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余厚咏,男,工学博士,浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院副教授,入选校521人才计划。先后主持国家青年基金、浙江省青年基金、浙江省科技厅公益项目、国家商务部茧丝办项目及参与国家级面上项目等项目20项。以第一作者在Composites Science and Technology,Journal of Materials Chemistry A Journal of Materials Chemistry B,Cellulose等国际学术期刊发表高档次论文20余篇;申请国家发明专利20项,其中已授权12项。获中冶集团科学技术进步奖二等奖(省部级)、上海高校学生创造发明“科技创业杯”二、三等奖。指导学生省新苗计划项目2项,国创项目1项,校本科生“百优论文”2篇。


1.Yu, Hou-Yong, et al. "Fabrication of multifunctional cellulose nanocrystals/poly (lactic acid) nanocomposites with silver nanoparticles by spraying method."Carbohydrate Polymers(2016).

2.Yu, H. Y., Chen, R., Chen, G. Y., Liu, L., Yang, X. G., & Yao, J. M. (2015). Silylation of cellulose nanocrystals and their reinforcement of commercial silicone rubber.Journal of Nanoparticle Research,17(9), 1-13.

3.Yan, Chen-Feng, Hou-Yong Yu(通讯作者), and Ju-Ming Yao. "One-step extraction and functionalization of cellulose nanospheres from lyocell fibers with cellulose II crystal structure."Cellulose22.6 (2015): 3773-3788.

4.Yu H Y, Yan C F, Yao J. Fully biodegradable food packaging materials based on functionalized cellulose nanocrystals/poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) nanocomposites. RSC Adv., 20144 (104):59792 - 59802

5.Hou-Yong Yu,Guo-Yin Chen, Yi-Bo Wang, Ju-Ming Yao. A facile one-pot route for preparing cellulose nanocrystals/zinc oxide nanohybrids with high antibacterial and photocatalytic activity. Cellulose 2014 21:1-13. (DOI: 10.1007/s10570-014-0491-0).

6.Yu, H., Sun, B., Zhang, D., Chen, G., Yang, X., & Yao, J. (2014). Reinforcement of biodegradable poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) with cellulose nanocrystal/silver nanohybrids as bifunctional nanofillers.Journal of Materials Chemistry B 20142: 8479-8489.(封面文章)

7.Hou-Yong Yu, Chen-Feng Yan, Xiaoxia Lei, Zongyi Qin, Ju-Ming Yao*. Novel approach to extract thermally stable cellulose nanospheres with high yield.Materials Letters2014131:12-15.

8.Hou-Yong Yu, Zong-Yi Qin, Chen-Feng Yan, Ju-Ming Yao*. Green nanocomposites based on functionalized cellulose nanocrystals: A study on the relationship between interfacial interaction and property enhancement.ACS. Sustainable. Chem.Eng.2014 2: 875-886.

9.Hou-Yong Yu, Zong-Yi Qin, Bin Sun, Xiao-Gang Yang, Ju-Ming Yao. Reinforcement of transparent poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) by incorporation of functionalized carbon nanotubes as a novel bionanocomposite for food packaging.Composites Science and Technology2014 94: 96-104.

10.Hou-Yong Yu, Zong-Yi Qin, Lin Liu, Xiao-Gang Yang, Ying Zhou, Ju-Ming Yao. Comparison of the reinforcing effects for cellulose nanocrystals obtained by sulfuric and hydrochloric acid hydrolysis on the mechanical and thermal properties of bacterial polyester.Composites Science and Technology2013 87: 22–28. (SCI) IF=3.328

11.Hou–Yong Yu, Zong–Yi Qin, Bin Sun, Chen Feng Yan, Ju–Ming Yao. One-pot green fabrication and antibacterial activity of thermally stable corn-like CNC/Ag nanocomposites.Journal of Nanoparticle Research2014, 16, 2202-2213.

12.Houyong Yu, Zongyi Qin, Banglei Liang, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Long Chen. Facile preparation of thermally stable cellulose nanocrystals with high yield of 93% through hydrochloric acid hydrolysis under hydrothermal condition.Journal of Materials Chemistry A2013 1: 3938–3944.

13.Hou-Yong Yu, Zong-Yi Qin. Surface grafting of cellulose nanocrystals with poly(3–hydroxybutyrate–co–3–hydroxyvalerate).Carbohydrate Polymers2014 101: 471-478.

14.Hou-Yong Yu, Ju-Ming Yao, Zong-Yi Qin, Lin Liu, Xiao-Gang Yang. Comparison of covalent and noncovalent interactions of carbon nanotubes on the crystallization behavior and thermal properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyve).Journal of Applied Polymer Science2013130: 4299–4307.

15.Weinan Xu, Zongyi Qin,Houyong Yu, Yannan Liu, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou, Long Chen. Cellulose nanocrystals as organic nanofillers for transparent polycarbonate films.Journal of Nanoparticle Research2013 15:1562-1570.

16.Houyong Yu, Zongyi Qin, Lingfeng Wang, Zhe Zhou. Crystallization behavior and hydrophobic properties of biodegradable ethyl cellulose-g-poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate): The influence of the side-chain length and grafting density.Carbohydrate Polymers2012 87: 2447–2454.

17.Houyong Yu, Zongyi Qin, Zhe Zhou. Cellulose nanocrystals as green fillers to improve crystallization behavior and hydrophilic property of poly(3–hydroxybutyrate–co–3–hydroxyvalerate).Progress in Natural Science: Materials International2011 21: 478– 484.

18.Houyong Yu, Zongyi Qin, Yannan Liu, Long Chen, Na Liu, Zhe Zhou. Simultaneous improvement of mechanical properties and thermal stability of bacterial polyester by cellulose nanocrystals.Carbohydrate Polymers2012 89: 971–978.

近日,生物高分子研究团队在多功能纳米复合材料研究上获新成果,成果论文以“双功能纤维素纳米晶/纳米银杂化材料协同增强生物聚酯(PHBV)的机理研究”(“Reinforcement of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) with cellulose nanocrystal/silver nanohybrids as bifunctional nanofillers”)为题作为杂志封面发表在《Journal of Materials Chemistry B》上,我校为唯一署名单位。该项研究通过“一步法”将纤维素原料制备出带有还原性甲酯基的纤维素纳米晶,并原位负载上了纳米银粒子,实现“一锅法”制备出玉米状且表面疏水的纤维素纳米晶/纳米银杂化材料,这不仅提高杂化材料中两者的结合牢度,而且改善其与生物聚酯的界面相容性。由此,所得多功能复合材料具有优异的力学与热学性能、抗菌性能、阻隔性能和抗迁移性能,该研究为设计新型多功能包装材料与医用材料提供了新思路。该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金的资助。









