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2016.05——至今,西北工业大学理学院,副教授2012.05——2016.04,西北工业大学理学院,讲师2010.04——2012.04,西北工业大学理学院,助    教 在魏炳波院士指导下开展研究工作,是空间材料科学与技术重点实验室主要科研人员之一,主要从事金属材料的热物理性质与深过冷快速凝固研究。目前,主持国家自然科学基金、航空科学基金、陕西省重点研发计划、中央高校基础研究基金等项目5项,作为主要参加人参与国家重大科研仪器设备研制专项、国家自然科学基金重点项目等多项。担任中国材料研究学会青年工作委员会理事。获陕西省科学技术奖二等奖1项(第二完成人);陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖1项(第二完成人)。 目前,在Chemical Physics Letters、Applied Physics Letters、Scientific Reports等国际知名学报发表学术论文20余篇,其中第一作者8 篇,SCI收录20篇,EI收录10余篇。同时,多次参加国内外学术会议并作报告。[1] K. Zhou,and B. Wei, “Determination of the thermophysicalproperties of liquid and solid Ti–6Al–4V alloy”, Applied Physics A, 122(3),248, 2016. [2] K. Zhou, H. P. Wang, J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Experimentalstudy of surface tension, specific heat and thermal diffusivity of liquid andsolid titanium”, Chemical Physics Letters, 639, 105–108, 2015.[3] K. Zhou, H. P. Wang, and B.Wei, “Thermophysical properties ofsubstantially undercooled liquid Ti–Al–Nb ternary alloy measured byelectromagnetic levitation”, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 93(3), 138–141,2013.[4] K.Zhou, H.P. Wang,and B. Wei, “Determining thermophysicalproperties of undercooled liquid Ti–Al alloy by electromagneticlevitation”, Chemical Physics Letters, 521, 52–54, 2012.[5] K. Zhou, H. P. Wang, J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Rapidsolidification of Ti–Al alloys under electromagnetic levitation condition”,Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium, 1460–1462, 2012. [6] K. Zhou,H. P.Wang, J. Chang, and B.Wei, “Surface tension measurementof metastable liquid Ti–Al–Nb alloys”, Applied Physics A, 105(1), 211–214,2011.[7] K. Zhou, H. P. Wang, J. Chang, and B.Wei, “Specific heat measurement ofstable and metastable liquid Ti–Al alloys”, Applied Physics A, 103(1),135–137, 2011. [8] K. Zhou, H. P. Wang, J. Chang, and B. Wei, “Surface tensionof substantially undercooled liquid Ti–Al alloy”, PhilosophicalMagazine Letters, 90(6), 455–462, 2010. [9]P. Lü, K. Zhou, X. Cai, and H. P.Wang, “Thermophysical propertiesof undercooled liquid ni-zr alloys: melting temperature, density, excess volumeand thermal expansion”. ComputationalMaterials Science(2017):135, 22-28.[10] P. Lü, K. Zhou, and H. P. Wang, “Evidencefor the transition from primary to peritectic phase growth duringsolidification of undercooled Ni-Zr alloy levitated by electromagnetic field”, Scientific Reports(2016): 6, 39042. [11] W. Zhai, K. Zhou, B.J. Wang, and B. Wei,“Determination of the enthalpy of fusion and thermal diffusivity for ternaryCu60-xSnxSb40 alloys”, The Journal ofChemical Thermodynamics, 95, 159–163, 2016. [12] W. Zhai, K. Zhou, B.J. Wang, and B. Wei,“Thermodynamic properties and primary phase structures of ternaryCu90-xSnxSb10 alloys investigated by differentialscanning calorimetry and laser flash method”, Materials Letters, 164, 286–290, 2016. [13]H.P. Wang, P.Lü, K. Zhou,and B. Wei, “Thermalexpansion of Ni3Al intermetallic compound: experiment andsimulation”, Chinese Physics Letters, 33(4), 046502, 2016. [14]W. Zhai, L. Hu, K. Zhou, andB. Wei, “Thermodynamic properties and phasetransitions of ternary Co-Cu-Si alloys with equiatomic Co/Cu ratio”, Journal of Physics D: AppliedPhysics, 49(16), 165306, 2016.[15] J.M. Liu, W. Zhai, K.Zhou, D.L. Geng, and B. Wei, “Thermophysicalproperties and liquid-solid transition mechanisms of ternary (Co0.5Cu0.5)100-xSnxalloys”, Acta Physics Sinica, 65(22), 228101, 2016.[16] X. B. Ma, H.P. Wang, K. Zhou, J. Chang, and Z. Y. Hong, “Specific heatdetermination and simulation of metastable ternary Ni80Cu10Si10 alloymelt”, Applied Physics Letters, 103,104101, 2013. [17] J. Chang, H.P. Wang, K. Zhou, and B. Wei, “Thermophysical properties and rapidsolidification of an undercooled liquid hexabasic Ni–based alloy”, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 93,254–263, 2013. [18] J. Chang, H.P. Wang, K. Zhou, and B. Wei, “Surface tension measurement ofundercooled liquid Ni–based multicomponent alloys”, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 92(9),428–435, 2012. [19] J. Chang, H.P. Wang, K. Zhou, and B. Wei, “Rapid dendritic growth and solutetrapping within undercooled ternary Ni–5%Cu–5%Mo alloy”, Applied Physics A, 109, 139–143,2012. [20]R. Ying, N. Yan,H. Z.Zhu, K. Zhou, and B. Wei, "Thermal performance determination of binary Fe-Alalloys at elevated temperatures." Journal of Alloys & Compounds (2017): 701, 676-681. [21] R.Ying, L. Li, Q. Gu, K. Zhou,N. Yan, and B. Wei, “Thermal expansion and thermal diffusivity properties of Co-Sisolid solutions and intermetallic compounds”,  The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 102, 1–8, 2016.会议报告:(1) K. Zhou, and B. Wei, ThermophysicalProperties and Solidification Mechanisms of Ternary Ti-Al-Nb Alloys, 11th AsianMicrogravity Symposium (AMS2016), October 25–29, 2016, Sapporo, Japan.(2) K. Zhou, P. Lu and B. Wei,“Thermophysical Properties and Eutectic Solidification of Undercooled Binary Ti–Ge Alloys”, the 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies -International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2015), October25–29, 2015, Jeju, Korea. (3) 周  凯,王海鹏,魏炳波,“深过冷液态Ti-6Al-4V合金的快速凝固与力学性能”,中国材料大会2014,7.4–7,2014,成都,中国.(4) K. Zhou,H.P. Wang, D.L. Geng and B. Wei, “Microstructural Evolution of SubstantiallyUndercooled Ternary Ti-Al-Nb Alloy”, the 14th International IUPAC Conference onHigh Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-XIV), Sept. 9–13, 2012, Beijing,China.


