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2.华东师范大学生物学系 学士、硕士





3.国家自然科学基金青年项目,“通过急性髓性白血病干细胞表面CD123导入溶瘤腺病毒的实验研究” (30801379)2009.01-2011.12

4. 医学转化项目(横向)“溶瘤病毒对肿瘤及乙型肝炎的影响研究”




1.法国国家科研署(French National Research Agency, ANR)基金项目评审专家

2.Drug Delivery、Oncotarget、Glycoconjugate J、Cell Biol Toxicol等国际期刊审稿人


Selected Publications (§:第一作者;*:通讯作者)

☆ G Li*, Z Zhao, B Wu, Q Su, L Wu, X Yang, J Chen. Ulva pertusa lectin 1 delivery through adenovirus vector affects multiple signaling pathways in cancer cells. Glycoconjugate Journal 34: 489-498. 2017

☆ B Wu, S Mei, L Cui, Z Zhao, J Chen, T Wu, G Li*. Marine lectins DlFBL and HddSBL fused with coxsackie-adenovirus receptor facilitate adenovirus infection in cancer cells but have different effects on cell survival. Marine Drugs 15: 73. 2017

☆ G Li*, Y Gao, L Cui, L Wu, X Yang, J Chen*. Anguilla japonica lectin 1 delivery through adenovirus vector induces apoptotic cancer cell death through interaction with PRMT5. The Journal of Gene Medicine 18: 65-74. 2016

☆ G Li*, H Wu, L Cui, Y Gao, L Chen, X Li, T Liang, X Yang, J Cheng, J Luo. CD47-retargeted oncolytic adenovirus armed with melanoma differentiation-associated gene-7/interleukin-24 suppresses in vivo leukemia cell growth. Oncotarget6: 43496-43507. 2015

☆ L Wu§, X Yang§, X Duan, L Cui, G Li*. Exogenous expression of marine lectins DlFBL and SpRBL induces cancer cell apoptosis possibly through PRMT5-E2F-1 pathway. Scientific Reports 4: 4505. 2014

☆ G Li*, X Li, H Wu, X Yang, Y Zhang, L Chen, X Wu, L Cui, L Wu, J Luo, XY Liu. CD123 targeting oncolytic adenoviruses suppress acute myeloid leukemia cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo. Blood Cancer Journal 4: e194. 2014

☆ X Yang§, L Wu§, X Duan, L Cui, J Luo, G Li*. Adenovirus carrying gene encoding Haliotis discus discus sialic acid binding lectin induces cancer cell apoptosis. Marine Drugs 12: 3994-4004. 2014

☆ N Li§, G Dong§, S Wang, S Zhu, Y Shen, G Li*. Pinellia pedatisecta agglutinin-based lectin blot analysis distinguishes between glycosylation patterns in various cancer cell lines. Oncology Letters 8: 837-840. 2014

☆ K Chen, X Yang, L Wu, M Yu, X Li, N Li, S Wang, G Li*. Pinellia pedatisecta agglutinin targets drug resistant K562/ADR leukemia cells through binding with sarcolemmal membrane associated protein and enhancing macrophage phagocytosis. PLoS ONE 8: e74363. 2013

☆ Q Lu§, N Li§, J Luo, M Yu, Y Huang, X Wu, H Wu, XY Liu, G Li*. Pinellia pedatisecta agglutinin interacts with the methylosome and induces cancer cell death. Oncogenesis 1: e29. 2012

☆ BJ Rafferty§, G Li§, DW McGee*. Activation of the α3 integrin affects TRAF6 function in the IL-1 signaling pathway of Caco-2 epithelial cells. Immunological Investigations 39: 1-15. 2010

☆ GC Li§, N Li§, YH Zhang, X Li, YG Wang, XY Liu, WB Qian*, XC Liu*. Mannose-exposing myeloid leukemia cells detected by the sCAR-PPA fusion protein. International Journal of Hematology 89: 611-617. 2009

☆ G Li, FD Lubin, DW McGee*. α3β1 integrin induced Suppression of the Caco-2 epithelial cell IL-1 signaling pathway leading to NF-κB activation. Cellular Immunology 231: 30-39. 2004
