主持、参与的科研项目(含科研获奖等情况):1.优质高效中药品种示范研究-中药复方速效、长效口服剂型技术与开发 国家中医药管理局课题,编号:2001BA701A07-08 2.罗红霉素微孔膜缓释微粒剂的研究,863计划项目3.蟾酥冻干脂质微球理化性质与体内过程相关性的研究,国家中医药局中药研究普通课题(已获批)4. 辽宁省创新型药物制剂工程实验室,沈阳市发改委5. 高载药量纳米晶固体分散体系的构建、稳定化机制及口服吸收机制的研究国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基金编号8167130818(骨干成员)
1. Jing, G., Zhong, Y.,Zhang, L., Gou, J., Ji, X., Huang, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y. *, He, H. & Tang, X. Increased dissolution ofdisulfiram by dry milling with silica nanoparticles. Drug Development andIndustrial Pharmacy 41, 1328-1337, doi:10.3109/03639045.2014.949266 (2015). (IF=7.786)2. Hu, X., Chen, X., Zhang,L., Lin, X., Zhang, Y., Tang, X. & Wang,Y*. A combinedbottom-up/top-down approach to prepare a sterile injectable nanosuspension.International Journal of Pharmaceutics 472, 130-139,doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2014.06.018 (2014). (IF=6.402)3. Shao, Y., Zhang, C., Yao,Q., Wang, Y*., Tian, B., Tang, X. & Wang, Y. Improving cabazitaxel chemicalstability in parenteral lipid emulsions using cholesterol. European Journal ofPharmaceutical Sciences 52, 1-11, doi:10.1016/j.ejps.2013.09.024 (2014). (IF=4.811)4. Du, X., Zhang, J., Zhang,Y., Li, S., Lin, X., Tang, X., Zhang, Y. & Wang, Y*. Decanoic acidgrafted oligochitosannanoparticles as a carrier for insulin transport in the gastrointestinal tract.Carbohydrate Polymers 111, 433-441, doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.04.048 (2014). (IF= 3.756)5. Hu, X., Lin, X., Gu, Y.,Liu, Z., Tang, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, X., Wang,Y.*& Tang, X. Biocompatibleriboflavin laurate long-acting injectable nanosuspensions allowing sterilefiltration. Drug Delivery 21, 351-361, doi:10.3109/10717544.2013.850760 (2014). (IF=3.649)6. Guo, H., Fei, S., Zhang,Y., Zhang, Y., Gou, J., Zhang, L., He, H., Yin, T., Wang, Y. * & Tang, X. Teniposide-loaded multilayer modifiedalbumin nanoparticles with increased passive delivery to the lung. Rsc Advances6, 81110-81119, doi:10.1039/c6ra07906g (2016). (IF= 3.108)7. Guo, Y., Yang, Y., He, L.,Sun, R., Pu, C., Xie, B., He, H., Zhang, Y., Yin, T., Wang, Y. *& Tang,X. Injectable Sustained-Release Depots of PLGA Microspheres for Insoluble DrugsPrepared by hot-Melt Extrusion. Pharmaceutical Research 34, 2211-2222,doi:10.1007/s11095-017-2228-x (2017). (IF=3.002)8. Wang, Y. J., Wang, J., Zhang, H. Y., He, H. B. & Tang, X*.Formulation, preparation and evaluation of flunarizine-loaded lipidmicrospheres. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 59, 351-357,doi:10.1211/jpp.59.3.0003 (2007).(IF=2.405)9. Guo, H., Sun, S., Yang,Z., Tang, X. & Wang, Y.*Strategies for ribavirin prodrugs and delivery systems for reducing theside-effect hemolysis and enhancing their therapeutic effect. Journal ofControlled Release 209, 27-36, doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.04.016 (2015). (IF=2.295)