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        完成1项国家自然科学专项基金—天元基金《Navier-Stokes方程稳定化有限元方法后验误差估计》,现在主持国家自然科学青年基金项目《不可压缩流体问题自适应有限体积算法研究》,河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目基金项目《热传导对流方程解耦算法研究》,河南理工大学校博士基金《热传导对流方程显隐欧拉格式算法研究》等项目。参与完成国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973计划项目《高性能科学计算研究》子课题《复杂流动问题的高性能算法研究》等项目。在Advance in Computational Mathematics, Numerical Algorithms, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System-B, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics,Abstract and Applied Analysis等国际知名SCI期刊发表学术论文20余篇。论文情况:
      [1] Tong Zhang, Pedro Damazio, Yuan JinYun, A large time stepping viscosity- splitting finite element method for the viscoelastic flow problem, Advance in Computational Mathematics, DOI 10.1007/s10444-014-9353-4, (2014).[2] Zhang Tong, Zhao Xin, Huang Pengzhan, Decoupled two level finite element methods for the steady natural convection problem, Numerical Algorithm, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-014-9874-4 , (2014)[3] Zhang Tong, Jinhua Yang, Two-level finite volume method for the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations based on two local Gauss integrations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 263 (2014) 377–391.[4] Zhang Tong, Yuan JinYun, Two novel decoupling algorithms for the steady Stokes-Darcy model based on two-grid discretization, Discrete and Continuous Dynamics System-B, 19 (2014) 849-865.[5] Zhang Tong, Zhong He, Analysis of three stabilized finite volume method for the steady Navier-Stokes equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics., DOI:10.1080/00207160.2013.838626. (2013)[6] Zhang Tong, Two-grid characteristic finite volume methods for nonlinear parabolic problems, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 31 (2013) 470-487.[7] Zhang Tong, Gang Lei, Zhao Xin, A posteriori error estimates of stabilized finite element method for the steady Navier-Stokes problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation,219 (2013) 9081–9092.[8] Zhang Tong, Huang PengZhan, Xu Shunwei,Analysis of stabilized finite volume method for Poisson equation, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 18 (2013) 415-431.[9] Zhang Tong, Xu Shunwei, Two-level stabilized finite volume methods for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 5 (2013) 19-35.[10] Zhang Tong, He YinNian, Fully discrete finite element method based on pressure stabilization for the transient Stokes equations,Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 82 (2012) 1496-1515.[11] Zhang Tong, Xu Shunwei, Deng Jien, Stabilized multiscale nonconforming finite element method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012 (2012) 1-27.[12] Zhang Tong, The semidiscrete finite volume element method for nonlinear convection- diffusion problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (2011) 7546-7556
