2013年至今在西北工业大学工作。 近期发表的主要论文和取得的专利:[1] X Wei, B Li, N Chen,J Wang, R Zheng, W Gao, T Wei, D Gao and Y Hu, “Development of a radiation-hardened SRAM with EDAC algorithm for fastreadout CMOS pixel sensors for charged particle tracking”, Journal ofInstrumentation, Vol. 9, 2014, pp. P08001. (SCI索引, No. 000341927600029)[2] X Wei, D.Gao,A.Dorokhov and Y. Hu “A built-in SRAM for radiation hard CMOS pixel sensorsdedicated to high energy physics experiments”, NuclInstrum Methods Phys ResSect A, volume 701, 2013, pp 37-43. (SCI索引, No.000313721400006,索引, No. IP52322043)[3] X Wei, D.Gao,A.Dorokhov and Y. Hu “A radiation-hardened 2T-Memory cell for Monolithic ActivePixel Sensors in STAR experiment”, Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 6, No.1,2011,pp.C01071. (SCI索引, No. 000291345600076)[4] X Wei, D. Gao,A. Dorokhov, Y. Hu“Design of latchup immunity memory cell for Monolithic ActivePixel Sensors”, Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2011,pp.102-106, 21-23 June 2011.( EI索引, No. 20113614295701)[5] X Wei, D.Gao, S.Zhan“A high precision programmable reference generator for Monolithic Active PixelSensor using 3D Integrated Technology”, CIT, Chengdu, Oct. 2012 (EI索引, No. 20130415917776)[6] B. Li, T. Wei, X.Wei “A new differential measurement scheme for projected-capacitive touchcontroller”, Proceedings of the 2014 9th IEEE Conference on IndustrialElectronics and Applications, ICIEA 2014, pp. 872-876, October 20, 2014. (EI索引, No. 201449270875)[7] F. Xue, X. Wei, Y. Hu, W. Gao,R. Zheng, J. Wang, T. wei, “Design of a 10-bit 50MSPS pipeline ADCfor CMOS image sensor”, Proceedings of the 2014 9th IEEE Conference onIndustrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2014, p 891-895, October 20,2014. (EI索引, No. 201449270879)[8] N. Chen, T. Wei, X.WEI, X. Chen, “A radiation hardened SRAM in 180-nm RHBD technology” 2013IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and SecureComputing, DASC 2013, p 159-162, 2013. (EI索引, No. 20143017983038)[9] B. Li, T. Wei, X. Wei, S. Zhan “Design of aprojected-capacitive touch controller for environment noise suppression” Proceedingsof the International Display Workshops, pp. 1846-1849, 2012. (EI索引, 20134316893104)[10] Y. Degerli, G. Bertolone, W. Dulinski, F. Guilloux, F.Morel, F. Orsini, X. Wei, and M.Winter, "A vertically integrated 3D CMOS MAPS with in-pixel digital memoryand delayed readout," Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record(NSS/MIC), 2009, pp. 1631-1635. (EI索引,No.20101712880662 )[11] W. Dulinski, G. Bertolone, R. de Masi, Y. Degerli, A.Dorokhov, F. Morel, F. Orsini, L. Ratti, C. Santos, V. Re, X. Wei, and M. Winter, "Thin, fully depleted monolithic activepixel sensor based on 3D integration of heterogeneous CMOS layers,"Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009, pp. 1165-1168. (EI索引,No. 20101712880562 )[12] B. Li, T. Wei, X.Wei, S. Zhan, “Design of aprojected-capacitive touch controller for environment noise suppression”,19th International Display Workshops in Conjunction with Asia Display (IDW), Kyoto,Japan, 2012. (EI索引,No. 20134316893104)[13] 魏晓敏,高德远,魏廷存,陈楠,电离总剂量辐射加固的设计,微电子学;第卷第期,,pp.76-80.[14] 魏晓敏,高德远,魏廷存等,抗辐射时序控制电路(专利号:201220413248.7) [15] 魏晓敏,高德远,魏廷存等,存储器和利用该存储器实现检错纠错的方法(受理号:201310323473.0) [16] 陈楠,魏廷存,魏晓敏,高武,郑然抗单粒子翻转效应的研究与设计,固体电子学研究与进展,第卷第期,,pp.491-496. [17] 魏晓敏,高德远,魏廷存等,抗辐射时序控制电路及时序处理方法(专利号:201210296626.2)