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陕西省科学技术三等奖(2014)陕西省优秀留学回国人员(2009)第5届陕西省青年科技奖(2004)首批新世纪优秀人才(2004)国家自然科学二等奖(2003)全国优秀论文提名奖(2003)陕西省外国智力引进先进工作者(2001)陕西省科技进步一等奖(2000)航空科技进步一等奖(1999)航空科技进步一等奖(1998)西安市科技进步一等奖(1998)陕西省教委科技进步一等奖(1998)国家发明二等奖(1997)。 教授、博士、博导。教育部首批新世纪优秀人才,陕西省物理学会理事,陕西省青年科技奖获得者,陕西省优秀留学回国人员,国家自然科学基金、国家科技部及陕西省国际合作项目评审专家,Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Science and Engineering B等国际期刊审稿人。先后主持国家自然科学基金等科研项目10余项,参加国家自然科学基金重点项目、863计划项目等20余项。发表论文90余篇,获国家级、省部级以上科研奖励6项,授权专利6项。2003年由讲师直接破格为教授。先后在瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL)材料系和美国能源部Ames实验室做访问学者及访问教授。


2000.07-2001.:西北工业大学应用物理系,讲师;2001.10-2003.3:瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL),访问学者;2003.4-至今:西北工业大学理学院,教授;2005.2-2007.1:美国能源部Ames实验室,高级访问学者;2010.11-2011.2:美国能源部Ames实验室,访问教授;2011.7-2011.10:美国能源部Ames实验室,访问教授;2012.7-2012.9:美国能源部Ames实验室,访问教授;2013.1-2013.3:美国能源部Ames实验室,访问教授。 主持科研项目:1. “单晶调控技术”,军委共性技术项目,(4140401),2016-2019.2.“不同旋转轴条件下基体晶向对激光熔凝镍基单晶高温合金CET作用机制”,国家自然科学基金(51671160),2017.1-2020.12;3.“金属间化合物强动力学效应对非晶转变的作用机制研究”,国家自然科学基金(51271149),2013.1-2016.12;4.“调幅分解对难混溶体系壳-核组织形成作用机制实时观测研究”,国家自然科学基金项目(50971104),2010.01-2012.12;5.“低扩散系数对Al-R过共晶合金易非晶化内禀机理研究”,国家自然科学基金项目(50871090),2009.01-2011.12;6.“极端条件下复相合金快速凝固研究”,国家自然科学基金项目(50101010),2002.01-2004.12;7. “激光熔凝过程单晶高温合金CET转变及对凝固裂纹形成机制研究”, 航空科学基金项目(2013ZF53080),2013.10-2015.09;8.“高性能Al基稀土合金的设计与制备”,陕西省国际合作项目(2011KW-10)2012.01-2013.12.9.“激光熔凝DD3高温合金凝固裂纹形成机理研究”,航空科学基金项目(2008ZF53052),2008.10-2010.9;10.“特定条件下的晶体形态稳定性及生长机制研究”,教育部新世纪优秀人才项目(NCET-04-0963),2004-2007;11.“不混溶间隙合金的相选择机制研究”,人事部留学回国人员择优资助项目(2005CQ110001),2005.1-2005.12.12.“调幅分解条件下相分离及层壳组织形成机制研究”,教育部留学回国人员启动基金(2004CJ110002),2004.11-2006-11. 代表性论文近期论文L. Wang, N.Wang*, N. Provatas*, Liquid channel segregation and morphology and theirrelation with hot cracking susceptibility during columnar growth in binaryalloys, ActaMaterialia, 126 (2017) 302-312.L. Wang, N.Wang*, Effect ofsubstrate orientation on the columnar-to-equiaxed transition in laser surfaceremelted single crystal superalloys: Experimental investigation, Acta Materialia, 104 (2016) 250-258.L. Wang, N.Wang*,W. J. Yao,Y. P. Zheng, Effect of substrate orientation on the columnar-to-equiaxedtransition in laser surface remelted single crystal superalloys, Acta Materialia, 88 (2015) 283-292.T. Q. Wen, W. J. Yao, N. Wang*, Correlation between the Arrhenius crossover and the glassforming ability in metallic glass, Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) 13164.L. Zhang, A. Mikhailovskaya, P. Yazhgur, F.Muller, F. Cousin, D. Langevin, N. Wang, A.Salonen, Precipitating Sodium DodecylSulfate to Create Ultrastable andStimulable Foams, AngewandteChemie-InternationalEdition, 54 (2015) 9533-9536.L. Zhang, Lili Tian, Huiling Du, S. Rouziere,N. Wang*, A. Salonen*, Foams Stabilized bySurfactant Precipitates: Criteria for Ultrastability, Langmuir, 33(20) (2017)7305-7311.L. L. Tian, N.Wang*, Y. L. Peng, W. J. Yao, Strong kinetic effect of polyethylene glycol6000 under directional solidification condition, Acta Physica Sinica, 65(9)(2016)096401.P. Rong, N.Wang*, L. Wang, R. N. Yang, W. J. Yao, The influence of grain boudary angleon the hot cracking of single crystal superalloy DD6, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,676 (2016) 181-186. N. Wang*, L.Zhang, Y. L. Peng, W. J. Yao, Composition-dependence of Core-ShellMicrostructure formation in Monotectic Alloys under Reduced Gravity Conditions ,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 663 (2016)379-386.L. Zhang, A. Mikhailovskaya,D. Constantin, G. Foffi, J. Tavacoli, J. Schmitt, F. Muller, C. Rochas, N. Wang, D. Langevin, A. Salonen, Varying the counter ion changes the kinetics,but not the final structure of colloidal gels, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 463 (2016) 137-144. 2015年:L. Wang, N. Wang,W. J. Yao, Y. P. Zheng, Effect of substrateorientation on the columnar-to-equiaxed transition in laser surface remeltedsingle crystal superalloys, Acta Materialia, 88 (2015) 283-292. W. J. Yao, R. N. Yang, N. Wang, Monte Carlosimulation of thermophysical properties of binary Co–Gd liquid alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 627 (2015) 410-414. L. Zhang, A. Mikhailovskaya, P. Yazhgur, F. Muller,F. Cousin, D. Langevin, N. Wang, A.Salonen, Precipitating Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate to CreateUltrastable and Stimulable Foams, Angewandte Chemie, 54 (2015)9533-9536.W. J. Yao, N. Wang,J. H. Lee, Microstructure characteristics and effect of grain orientation on magneticproperties of Fe63Co32Gd5 alloy ribbons, Journalof Centre South University, 22 (2015) 2014-2019..W. J. Yao, Y. Y. Zhang, N. Wang,J. H. Lee, Rapid Solidification and Magnetic Properties of (Fe,Co)–(Fe,Co)17Gd2Pseudo-Binary Eutectic Alloys, Journalof Nanoscience and Nototechnology, 15(3) (2015) 2579-2585.  2014年:W. J. Yao, W. Sun, N.Wang, S. Z. Han, J. H. Lee, Nano-Eutectic Growth in Co-17.8 wt%Gd AlloyRibbons and the Magnetostrictive Properties at Different Wheel Speeds, Journal of Nanoscience and Nototechnology,14(11) (2014) 8572-8577.P. P. Li, Y. P. Zheng, Y. W. Wu, P. Qu, R. L. Yang, N.Wang, M. Z. Li, A nanoscale liquid-like graphene@Fe3O4 hybrid with excellentamphiphilicity and electronic conductivity, New Journal of Chemistry, 38(10) (2014) 5043-5051. Y. P.Zheng, R. L. Yang, F. Wu, D. W. Li, N. Wang,A.B. Zhang, A functional liquid-like multiwalled carbon nanotube derivative inthe absence of solvent and its application in nanocomposites, RSC Advances, 4(57) (2014)30004-30012.W. J. Yao, G. H. Bao, X. L. Niu, N. Wang, J. H. Lee, Growthcharacteristics of TiCxNy ceramics under laser melting conditions, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,29 (2014) 715-720. 2013年:L. Zhou, N. Wang, L. Zhang, and W. J. Yao, The effects ofthe minority phase on phase separation in Fe–Sn hypermonotectic alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 555 (2013) 88-94.W. J. Yao, Z. P. Ye, N. Wang, J. H. Lee, Phase-fieldSimulation on the Heteroepitaxial Nucleation of (Fe,Co) Solid Solution on Facet Phase inUndercooled Liquid, Journal of Alloysand Compounds, 577 (2013), 701-709.W. J. Yao, W. Sun, J.Y. Wang, N. Wang, J.H. Lee, Rapidsolidification and magnetism characteristics of Co-11.8 at%Gd and Co-7.5 at%Gddual-magnetic ribbons at different wheel speeds, MaterialsScience and Engineering B, 178 (2013) 752-761.Y. P. Zheng, A. B. Zhang, Y. M. Tan, N. Wang, and P. Y.Yu, Property-Structure Relationship of Titania Ionic Liquid Nanofluids, Soft Materials, 11 (2013) 315-320.W. J. Yao, X. L. Niu, L. Zhou, N. Wang, J. H. Lee,Competition Growth of a and b Phases in Ti-50 at.%Al Peritectic Alloy duringthe Rapid Solidificaiton by Laser Melting Technique, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 26(5) (2013) 523-532.2012年:R. Trivedi and N. Wang, Theory of Rod Eutectic Growthunder far from Equilibrium Conditions: Nanoscale Spacing and Transition to Glass, Acta Materialia, 60(2012) 3140-3152.N. Wang, L. Ji, W. J. Yao, and Y. P. Zheng, Correlation betweenfragility eutectic instability and glass-forming ability in binary metallicglasses under growth controlled process, Journalof Applied Physics,111, 103525 (2012) (6 pages).N. Wang, L. Zhang,Y. P. Zheng, and W. J. Yao, Shell phase selection and layer numbers ofcore-shell structure in monotectic alloys with stable miscibility gap, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 538 (2012) 224-229.W. J. Yao, J. S. Li, J. Y.Wang, and N.Wang, Effect of rare earth Th on thermophysical properties of ternaryCo–Fe–Th liquid alloy, Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 543 (2012) 176-180N. Wang, R. N. Yang, W.J. Yao, J. F. Xu, and X. X. Wen, Interactive effect of Grain Orientation andGrain Size on Magnetic Properties of Fe-78wt%Ni Ribbons, Journal of Materials Science and Technology,28(9) (2012) 833-836.任群,王楠,张莉,王建元,郑亚萍,姚文静,调幅分解及形核对相分离作用机理研究,物理学报,61 (19) (2012) 196401 (7pages).L. Lan, Y. P. Zheng, A. B. Zhang, J. X. Zhang, N. Wang, Study of ionicsolvent-free carbon nanotube nanofluids and its composites with epoxy matrix, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(3) (2012) 1-10.2011年:N. Wang, E. Karly, and R. Trivedi, Eutectic-to-metallicglass transition in the Al-Sm system, ActaMaterialia, 59 (2011) 6604-6619.N. Wang and R. Trivedi, Limitof Steady-State Lamellar Eutectic Growth,ScriptaMaterialia, 64 (2011) 848-851W. J. Yao, Z P.Ye, N. Wang, X. J. Han, J.Y. Wang and X. X. Wen, Competitive Nucleation and Rapid Growth of Co-SiIntermetallic Compounds during Eutectic Solidification under ContainerlessProcessing Condition, Journal ofMaterials Science and Technology, 27(11) (2011) 1077-1082.R. Trivedi, N. Wang, Y. E. Kalay, and M.Kramer, Eutectic to glass transition in fragile system, Solidification Science and Technology, Brunel University,London, December 2011, p.205.2010年:N. Wang, G. Li, W. J. Yao, and X. X.Wen, “Interactive Contribution of Grain size and Grain Orientation toCoercivity of Melt Spun Ribbons”, Journalof Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322 (2010), 362-365.N. Wang, X. Wang, and W.J. Yao, “The Contribution of Diffusion Coefficient to the Eutectic Instabilityand Amorphous Phase Formation”, Mater.Sci. Forum, 654-656 (2010) 1355-1358.W. J. Yao, N. Wang, “Monte CarloSimulation of Thermophysical Properties for Al-Ce Liquid Alloys”, Mater. Sci. Forum, 654-656 (2010)1404-1407.唐林峰,王楠,管强,姚文静,“单晶合金激光熔凝过程中晶向对单晶完整性的影响”,物理学报,11(2010)7941-7948。王振中,王楠,姚文静,“低扩散系数对Pd77Cu6Si17合金易非晶化的影响”,物理学报,10(2010)7431-7436。2009年:W. J. Yao and N. Wang, “Latent heats of fusion andcrystallization behaviors of Co–Si binary alloys”, Journalof Alloys & Compound, 487 (2009), 354-357.姚文静,王楠,“Ni-15wt%Mo合金熔体热物理性质的Monte Carlo模拟”,物理学报,58(2009)457-462。 2008年:N. Wang, “Effect of low diffusion coefficient on eutectic instabilityof Al-25wt%Sm alloy”, Chinese PhysicsLetters,25(11) (2008) 4168-4170.W. J. Yao and N. Wang, “Monte Carlo Simulation ofSpecific Heat of Liquid Ni-Mo alloys”, Journalof Physics D: Applied Physics,41 (2008) 225403 (5pp).2007年及以前:N. Wang and B. Wei, “Thermodynamic Properties highly undercooledliquid TiAl Alloy”, Applied PhysicsLetters,80(19) (2002) 3515-3517.N. Wang, X. J. Han and B. Wei, “Specific heat and thermodynamic properties ofundercooledliquidcobalt”, Applied Physics Letters, 80(1) (2002), 28-30.N. Wang, S. Mokadem, M. Rappaz, and W. Kurz, “Solidification Crackingof Superalloy Single- and Bi-crystals”, ActaMaterialia,52 (2004) 3173-3182.N. Wang and B. Wei, "Rapid Solidification of Undercooled Cu-Ge PeritecticAlloy", Acta Materialia, 48(8) (2000), 1931-1938.X. J. Han, N. Wang and B. Wei, “Rapid Eutectic Growthunder Containerless Condition”, Applied PhysicsLetters.81(4)(2002) 778-780.X. J. Han, N. Wang and B. Wei, “Thermophysical Propertiesof Undercooled Liquid Cobalt”, PhilosophicalMagazine Letters,.82(8) (2002) 451-459.N. Wang, H. Walker, S. David, and R. Trivedi, “Eutectic Instability andPhase Selection Solidification of Al-Sm alloys.”, Transactionsof the Indian Institute of Metals, 60 (2-3) (2007) 69-72.N. Wang and B. Wei,“Rapid Crystallization and growth mechanisms ofHighly Undercooled Ag-Cu-Ge Ternary Alloy”, Journalof Crystal Growth, 247 (2003) 576-586.N. Wang and B. Wei, “Phase Separation and Structural Evolution of UndercooledFe-Sn Monotectic Alloy”, Materials Scienceand Engineering A. 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