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从1985年至今始终在西北工业大学任教,先后主讲过模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、彩色电视原理、信息交换、信息论与编码等课程。期间曾在电子信息系统公司任职,先后担任过项目主管、开发部经理、工程部经理、总工程师兼管理者代表等职,承担和主持过十多项产品开发和工程设计工作。熟悉职场环境、系统设计和产品开发管理。 研究方向:1. 宽带通信及其在WSN、LTE等领域的应用;2. 可见光通信及其应用;3. 新能源、新光源研究;4. 实时嵌入式信息系统。 科研工作多年从事产品开发、系统设计和工程管理,先后涉猎过电子信息、机械电子、电子工艺、电磁兼容、质量控制、产品策划、工程预算及招投标诸多领域。具体的如下所列:超宽带无线电及其定位系统、可见光通信、新能源及其应用、基于FPGA的嵌入式实时系统、测量与数据采集系统、探测与报警信息系统、微功耗系统、噪声控制系统、微波应用系统、卫星通信系统、现场控制系统、智能交通信息系统、卫星通信。 主要论著及代表性论文1. Yang Jinjin, He Hongkun, Wang Jianping, Shi Lei, Wang Linbo. “A robust and embedded efficient PFC controller based on storable reference current rebuilt strategy”, 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology: Smart Society Innovation through Mobile Internet, ICACT 2012, Pages: 323-326. (Accession number: 20121915003244)2. Zhang Leilei, He Hongkun, Zhang Wanpeng, Yong Li. “UWB asynchronous location algorithm based on variable and adaptive step size”,14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology: Smart Society Innovation through Mobile Internet, ICACT 2012, Pages: 1142-1145. (Accession number: 20121915003406)3. Zhang Wanpeng, He Hongkun, Zhang Leilei. “Joint direct-calculation and adaptive nonlinear optimization algorithm for UWB 3D location”, 2012 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications, ICCCA 2012. (Accession number: 20121915006209)4. He Hong-Kun Shi Hao-Shan. “Asynchronous UWB localization method and algorithm for multiple targets”, Journal of System Simulation, Volume: 20, Issue: 7, Pages: 1713-1715+1733. (Accession number: 20081811232405)5. He Hongkun, Shi Haoshan. “Measurement and positioning of moving array shape by IR-UWB”, Sixth International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology: Signal Analysis, Measurement Theory, Photo-Electronic Technology and Artificial Intelligence, 2006, Article number: 63572N. (Accession number: 20070610408432)6. He Hong-Kun, Shi Hao-Shan. “Time resolution research in liquid scintillating detection”, Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology, Volume: 26, Issue: 6, Pages: 1030-1033. (Accession number: 20070410389420)7. He Hongkun, Shi Haoshan. “Method for network topology identification based on incidence matrix”, Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Volume: 40, Issue: 4, Pages: 477-479+493. (Accession number: 2006259949051)8. 贺宏锟,史浩山;UWB多目标异步定位改进算法;系统仿真学报,Vol. 21(9), 2009年第九期9. 王志鹏,贺宏锟;UWB对CDMA和Bluetooth的干扰研究;信息安全与通信保密,2006年第12期
