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2015年度国家自然科学二等奖,机械结构系统的整体式构型设计理论与方法研究2016年度陕西省青年科技新星 2013年度吴亚军优秀青年教师一等奖教金2012年度西北工业大学“翱翔之星”2012年度西北工业大学“机电新星”2012年度陕西省科学技术一等奖,复杂薄壁结构整体设计与切削制造的优化理论与方法


研究方向:主要研究方向为先进材料与结构的仿真和设计,在复合材料、极端载荷下高聚物材料与结构的非线性力学行为、以及航空航天结构件的成型及服役行为仿真分析方面开展基础与应用研究。科研项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,考虑对流边界条件设计相关效应的热力耦合结构拓扑优化,2014-2016,主持国家xxx基础研究子专题,xxx薄壁结构热屈曲试验与分析方法,2015-2017,主持陕西省国际科技合作与交流计划项目,形状记忆合金纤维增强聚合物基复合材料制备与设计的关键技术,2016-2017,主持航天四院,碳/碳扩张段预制体性能分析与优化设计,2014-2015,主持航天四院,柔性接头、扩张段热氧老化计算分析,2013-2014,主持西北工业大学基础研究基金,高聚物材料的成型-性能一体化分析与设计,2014-2015,主持陕西省自然基金,复合材料高温氧化环境中的结构性能和服役行为预测,2012-2014,主持西北工业大学基础研究基金,高温氧化环境中复合材料性能预测与优化设计方法研究,2012-2013,主持国家重点基础研究课题,高聚物制品结构性能和服役行为的跨尺度预测和验证,2012-2016,参与国家自然科学基金重点基金项目,结构拓扑优化的工程特征设计理论与方法研究,2015-2018,参与 [1] Y.J. Xu, T.L. Gao, W.H. Zhang. Experimentation and modeling of the tension behavior of polycarbonate at high strain rates. Polymers, 2016, 8(3), 63.[2] Y.J. Xu, H. Lu, W.H. Zhang. Processing-induced inhomogeneity of yield stress in polycarbonate product and its influence on the impact behavior. Polymers, 2016, 8(3), 72.[3] Y.J. Xu, H. Lu, T.L. Gao, W.H. Zhang. Predicting the low-velocity impacted behavior of polycarbonate: influence of thermal history during injection molding. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2015, 86: 265-273.[4] Y.J. Xu, P. Zhang, W.H. Zhang. Numerical modeling of oxidized C/SiC microcomposite in air oxidizing environments below 800°C: microstructure and mechanical behavior. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2015, 35: 3401-3409.[5] Y.J. Xu, P. Zhang, H. Lu, W.H. Zhang. Hierarchically modeling the elastic properties of 2D needled carbon/carbon composites. Composite Structures, 2015, 133: 148-156.[6] Y.J. Xu, T. Gao. Optimizing thermal-elastic properties of C/C-SiC composites by using a hybrid approach and PSO algorithm. Materials, 2016, 9(4), 222.[7] Y.J. Xu, P. Zhang, W.H. Zhang. Two-scale micromechanical modeling of the time dependent relaxation modulus of plain weave polymer matrix composites. Composite Structures, 2015, 123: 35-44. [8] Y.J. Xu, T. You, C.L. Du. An integrated micromechanical model and BP neural network for predicting elastic modulus of 3-D multi-phase and multi-layer braided composite. Composite Structures, 2015, 122: 308-315. [9] Y.J. Xu, T. You. Minimizing thermal residual stresses in ceramic matrix composites by using Iterative MapReduce guided particle swarm optimization algorithm. Composite Structures, 2013, 99: 388-396.[10] Y.J. Xu, W.H. Zhang. Numerical modelling of oxidized microstructure and degraded properties of 2D C/SiC composite in oxidizing environments below 800°C. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528: 7974-7982. [11] Y.J. Xu, W.H. Zhang, D. Bassir. Stress analysis of multi-phase and multi-layer plain weave composite structure using global-local approach. Composite Structures, 2010, 92: 1143-1154.[12] J. Wang, Y.J. Xu*, W.H. Zhang. Finite element simulation of PMMA aircraft windshield against bird strike by using a rate and temperature dependent viscoelastic constitutive model. Composite Structures, 2014, 108: 21-30. [13] Y.J. Xu, Q. W. Zhang, W.H. Zhang, P. Zhang. Optimization of Injection Molding Process Parameters to Improve the Mechanical Performance of Polymer Product against Impact. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 76: 2199-2208.[14] Y.J. Xu, W.H. Zhang. A strain energy model for the prediction of the effective coefficient of thermal expansion of composite materials. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 53: 241-250. [15] Y.J. Xu, W.H. Zhang, D. Chamoret, M. Domaszewski. Minimizing thermal residual stresses in C/SiC functionally graded material coating of C/C Composites by using particle swarm optimization algorithm. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 61: 99-105. [16] Y.J. Xu, W.H. Zhang, M. Domaszewski. Microstructure modelling and prediction of effective elastic properties of 3D multiphase and multilayer braided composite. Materials Science and Technology, 2011, 27(7): 1213-1221. [17] Y.J. Xu, W.H. Zhang, H.B. Wang. Prediction of Effective Elastic Modulus of Plain Weave Multi-phase and Multi-layer Silicon Carbide Ceramic Matrix Composite. Materials Science and Technology, 2008, 24(4): 435-442. [18] T. You, Y.J. Xu*. An efficient global/multi-local stress analysis of complicated engineering composite structures using multi-goal MapReduce. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 65: 149-156.[19] J. Wang, Y.J. Xu, W.H. Zhang, Z. Moumni. A new damage-based model for the non-linear behavior of polycarbonate polymers. Material & Design, 2016, 97: 519-531.[20] W.H. Zhang, J.G. Yang, Y.J. Xu, T. Gao. Topology optimization of thermoelastic structures: mean compliance minimization or elastic strain energy minimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2014, 49(3): 417-429. [21] U.A. Dar, W. H. Zhang, Y. J. Xu. Thermal and strain rate sensitive compressive behavior of Polycarbonate polymer-Experimental and constitutive analysis. Journal of Polymer Research, 2014, 21: 519-530.[22] U.A. Dar, W. H. Zhang, Y. J. Xu. Numerical implementation of strain rate dependent thermo viscoelastic constitutive relation to simulate the mechanical behavior of PMMA. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2014, 10: 93-107. [23] A. Uzair, W. H. Zhang, Y. J. Xu. FE Analysis of Dynamic Response of Aircraft Windshield against Bird Impact. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2013, Article ID 171768.[24] H.B. Wang, W.H. Zhang, Y.J. Xu, Q.F. Zeng. Numerical computing and experimental validation of effective elastic properties of 2D multilayered C/SiC composite. Materials Science and Technology, 2008, 24(11): 1385-1398. [25] T. Gao, W.H. Zhang, J.H. Zhu, Y.J. Xu, D.H. Bassir. Topology optimization of heat conduction problem involving design-dependent heat load effect. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2008, 44(14): 805-813.
