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李茁,博士,副教授,2009年4月毕业于东南大学电磁场与微波技术专业,获工学博士学位。2015.12~2016.12在美国亚利桑那州立大学访学。现主要从事新型电磁材料、表面等离激元、人工表面等离激元、电磁兼容性设计,计算电磁学,射频隐身,微波电路与天线设计等方向的教学与研究工作。在Physical Review Applied, Scientific Reports, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Physical Review E, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,  Journal of Applied Physics, AIP Advances, Applied Optics, Journal of Optics, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IET Microwave Antennas and Propagation, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 电子信息学报,电波科学学报,微波学报等国内外期刊上发表论文100余篇,SCI收录70余篇,EI检索31篇,被引用700余次。主持国家自然科学基金1项,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目1项,空装预研基金1项、航空科学基金1项、毫米波国家重点实验室项目3项,中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金3项,横向课题6项;作为主要完成人参加科研课题4项,其中国家自然科学基金课题1项,省部级课题1项,横向课题2项。
2017年基于模式色散诱导的等效表面等离激元工作入选新加坡南洋理工大学2017年的Research Highlight。



Selected Journal Publications (*:Corresponding Author)
[1] Z. Li*, Y. H. Sun, K. Wang, J. J. Song, J. F. Shi, C. Q. Gu, L. L. Liu and Y. Luo, "Tuning the dispersion of effective surface plasmon polaritons with multilayer systems",Optics Express,Vol.26, Issue 4, pp.4686-4697,2018.
[2] H. Y. Sun, Z. Li*, C. Q. Gu*, Q. Xu, X. L. Chen, Y. H. Sun, S. C. Lu and F. Martin, "Metasurfaced Reverberation Chamber", Scientific Reports(2018)8:1577.
[3] J. F. Shi, Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, Y. H. Sun, K. Wang, J. J. Song, H. Y. Sun, C. Q. Gu and Y. Luo, "Lateral dimension tuned ultra-low loss effective surface plasmonic waveguide", Optics Letters (In review)
[4] Z. Li*, Y. H. Sun, H. Y. Sun, C. Q. Gu, L. L. Liu and Y. Luo, "Effective localized surface plasmons", (Preparing)
[5] L. L. Liu, L. Wu, Z. Li*, J. J. Zhang, G. Y. Wen, B. L. Zhang and Y. Luo, "Backward Phase Matching for Second Harmonic Generation in a Nonlinear Designer Surface Plasmonic Waveguide", (Preparing)

[1] Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, H. Y. Sun, Y. H. Sun, C. Q. Gu, X. L. Chen, Y. Liu and Y. Luo, "Effective surface plasmon polaritons induced by modal dispersion in a waveguide", Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 044028, 2017(IF:4.808)(Research Highlight in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
[2] Z. Li*, C. Chen, J. Xu, Y. H. Sun, B. Z. Xu, L. L. Liu, H. Y. Sun, X. L. Chen, C. Q. Gu, "Tunable spoof surface plasmons bulleye antenna", Plasmonics 2017.DOI 10.1007/s11468-017-0562-9(IF:2.238)
[3] Z. Li*, Y. H. Sun, H. Y. Sun, K. Wang, J. J. Song, L. L. Liu, X. L. Chen , C. Q. Gu, "Spoof surface plasmons tunneling through an epislon-near-zero material channel",Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (2017) 375105 (IF:2.588)
[4] B. Z. Xu, Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, J. Xu, C. Chen and C. Q. Gu,"Non-concentric textured closed surface for huge local field enhancement", Journal of Optics, Vol.19, No.1, 015005,2017. (IF:1.847)
[5] L. L. Liu, Z. Li*, B. Z. Xu, C. Q. Gu, J. Xu, C. Chen, H. Y. Sun, Q. X. Xiao, Y. J. Zhou, Q. Qing, P. Shum, and Y. Luo*, "Ultra Low Loss High-Contrast Gratings based Spoof Surface Plasmonic Waveguide",IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.65, Issue 6, pp.2008-2018, 2017.(IF:2.897)
[6] L. L. Liu, Z. Li*, B. Z. Xu, J. Xu, C. Chen, C. Q. Gu, "Fishbone-like high-efficiency low-pass plasmonic filter based on double-layered conformal surface plasmons", Plasmonics,Vol.12, Issue 2, pp.439-444, 2017 (IF:2.238)
[7] H. Y. Sun, C. Q. Gu, X. L. Chen, Z. Li, L. L. Liu, B. Z. Xu, Z. C. Zhou,"Broadband and Broad-angle Polarization-independent Metasurface for Radar Cross Section Reduction", Scientific Reports 7,40782,2017 (IF:5.578)
[8] H. Y. Sun, C. Q. Gu, X. L. Chen, Z. Li, L. L. Liu, and F. Martin, "Ultra-Wideband and Broad-Angle Linear Polarization Conversion Metasurface", Journal of Applied Physics 121 174902 (2017) (IF: 2.156)
[9] Y. Liu, X. H. Jin, Z. Li and Y. B. Tian, "Synthesis of symmetrical stepped-impedance microstrip coupler with high directivity", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,(In review)
[10] X. L. Chen, C. Fei, Y. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Q. Gu,"Fast Iterative Solution of EFIE Using ACA Algorithm With Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury Formula-Based Preconditioner",IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, 14(8), 2017

[1] Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, B. Z. Xu, P. P. Ning, C. Chen, J. Xu , X. L. Chen , C. Q. Gu, Q. Qing, "High-Contrast Gratings based Spoof Surface Plasmons", Scientific Reports, 6, 21199, 2016 (IF:5.578)
[2] Z. Li*, B. Z. Xu, L. L. Liu, J. Xu, C. Chen, P. P. Ning, X. L. Chen and C. Q. Gu,"Localized Spoof Surface Plasmons based on Subwavelength Closed High Contrast Gratings: Concept and Microwave-Regime Realizations", Scientific Reports, 6, 27158, 2016 (IF:5.578)
[3] Z. Li*, J. Xu, C. Chen, Y. H. Sun, B. Z. Xu, L. L. Liu, C. Q. Gu, "Coplanar waveguide wideband band-stop filter based on localized spoof surface plasmons", Applied Optics, Vol.55, Issue 36, pp.10323-10328,2016.
[4] L. L. Liu, Z. Li*, B. Z. Xu, P. P. Ning, C. Chen, J. Xu , X. L. Chen , C. Q. Gu,"Deep-subwavelength Guiding and Superfocusing of Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Helically Grooved Metal Wire", Plasmonics, Vol.11, Issue 2, pp.359-364,2016 (IF:2.238)
[5] J. Xu, Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, C. Chen, B. Z. Xu, P. P. Ning, C. Q. Gu,"Low-pass plasmonic filter and its miniaturization based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons", Optics Communications 372(2016)155?159(IF:1.449)
[6] B. Z. Xu, Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, J. Xu, C. Chen and C. Q. Gu,"Bandwidth tunable microstrip bandstop filters based on localized spoof surface plasmons",Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33(7), 1388-1391 (2016) (IF:1.97)
[7] X. L. Chen, C. Q. Gu, Z. Li, Z. Y. Niu,"Sparsified Multilevel Adaptive Cross Approximation-Characteristic Basis Function Method for Efficient Iterative Solution of Electromagnetic Scattering", IET Microwaves, Antennas Propagation (In review)
[8] C. Fei, X. L. Chen*, Z. Li, Z. Y. Niu, C. Q. Gu, "Fast Iteration Solution of Volume-Surface Integral Equation Using the Sparsified Adaptive Cross Approximation Algorithm",IEICE Electronics Express(In review)
[9] X. L. Chen, C. Q. Gu, Z. Li, Z. Y. Niu, “Accelerated Direct Solution of Electromagnetic Scattering via Characteristic Basis Function Method With Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury Formula-Based Algorithm”, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, no. 10, 4482-4486, 2016.
[10] Y. Zhang, X. L.. Che, C. Fei, Z. Li, C. Q. Gu,"Fast direct solution of composite conducting-dielectric arrays using sherman-morrison-woodbury algorithm",Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 49:203-209, 2016
[11] X. L. Chen, C. Q. Gu, A. Heldring, Z Li., and Q. S. Cao, "Error Bound of the Multilevel Adaptive Cross Approximation (MLACA)," IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, no. 1, 374-378, 2016.
[1] L. L. Liu, Z. Li*, B. Z. Xu, C. Q. Gu, C. Chen, P. P. Ning, X. Y. Chen, "High-efficiency transition between rectangular waveguide and domino plasmonic waveguide", AIP Advances 5, 027105,2015.(IF:1.591)
[2] L. L. Liu, Z. Li*, C. Q. Gu, C. Chen, P. P. Ning, B. Z. Xu, Z. Y. Niu, Y. J. Zhao, "Smooth bridge between guided waves and spoof surface plasmon polaritons", Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 8, pp. 1810-1813 (2015).(IF:3.292)
[3] L. L. Liu, Z. Li*, B. Z. Xu, P. P. Ning, C. Chen, J. Xu , X. L. Chen , C. Q. Gu,"Dual-band trapping of spoof surface plasmon polaritons and negative group velocity realization through microstrip line with gradient holes", Applied Physics Letters, 107, 201602, 2015.(IF:3.394)
[4] B. Z. Xu, Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, J. Xu, C. Chen, P. P. Ning, X. L. Chen and C. Q. Gu, "Tunable band-notched coplanar waveguide based on localized spoof surface plasmons" , Optics Letters, Vol.40, No.20,4683-4686,(IF:3.292)
[5] C. Chen, Z. Li*, L. Liu, J. Xu, P. Ning, B. Xu, X. Chen, and C. Q. Gu, "A circularly-polarized metasurfaced dipole antenna with wide axial-ratio beamwidth and RCS reduction functions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol.154, 79-85, 2015.(IF:1.229)
[6] X. L. Chen, C. Q. Gu, Z. Li, Z. Y. Niu, "Efficient iterative solution of electromagnetic scattering using adaptive cross approximation enhanced characteristic basis function method", IET Microwaves, Antennas Propagation, 9(3), pp 217-223, 2015.(IF:0.91)
[7] X. L. Chen, C. Q. Gu, Z. Li, Z. Y. Niu, "Multilevel Fast Adaptive Cross-Approximation Algorithm With Characteristic Basis Functions", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2015 63(9):3994-4002(IF:2.459)
[1] Z. Li*, L. L. Liu, C. Q. Gu, P. P. Ning, B. Z. Xu, Z. Y. Niu, Y. J. Zhao, "Multi-band localized spoof plasmons with texturing closed surfaces", Applied Physics Letters 104, 101603, 2014 (IF:3.
1.Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2016
2.Advisory Panel Member for Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics till Dec.2018
3.Guest Editor of Frontiers in Physics since Oct. 2017
[1]李茁、刘亮亮、徐佳、顾长青、陈晨、孙恒一,“一种直角地面上方线缆束终端串扰的快速预测方法”,国家发明专利 专利号 ZL201210554470.3
[3]李茁、刘亮亮、陈晨、顾长青、许秉正、宁苹苹“一种超宽带人工表面等离子滤波器”,国家发明专利,专利号: ZL201410348649.2
[5]许秉正、李茁、顾长青、刘亮亮、宁苹苹、陈晨,“一种双频带表面等离子体谐振腔”,国家发明专利,专利号: ZL201410318728.9
[6]刘亮亮、李茁、陈晨、顾长青、许秉正、宁苹苹,“一种人工表面等离子场强增强器”,国家发明专利,申请号: 201410318752.2
[9]李茁、许秉正、宁苹苹、刘亮亮、陈新蕾、顾长青、陈晨、徐佳,“一种基于人工表面等离激元的陷波共面波导” 国家发明专利,申请号: 201510359153X
