1968-1977年下乡插队和在工厂劳动;1984-1986年国家城乡建设环境保护部-中国社会科学院中国建设经济研究所从事城市与区域经济研究;1986-1992年University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill,城市与区域规划系,助研,硕士课教师;1990年世界银行合同咨询员;1992-1993年University of North Carolina, Center for Economic Development;1993-1994年香港城市理工学院助理教授;1997-2006年美国First Union和Wachovia银行,历任经济师、高级经济师、经济研究部主任、Senior Vice President;2006—2014 “985”工程湖南大学基地首席专家。
国际代表作:1. Feng, Ping and Ke, Shanzi. 2016. Self-Selection and Performance of R&D Input of Heterogeneous Firms: Evidence from China’s Manufacturing Industries, China Economic Review (SSCI), Vol.41: 181–195.2. Han, Feng and Ke, Shanzi. 2016. The Effects of Factor Proximity and Market Potential on Urban Manufacturing Output, China Economic Review (SSCI), Vol. 39: 31-45.3. Ke, Shanzi. 2015. Domestic Market Integration and Regional Economic Growth. World Development (SSCI), Vol. 66: 588-597.4. Ke, Shanzi, Ming He, Chenhua Yuan. 2014. Synergy and Co-agglomeration of Producer Services and Manufacturing: A Panel Data Analysis of Chinese Cities. Regional Studies (SSCI), Vol. 48 (11): 1829-1841.5. Ke, Shanzi, and Yufeng Yu. 2014. The Pathways from Industrial Agglomeration to TFP Growth—The Experience of Chinese Cities for 2001-2010. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (SSCI), Vol. 19 (2): 310–332.6. Ke, Shanzi, and Mingyong Lai, 2011. Productivity of Chinese Regions and the Location of Multinational Research and Development. International Regional Science Review (SSCI) , Vol. 34 (1): 102-131.7. He, Ming, Shanzi Ke, Yan Song, 2011. A Consolidated Model of Monocentric Cities and an Empirical Analysis of Urban Scales and Land Prices in Chinese Cities. Journal of Regional Science (SSCI), Vol. 51 (2), 371-398.8. Ke, Shanzi and Edward Feser, 2010. Count on the Growth Pole Strategy for Regional Economic Growth? Spread-Backwash Effects in Greater Central China. Regional Studies (SSCI), Vol.44 (9): 1131-1147.9. Ke, Shanzi, 2010. Determinants of Economic Growth and Spread-Backwash Effects in the Western and Eastern China. Asian Economic Journal (SSCI), Vol.24(2): 179-202.10.Ke, Shanzi, 2010. Agglomeration, Productivity, and Spatial Spillovers across Chinese Cities. The Annals of Regional Science (SSCI) Vol.45 (1): 157-179.11.Ke, Shanzi, Yan Song, and Ming He, 2009. Determinants of Urban Spatial Scale - Chinese Cities in Transition. Urban Studies (SSCI), Vol.46 (13): 2795-2813.
1978-1984年 南京大学 学士、硕士(1981、1984);1986-1993年 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill,USA,硕士、博士(1993)。