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2011.12起          西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院讲师2010.6-2011.1   香港理工大学机械工程系助理研究员1998.9-2001.3   中国华兴建设公司秦山核电站项目部技术员 主持陕西省自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与完成多项国家自然基金面上项目、国家863计划项目、国防科工局基础科研项目及国际合作项目。主要研究方向:基于损伤可识性的传感器优化布置理论与应用、结构健康监控与可靠性更新评估一体化研究。主持陕西省自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与完成多项国家自然基金面上项目、国家863计划项目、国防科工局技术基础科研项目及国际合作项目。荣获陕西省高校科技奖一等奖一项,陕西省科学技术奖三等奖一项。 近期部分论文:[1]      Haifeng Yang, Ziyan Wu, Peng Sun. A Novel Modal Strain Method for Damage Detection in SHM Based on FBG and iFEM, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM2015) on September 1–3, 2015, Stanford, CA - USA  [2]      Yang Haifeng, et al., condition monitoring for pipeline structure using model method based on fbg, the 9th national conference on theory and applications of random vibration, china, 2014.10.9[3]      Yang Haifeng, li zhongwen, et,al. comprehensive damage index model for state assessment in structural health monitoring, proceedings of the 32nd chinese control conference, ccc 2013, october 18, 2013, xi’an, china [4]      Hai-feng Yang, zi-yan wu, shu-kui liu, hong-bin sun, research on optimal sensor placement based on reverberation matrix for structural health monitoring, international journal of distributed sensor networks, volume 2012, article id 454530, doi:10.1155/2012/454530 (SCI:000311155700001)[5]      y.j. yan, H.F. Yang, z.y. wu, et.al., damage detection method for composite structures based on a combined technique of cross modal strain energy and niche genetic algorithms, journal of vibration and control, oct. 2010, 16(11):1673-1683 (SCI:000281855400006)[6]      Haifeng Yang, ziyan wu, yunju yan, a study on structural damage detection method based on model updating, the 2nd international conference on image and signal processing (cisp'09), october, 17-19, 2009, tianjin, china (EI:20100212631468,CPCI:000275862100112)[7]       杨海峰,  吴子燕, 孙蓬, 张坤. 基于逆有限元的应变模态损伤检测方法[J]. 振动、测试与诊断, 2017, 37(1): 147-152.  [8]      杨海峰, 韩晖, 吴子燕. 基于miga的结构模型修正及其应用[j]. 振动、测试与诊断, 2012, 32(2): 261-266.  [9]      张玉兵,吴子燕,杨海峰,基于mfc的智能结构健康监测系统软件开发与验证,测控技术[j],(11)31:88-91, 2012[10]      杨海峰, 阎云聚, 吴子燕. 基于timoshenko梁理论的回传射线矩阵法在传感器优化布置中的应用研究[j]. 机械强度, 2011, 33(6): 827-832.


2007.9-2011.9 西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院 博士;2004.9-2007.4 西北工业大学力学与土木建筑学院 硕士;1994.9-1998.7 西北工业大学土木建筑系 本科。
