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已发表SCI期刊论文12篇,其中:第一作者/通讯作者10篇,1 区 SCI 期刊论文 3 篇,论文累积影响因子超过40
[1] Li Y, Ji KJ*, Duan YL, Meng GY, Dai ZD. Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on the Growth of Carbon Nanotube Arrays for Gecko-Inspired Adhesive Applications. Coatings, 2017, 7(12):221. IF: 2.175
[2] Ji KJ, Zhang J, Chen J, Meng GY, Ding YF, Dai ZD. Centrifugation-assisted fog-collecting abilities of metal-foam structures with different surface wettabilities. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 2016, 8:10005-10013.IF:7.504 WOS:000374812000054 IF: 7.504
[3] Ji KJ, Liu J, Zhang J, Chen J, Dai ZD. Super-floatable multidimensional porous metal foam integrated with a bionic superhydrophobic surface. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2:16589-16593.IF: 8.867 WOS:000342880200034 IF: 8.867
[4] Ji KJ, Xu C, Zhao HH, Dai ZD. Electrodeposited lead-foam grids on copper-foam substrates as positive current collectors for lead-acid batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 248:307-316. IF: 6.395 WOS:000330551000038
[5] Ji KJ, Xu YS, Zhang J, Chen J, Dai ZD. Foamed-metal-reinforced composites: Tribological behavior of foamed copper filled with epoxy?matrix polymer. Materials Design, 2014, 61:109-116. IF: 4.364 WOS:000337854100013
[6] Ji KJ, Zhao HH, Zhang J, Chen J, Dai ZD. Fabrication and electromagnetic interference shielding performance of open-cell foam of a Cu?Ni alloy integrated with CNTs. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 311:351-356. IF: 3.387
[7] Ji KJ, Zhao HH, Huang ZG, Dai ZD. Performance of open-cell foam of Cu?Ni alloy integrated with graphene as a shield against electromagnetic interference. Materials Letters, 2014, 122:244-247. IF: 2.572
[8] Ji KJ, YQ Xia, Dai ZD. Different foamed metal?reinforced composites: Tribological behavior and temperature field simulation. Tribology Transactions, 2013, 56:615-622. IF: 1.685
[9] Ji KJ, Shan WG, Xia YQ, Dai ZD. The tribological behaviors of self-lubricating composites as filler in copper foam. Tribology Transactions, 2012, 55:20-31. IF: 1.685
[10] Ji KJ, Xia YQ, Wang HL, Dai ZD. Foamed-metal reinforced material: Tribological behaviours of foamed-copper filled with polytetrafluoroethylene and graphite. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2012, 226:123-137. IF: 1.32
[11] Zhang J, Ji KJ, Chen J, Ding YF, Dai ZD. A three-dimensional porous metal foam with selective-wettability for oil?water separation. Journal of Materials Science, 2015, 50:5371-5377. IF: 2.599
[12] Xu YS, Ji KJ, Huang ZG, Zhao HH, Dai ZD. Tribological behaviors of foamed copper/epoxy resin composites augmented by molybdenum disulfide and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2014, 228:558-566. IF: 1.32
[13] 赵慧慧, 姬科举, 许银松, 黄正跟, 戴振东. GNS/PMMA泡沫复合材料的制备及其电磁屏蔽性能. 材料科学与工程学报, 2014, 3:358-365.

