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代洪华,男,山东聊城人,副教授,硕士生导师。获奖情况:Outstanding Young Investigator Award, 国际计算与实验科学工程大会, 葡萄牙,2017陕西省科学技术一等奖(2015)西工大“翱翔新星”(2016)香江学者(2016)陕西省优秀博士论文(2017)陕西省科学技术二等奖(2013)陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖(2013)


2014 - 至今,西北工业大学,航天学院,副教授;2014 - 至今,航天飞行动力学技术重点实验室,副教授。 从事的研究领域有:(1)计算结构动力学;(2)柔性航天器动力学与控制;(3)流固耦合力学。截至目前,已在Journal of Computational Physics,Journal of Fluids and Structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, JSV, JGCD, AIAA J.等国际著名力学期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,其中ESI高被引论文2篇。作为项目负责人主持国家自然基金项目、国家863项目等5项。 1. H.H. Dai, X.J. Jing, Y. Wang, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan. Post-capture vibration suppression of spacecraft via a bio-inspired isolation system, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, in press.2. H.H. Dai, X.C. Wang, M. Schnoor, X.C. Wang, S.N. Atluri. Analysis of internal resonance in a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamical system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 49, pp.176-191, 2017.3. C. Ma, H.H. Dai, J.P. Yuan. Estimation of inertial characteristics of tumbling spacecraft using constant state filter. Advances in Space Research, 60(3), pp.513-530, 2017.4. X. Wang, X. Yue, H.H. Dai, S.N. Atluri. Feedback-Accelerated Picard Iteration for Orbit Propagation and Lambert’s Problem, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 40(10), pp.2442-2451, 2017.5. C. Wei, J. Luo, H.H. Dai, Z. Yin, J. Yuan. Low complexity differentiator based decentralized fault-tolerant control of uncertain large-scale nonlinear systems with unknown dead zone, Nonlinear Dynamics, 89 (4), pp.2573-2592, 2017.6. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan. Half-order optimally scaled Fourier expansion method for solving nonlinear dynamical system, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 87, pp.21-29, 2016.7. H.H. Dai, X.K.Yue, J.P. Yuan, D. Xie, S.N. Atluri. A comparison of classical Runge-Kutta and Henon’s methods for capturing chaos and chaotic transients in an aeroelastic system with freeplay nonlinearity, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015.8. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan, S.N. Atluri. A time domain collocation method for studying the aeroelasticity of a two dimensional airfoil with a structural nonlinearity. Journal of Computational Physics, 270, pp.214-237, 2014.9. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, D. Xie, S.N. Atluri. Chaos and chaotic transients in an aeroelastic system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(26), pp. 7267-7285, 2014.10. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, S.N. Atluri. Solutions of the von Karman plate equations by a Galerkin method, without inverting the tangent stiffness matrix. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 9(2), pp.195-226, 2014.11. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, C.S. Liu. A multiple scale time domain collocation method for obtaining approximate solutions for nonlinear dynamical systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 67, pp.342-351, 2014.12. X.K. Yue, H.H. Dai, C.S. Liu. Optimal scale polynomial interpolation technique for obtaining periodic solutions to the Duffing oscillator. Nonlinear Dynamics, 77(4), pp.1455-1468, 2014.13. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan, D. Xie. A fast harmonic balance technique for periodic oscillations of an aeroelastic airfoil. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 50, pp. 231-252, 2014.14. D. Xie, M. Xu, H.H. Dai, E.H. Dowell. Observation and Evolution of Chaos for a Cantilever Plate in Supersonic Flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 50, pp. 271-291, 2014.15. X.K. Yue, X.C. Wang, H.H. Dai. A Simple Time Domain Collocation Method to Precisely Search for Periodic Orbits of Satellite Relative Motions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, pp.1-15, 2014.16. P. Li, X.K. Yue, H.H. Dai. Real-time terminal guidance for autonomous spacecraft capture of free floating objects using model predictive control, International Journal of Space Science and Engineering 5 2 (2), 190-204. 17. H.H. Dai, X.K. Yue, J.P. Yuan. A time domain collocation method for obtaining the third superharmonic solutions to the Duffing oscillator. Nonlinear Dynamics, 73(1-2), pp.593-609, 2013.18. H.H. Dai, M. Schnoor, S.N. Atluri. A Simple Collocation Scheme for Obtaining the Periodic Solutions of the Duffing Equation, and its Equivalence to the High Dimensional Harmonic Balance Method: Subharmonic Oscillations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 84(5), pp.459-497, 2012.19. H.H. Dai, J.K. Paik, S.N. Atluri. The Global Nonlinear Galerkin Method for the Analysis of Elastic Large Defections of Plates under Combined Loads: A Scalar Homotopy Method for the Direct Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. Computers, Materials & Continua, 23(1), pp.69-99, 2011.20. H.H. Dai, J.K. Paik, S.N. Atluri. The Global Nonlinear Galerkin Method for the Solution of von Karman Nonlinear Plate Equations: An Optimal & Faster Iterative Method for the Direct Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. Computers, Materials & Continua, 23(2), pp.155-185, 2011.21. C.S. Liu, H.H. Dai, S.N. Atluri. Iterative Solution of a System of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 81(4), pp.335-362, 2011.22. C.S. Liu, H.H. Dai, S.N. Atluri. A Further Study on Iteratively Solving the Nonlinear System of Algebraic Equations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 81(2), pp.195-227, 2011.23. X.K. Yue, J. Chen, H.H. Dai.  Pseudospectral control for 6-DOF electromagnetic formation flying. Journal of Aerospace Engineering: Part G, 2015.


2009 - 2014,西北工业大学,航天学院,博士2010 - 2012,University of California, Irvine,MAE,联合培养博士2005 - 2009,西北工业大学,机电学院,本科
