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1. 2003,美国复合材料学会17届年会最佳论文一等奖2. 2003,美国材料与制造工程学会杰出研究所奖3. 2008,西北工业大学研究生最佳教师奖4. 2010,西北工业大学优秀青年教师5. 2010,欧盟Erasmus Mundus奖教金


2003年7月~2004年4月:美国材料科学公司高级项目工程师;2004年6月~今:西北工业大学航天学院飞行器设计专业副教授(2004年)、教授(2009年破格),博士生导师(2011年)。2009年建立飞行器先进结构与复合材料实验室。 2004年6月至2015年9月期间,共主持及参与科研项目45项,其中基金项目17项(国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,面上项目1项,总装“十二五”预研项目3项,863及国防基础研究项目子课题1项,航空基金重点项目1项,其它省部级项目5项,西工大科研基金项目5项),横向课题28项,科研项目总经费逾1100万元。近期主要科研项目:1)国家自然科学基金重点项目:民机复合材料结构维修基础理论与实验验证(U1233202),项目总经费:250万元,可支配经费:100万元,研究周期:2013年1月~2016年12月。合作单位:中国民航飞行学院;2)总装备部装备预先研究航空支撑技术项目:飞机共形天线智能蒙皮制造与评价技术(61901110103),项目总经费:300万元,可支配经费:120万元,研究周期:2011年1月~2015年12月,合作单位:中航工业北京航空制造工程研究所;3)总装备部装备预先研究航空支撑技术项目:金属蜂窝夹层结构焊接缺陷评估与修复技术研究(61901120101),项目总经费:280万元,可支配经费:80万元,研究周期:2011年1月~2015年12月,合作单位:中航工业北京航空制造工程研究所;4)总装备部装备预先研究无人机测控技术项目:低剖面卫星通讯天线技术研究,可支配经费:20万元,研究周期:2013年6月~2014年6月,合作单位:电子54所;5)项目名称:复合材料自动铺带设计技术研究—强度分析与试验研究,项目来源:成都飞机设计所,项目经费:76万,研究周期:2012年8月~2014年8月(已结题);6)项目名称:复合材料长桁端头优化分析与试验验证,项目来源:沈阳飞机设计所,项目经费:49万,研究周期:2012年10月~2014年6月(已结题);7)项目名称:MA700飞机平尾复合材料关键结构选型试验,项目来源:西安飞机设计所,项目经费:140万,研究周期:2013年11月~2015年6月8)航空科学基金重点项目名称:翼面前缘高温热管结构与热控性能形性协同制造基础研究(2013ZE25007),项目总经费:30万元,可支配经费:12万元,研究周期:2014年4月~2015年4月(已结题),合作单位:中航工业北京航空制造工程研究所9)项目名称:XXXX机机翼折叠后温度场分析研究,项目来源:西安飞机设计所,项目经费:29万,研究周期:2014年12月~2015年12月10)项目名称:GKGJ2010国产碳纤维结构型式对比分析和试验研究,项目来源:成都飞机设计所,项目经费:56万,研究周期:2015年1月~2016年12月 学报:1)Xie,Z.H., Yan, Q. and Li, X., "Investigation on low velocity impact on a foamcore composite sandwich panel ", International Journal of Steel andComposite Structures, 2014, 17(2): 159-172. (SCI:000344975400003EI:20143618129022)2)Xie,Z.H., Peng, F. and Zhao, T., "Experimental study on fatigue crackpropagation of fiber metal laminates ", International Journal of Steel andComposite Structures, 2014, 17(2): 145-157. (SCI:000344975400002EI:20143618129021)3)谢宗蕻,刘海涵,田江.复合材料泡沫夹层板准静态压痕实验的有限元模拟[J].材料工程,2014,2:13-17.(EI:20141217481678)4)Xie Zonghong, Sun Junfeng,Li Wei, Zhao Jian, Yue, Xishan, “Study on the equivalent thermal conductivityof superalloy honeycomb core structures”, AppliedMechanics and Materials, Vol.483, 2014, pp.194-198(EI:20140317210751, ISTP:000335714400042)5)Xie Zonghong, Peng Fei, ZhangPeng, Zhao Wei, “A smart skin antenna structure for global navigation satellitesystem”, Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol.464, 2014, pp.316-320(EI:20140317210751, ISTP:000336635500057)6)Xie Zonghong, Yan Qun, “Numericalmodeling on low velocity impact on a foam core sandwich panel”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.527,2014, pp.53-56 (EI:20141017436728)7)谢宗蕻,刘海涵.层间增韧复合材料层合板低速冲击损伤预测[J].南京航空航天大学学报,2013,45:686-692. 8)Xie Zonghong, Liu Haihan,Zhao Jian, Sun Junfeng, Peng Fei, Sui Xiaodong, “Experimental study oninterlaminar shear properties of T300/BMI composite laminates”, Adv. Mater. Res., Vol.718-720, 2013, pp.157-161(EI:20133516682939)9)Xie Zonghong, Liu Xiaoyu,Yue Xishan, Yan Qun, Sun Junfeng, Jing Yongjuan, “Out-of-plane mechanicalproperty test on titanium honeycomb cores”, Adv.Mater. Res., Vol.718-720, 2013, pp.1018-1023(EI:20133516683096)10) Xie Zonghong, Yan Qun, Tian Jiang, Liu Xiaoyu, “Quasi-staticindentation test on composite sandwich panels with foam core”, Adv. Mater. Res., Vol.718-720, 2013, pp.214-218(EI:20133516682949)11) Xie Zonghong, Li Xiang, Zhao Jian, Hao Jie, Sun Yanpeng, SuiXiaodong, “Study on the Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness ofmulti-directional composite laminates”, Adv.Mater. Res., Vol.718-720, 2013, pp.186-190(EI:20133516682944)12) Xie Zonghong, Kong Xiangdong, Yan Qun, Zhao Jian, Liu Xiaoyu, JiangYe, “Test on composite stiffened panel with different stringer cut-outs underuniaxial tension”, Adv. Mater. Res.,Vol.718-720, 2013, pp.1055-1059(EI:20133516683103)13) Wang Hongqing, Yan Qun, Xie Zonghong, Sui Xiaodong, “Modeling andExperimental Validation of Composite Stiffened Panels under Uniaxial Tension”, Adv. Mater. Res., Vol.791, 2013, pp.415-418(EI:20134516955304)14) Jing Yongjuan., Li Xiaohong, Xie Zonghong, Yue Xishan, “Influence ofgeometrical parameters on specific strength of Ti-based alloy honeycomb unit”, Transactionsof China Welding Institution, Vol.34, 2013, pp.103-106 (inChinese, EI:20134616974447)15) Xie Zonghong, Zhao Tianjiao and Wu Rui, “Experimental Study onFatigue Crack Propagation of Glare3-3/2 with Mechanics Properties”, Adv. Mater. Res., Vol.600, Oct. 2012,pp.273-278 (in English,EI:20125115821136,  ISTP:000317630300061)16) Xie Zonghong, Tian Jiang, etc., “Study on the Residual CompressiveStrength of a Composite Sandwich Panel with Foam Core after Low Velocity Impact”,Adv. Mater. Res., Vol.430-432, Jan.2012, pp.484-487 (in English, EI:20120414713599, ISTP: 000310495400108) 17) Xie Zonghong, Zhao Wei, etc., “The Development of a Multi-functionalComposite Embedded Smart-skin Antenna Structure”, Adv. Mater. Res., Vol.484-487, 2012, pp.2743-2747. (in English,EI:20121414924139,ISTP:000312926101158)18)赵剑,谢宗蕻,李玮,田江.耐热合金蜂窝等效导热率的实验研究[J].固体火箭技术,2011,34(4):529-532.(EI:20114214431779)19)谢宗蕻,张磊,苏霓.离位增韧复合材料层合板准静态压入实验研究[J].材料工程,2011,1:42-46.(EI:20111113746950)20)李玮,谢宗蕻,赵剑.蜂窝芯体面外方向导热系数等效研究[J].真空与低温, 2010,16(3):162-166.21)谢宗蕻,苏霓,张磊.复合材料蜂窝夹芯板低速冲击损伤扩展特性[J].南京航空航天大学学报,2009, 41(1):30-35 (EI:20091412008495)22)谢宗蕻,赵剑.高温合金热防护系统设计与分析[J].宇航学报,2008,29(5):1677-1683. (EI:20085111797859)23)谢宗蕻,李磊,赵剑.空间智能天线夹芯结构热变形力学分析[J].南京航空航天大学学报,2008,40(5): 617-621.(EI:20084711720583)24)赵剑,谢宗蕻等.蜂窝芯体材料面外等效弹性模量预测与分析[J].航空材料学报,2008,28(4):94-100(EI:20083711540902)25) Xie, Z.H. andVizzini A. J., “On Residual Compressive Strength Prediction of CompositeSandwich Panels after Low-velocity Impact Damage”, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vol.19/1, 2006, pp.9-17 (in English,SCI:000237838200002)26) Xie, Z.H. andVizzini A. J., “Damage Propagation of a Composite Sandwich Panel Subject toIncreasing Uniaxial Compression after a Low-Velocity Impact”, Journal of Sandwich Structures &Materials, Vol.7, No.4, July 2005, pp.269-288 (in English,SCI:000230140400001)27) Xie, Z.H. andVizzini A.J., “A Feasible Methodology For Engineering Applications In DamageTolerance of Composite Sandwich Structures”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 38/11, June 2004, pp.891-914(in English,SCI:000222365300001)28)谢宗蕻.蜂窝夹芯结构雷达罩鸟撞有限元分析与模拟[J].爆炸与冲击,1999,19(3):235-242.(EI:2000215121490)29)谢宗蕻,乔新.分布式交互仿真技术的理论与实现[J].南京航空航天大学学报,1998, 30.国际会议:1)Peng,F., Xie, Z.H., “The study about the effect of geometric parameters’ andmaterial properties’ changing on the electromagnetic performance of BSSAS”, 4thInternational Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering,Singapore, Singapore, Oct. 2013, Vol.459, pp.76-81. (ISTP:000336693100013)2)Li, X., Xie, Z.H. and Bao,P.P. etc., “Ballistic Impact Behavior of Composite Laminates”, World Congresson Engineering and Technology, Shanghai, China, Oct.2011, Vol.4, pp.299-302.3)Xie, Z.H.,Tian, J. and Zhao, J. etc., “Study on the damage propagation of a compositesandwich panel with foam core after low velocity impact”, Proceedings of the18th International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM18), Jeju, Korea,August 2011 (EI:20131516201298)4)Zhao,J., Xie, Z.H., and Li, L. etc, “On Effective Thermal Conductivity of SuperAlloy Honeycomb Core in Sandwich Structures”, Proceedings of the 18th InternationalConference of Composite Materials (ICCM18), Jeju, Korea, August 2011 (EI:20131516201521)5)Xie, Z.H., Zhao, W. and Li, L., “The Development of aMultifunctional Embedded Composite Smart Skin Antenna Structure”, Proceedingsof the 18th International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM18), Jeju,Korea, August 2011 (EI:20131516201451)6)Xie, Z.H., Li, W. and Zhao, J. “Study on theout-of-plane shear properties of superalloy honeycomb cores”, Proceedings ofthe 18th International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM18), Jeju, Korea,August 2011 (EI:20131516201566)7) Xie, Z.H., Li, X. and Bao, P.P., “Low Velocity ImpactDamage Characteristics of Interlayer Toughened Composite Laminates”,Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Composite Materials(ICCM18), Jeju, Korea, August 2011 (EI:20131516201185)8)Xie, Z.H.,Bi, R.B. and Zhang, L., “Damage Prediction of A Composite Laminate UnderQuasi-Static Indentation Force”, Proceedings of the 2nd InternationalConference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010), Chengdu, China,April 2010, Vol.5, pp.561-564. (EI:20104313317300) 9)Zhao, J.and Xie, Z.H., “Parametric Study on Buckling Behavior of CompositeHat-Stiffened Panels under Uniaxial Compression”, Proceedings of the 2ndInternational Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010), Chengdu,China, April 2010, Vol.5, pp.565-568. (EI:20104313317301)10) Xie, Z.H. and Vizzini, A. J., “On ResidualCompressive Strength Prediction of Composite Sandwich Panels after Low-velocityImpact Damage”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sandwich Structures(ICSS-7), Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, Aug. 2005, pp.363-372.11) Xie, Z.H. and Vizzini, A.J., “A FeasibleMethodology For Engineering Applications In Damage Tolerance of CompositeSandwich Structures”, International SAMPE Symposium in Long Beach, CA, USA May200312) Xie, Z.H. and Vizzini, A.J., “A Modified AnalyticalModel for the Prediction of The Damage Propagation of a low-velocity ImpactedSandwich Panel under Compression”, Proceedings of the 17th annual technicalconference of American Society for Composites, West Lafayette, IN, USA, October2002 (Winner of Best Paper in 1st place)13) Xie, Z.H. and Vizzini, A.J., “The Presence of aDelamination in Damage Growth of an Impacted Sandwich Panel”, Proceedings ofthe 16th annual technical conference of American Society for Composites,Blacksburg, VA, USA, September 2001 国际会议分会主席及技术委员会成员:Co-chair of Session 3-1: Smart Materials, The 2nd Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-2013 (WCAM-2013), Suzhou, China , June 5-7, 2013Chair of mini symposium " MS545: Modelling, Verification and Validation in Aerospace Structures", The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM 13), Jeju, South Korea, Sept. 8-12, 2013Session Chair of The 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, Changsha, China , Nov.9-10, 2013Technical Committee member of 2014 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2014), Ningbo, China, May 27-29, 2014Session Chair of  1st Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2015, Busan, Republic of Korea, March 23-25, 2015Session Chair of  23rd Annual International Conference On Composites/NANO Engineering, Chengdu, China, July12-18, 2015 国际期刊特邀编辑:Invited guest editor for 2014 August issue of "Steel and Composite Structures, An international Journal" (an SCI Journal with impact factor of  0.933 in 2012)著作:谢宗蕻,张子龙等. 有限元法的建模、校核与验证[M]. 北京:航空工业出版社,2013.


