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2014.10-2016.04:  Ecole des Mines de Nantes(法国南特矿业大学),博士后2014.05-2014.10: City University of Hong Kong(香港城市大学),博士后 1. 基于随机过程的系统退化与失效机制研究,维修建模与决策优化2. 设备库存管理 1. 国际期刊[1] Wenjin Zhu, Mitra Fouladirad,Christophe Bérenguer. Multi-level maintenance policy based on a multi-componentsystem with two independent failure modes. ReliabilityEngineering & System Safety, 2016. Vol. 153:50–63.[2]Jianzhou Wang, Wenjin Zhu*, WenyuZhang, Donghuai Sun. A trend fixed on firstly and seasonal adjustment modelcombined with the e-SVR for short—term forecasting of electricity demand. EnergyPolicy,2009. Vol.37(11):4901-4909.[3] Wenjin Zhu*, Jianzhou Wang, WenyuZhang, Donghuai Sun. Short-term effects of air pollution on lower respiratorydiseases and forecasting by the group method of data handling. Atmospheric Environment, 2012. Vol.51:29-38.[4] Wenjin Zhu*, Mitra Fouladirad,Christophe Bérenguer. Condition-based maintenance policies for a combined wearand shock deterioration model with covariates. Computers & Industrial Engineering,2015. Vol.85: 268–283.[5]Wenjin Zhu*, Mitra Fouladirad, Christophe Bérenguer. Bi-criteriamaintenance policies for a system subject to competing wear and δ-shockfailures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journalof Risk and Reliability, 2015. Vol. 229(6): 485–500. [6]Jianzhou Wang, Suling Zhu, Weigang Zhao, WenjinZhu*. Optimal parameters estimation and input subset for grey model basedon chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 2011. Vol.38(7):8151-8158.  2. 部分已发表的国际会议论文[1] Wenjin Zhu, Mitra Fouladirad,Christophe Bérenguer.A predictive maintenance policy based on the blade of offshore wind turbine. In Reliabilityand Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2013 Proceedings-Annual (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [2] Wenjin Zhu, Mitra Fouladirad,Christophe Bérenguer. A reactive multi-component maintenance policy foroffshore wind turbines. In: European Safetyand Reliability Conference-ESREL2013. Taylor & Francis (CRC Press/Balkema), 2014:pp.811-817.[3] Wenjin Zhu,Mitra Fouladirad, Christophe Bérenguer. Condition-based maintenance for adeteriorating system subject to random shocks and environmental changes. In:11th International ProbabilisticSafety Assessment and Management Conference & the Annual European Safety and ReliabilityConference-PSAM 11/ESREL 2012. Curran Associates, Inc, 2012:pp.153-162.[4] Wenjin Zhu, Mitra Fouladirad,Christophe Bérenguer. Condition-based maintenance for a deterioration systemwith shock in dynamic environment.  IFAC ProceedingsVolumes,Special issue: 8th IFACSymposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes.2012.Vol.45(20):504–509.


2010.09-2014.02:Université de technologie de Troyes (法国特鲁瓦科技大学,UT-INSA专项博士生项目),系统可靠性与优化,博士2007.09-2010.06:兰州大学,数学与统计学院,应用数学,硕士2003.09-2007.06:兰州大学,数学与统计学院,信息与计算科学,学士
