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近年来发表代表性论文:1.Liu, R. Li, P. Bi, C.W. Ma, R. Yin, Y. Bi, K.Li, Q.* Plasma N-acetylputrescine, cadaverine and 1,3-diaminopropane: potentialbiomarkers of lung cancer used to evaluate the efficacy of anticancer drugs., Oncotarget,2017, 8(51): 88575-88585. (IF=5.16)2.Liu, R. Li, P. Xiao, J. Yin, Y. Sun, Z. Bi,K. Li, Q.* A fast, sensitive, and high throughput method for the determinationof esomeprazole in dog plasma by UHPLC-MS/MS: Application to formulationdevelopment of the compound preparation of esomeprazole., J. Chrom. B, 2017, 1068-1069:352-357.(IF=2.60)3. Liu, R. Xu, H. Zhang, X. Wang, X. Yuan, Z.Sui, Z. Wang, D. Bi, K. Li, Q.* Metabolomics Strategy Using High ResolutionMass Spectrometry Reveals Novel Biomarkers and Pain-Relief Effect ofTraditional Chinese Medicine Prescription Wu-Zhu-Yu Decoction Acting onHeadache Modelling Rats., Molecules, 2017, 22(12): E2110. (IF=2.86)4. Yu, C. Liu, R. Xie, C. Zhang, Q. Yin, Y.Bi, K. Li, Q.* Quantification of free polyamines and their metabolites inbiofluids and liver tissue by UHPLC-MS/MS: application to identify thepotential biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma., Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2015,407(22): 6891-6897. (IF=3.12)5. Zhang, Y. Li, Q.* He, B. Liu, R. Li, Z. Proton pump inhibitors therapy vs H2 receptor antagoniststherapy for upper gastrointestinal bleeding after endoscopy: A meta-analysis., WorldJ Gastroenterol, 2015, 21(20): 6341-6351. (IF=2.79)6. Wu, X. He, J. Xu, H. Bi, K. Li, Q.* Qualityassessment of Cinnamomi Ramulus by the simultaneous analysis of multiple activecomponents using high-performance thin-layer chromatography andhigh-performance liquid chromatography., J. Sep. Sci., 2014, 37(18): 1-9. (IF=2.74)7. Liu, R. Bi, K. Jia, Y. Wang, Q. Yin, R. Li,Q.* Determination of polyamines in human plasma by high-performance liquidchromatography coupled with Q-TOF mass spectrometry., J. Mass. Spectrom., 2012,47(10): 1341-1346. (IF=2.71)8. He, B. Bi, K. Jia, Y. Wang, J. Lv, C. Liu,R. Zhao, L. Xu, H. Chen, X. Li, Q.* Rapid analysis of neurotransmitters inrat brain using ultra-fast liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry:application to a comparative study in normal and insomnic rats., J. Mass.Spectrom., 2013, 48(8): 969-978. (IF=2.71)9. Fan, R. Liu, R. Ma, R. Bi, K. Li, Q.*Determination of oxymatrine and its active metabolite matrine in human plasmaafter administration of oxymatrine oral solution by high-performance liquidchromatography coupled with mass spectrometry., Fitoterapia, 2013, 89: 271-277.(IF=2.21)10. Liu, R, Jia, Y, Cheng, W, Ling, J, Liu, L, Bi,K, Li, Q* Determination of polyamines in human urine by precolumnderivatization with benzoyl chloride and high-performance liquid chromatographycoupled with Q-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Talanta, 201183:751-756 (IF4.162)
