumei Lu, Guangyue Su, Jie Ma, Jingyu Yang,Longshan Zhao,*,Chunfu Wub,* * Serum metabonomics study of anti-depressive effect ofXiao-Chai-Hu-Tang on rat model of chronic unpredictable mild stress. Journal ofChromatography B.2016, 1029–1030: 28–35. (SCI, IF=2.687)5.Qin Feng, Yin Bincan, Wang Lijuan, Li Kunjie, Li Famei, Xiong Zhili*. Quantification oftrantinterol, its two metabolites and their primary conjugated metabolites inhuman plasma by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometryand its application to a pharmacokinetic study. Journal of pharmaceutical andbiomedical analysis, 2016,117:413-418 (SCI, IF=3.255)6.Yue Huang, Yunhai Bo,Xiao Wu, Qiuyi Wang, Feng Qin, Longshan Zhao, Zhili Xiong*. An integrated serum and urinary metabonomic researchbased on UPLC-MS and therapeutic effects of Gushudan onprednisolone-inducedosteoporosis rats. Journal of Chromatography B. 2016, 1027:119-130. (SCI,IF=2.687)7.Chengying Wang, HongSun, Shaojie Wang, Zhonggui He, Longshan Zhao, Zhili Xiong*, Feng Qin** Development and validation of a chiral liquid chromatography method for thedetermination of MP 3950 enantiomers, a high selective 5-HT4 receptor agonist,in rat plasma and its application to stereoselectivepharmacokinetic study. Journal of Chromatography B. 2016, 1033: 49–54. (SCI, IF=2.687)8.Longshan Zhao, Zhili Xiong*,Xiumei Lu, Shuning Zheng, Fang Wang, Lin Ge, Guangyue Su, Jingyu Yang, ChunfuWu**. Metabonomic evaluation of chronic unpredictable mild stress-inducedchanges in rats by intervention of fluoxetine by HILIC-UHPLC/MS. Pos One,10(6), p e0129146. (SCI, IF=3.234)9.Yuejuan Lu, Ning Li, Ying Deng, Longshan Zhao, Xingjie Guo, Famei Li, Zhili Xiong*. Simultaneousdetermination of icariin, naringin and osthole in rat plasma by UPLC-MS/MS andits application for pharmacokinetic study after oral administration of Gushudancapsules. Journal of Chromatography B. 2015(993-994):75-80. (SCI, IF=2.729)10.Xinyu Liu, Shangshang Zhang, Xiumei Lu, Shuning Zheng, Famei Li, Zhili Xiong*. Metabonomicstudy on the anti-osteoporosiseffect of RhizomaDrynariae and its action mechanism using ultra-performanceliquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Ethnopharmacology2012, 139(1):311-317. (SCI, IF=3.097)
