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教学方面主讲《理论力学》、《结构力学》等课程,曾获全国工科院校《弹性力学》讲课比赛壹等奖(1996年)。主讲的《理论力学》2009年获国家双语示范课程。2002年被评为“全国优秀力学教师”, 获得2015年中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖。













1.Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Qian C., Loading history dependence of retardation time of calcium-silicate-hydrate, Construction and building materials 147(2017) 558-565.

2.Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Qian C., Song H., A chemo-mechanical model of damage in concrete under sulfate attack, Construction and building materials 115 (2016) 536–543.

3.Yu L.Z., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), A new evolution model of concrete porosity under continuous hydration, Int. J. of Modeling, Identification and Control, 26(4)(2016) 345-352.

4.Li J.L., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Deflection of battened beams with shear and discrete effects, International Journal of Structures and Engineering Mechanics, 59, No. 5 (2016) 921-932.

5.Zhang M.H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Zhao F., Bai S.L., A new model of interfacial adhesive strength of fiber-reinforced polymeric composites upon consideration of cohesive force, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 106 (2016): 50-61.

6.Zhang M.H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Lu C., Influence of strain rate on the piezoresistive behavior of conductive polyamide composites, Composites Science and Technology, 133 (2016): 1-6.

7.Song H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Lv Y.F., Cao Y.H., Rate-dependent relaxation time of concrete under impact loading, Acta Mechanical Solida Sinica, International Journal of Solids and Structures,(2016, submitted).

8.Song H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Jiang J.Y., An Internal Expansive Stress Model of Concrete under Sulfate, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 29(6), (2016) : 610-619.

9.Chu H.Y., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), The Experimental Study on the Correlation of Resistivity and Damage for Conductive Concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 67 (2016): 12-19.

10.Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Lei J.T., Zhang M.H., Bai S.L., Variation in electrical conductivity of conductive polymer composites under shock wave, Mechanics of Materials, 91(2015), 26-34.

11.Li J.L., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Free vibration analysis of battened beams, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 14 (7) (2014 ),1450029-1-15.

12.Ouyang W.Y., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Jiang M.Q., Evolution of surface hardness of concrete under sulfate attack, Construction and Building Materials, 53 (2014), 419-424.

13.Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Kim B., Li L.Y., Analytical approach for transverse vibration analysis of castellated beams, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 14(3) (2014), 1350071-1-13.

14.Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Li L.Y., Elastic axially compressed buckling of battened columns, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 77 (2013). 1–7.

15.Zhang M.H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Electrical and thermal properties of stainless steel fiber and carbon nanotube reinforced polyamide 6, Plastics, Rubber and Composites,42 (2013): 437-445.

16.Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Song H., Zhang M.H., Ye J., Theoretical analysis on the nucleation of micro-damage in cement mortar under compressive loading and sulfate attack, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 26 (2013), 53-61.

17.Ma B., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), A new criterion of interfacial fracture of particle / polymer composites, Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control, 18 (2013): 323-331.

18.Chu H.Y., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Evolution of viscosity of concrete under sulfate attack, Construction and Building Materials,39 (2013), 46-50.

19.Sun C., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Zhu J., Zhang M.H., Ye J., A new diffusion model of sulfate ions in concrete, Construction and Building Materials,39 (2013), 39-45.

20.Zhang M.H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Lv Y.F., Wang D.J., Ye J., Study on the expansion of concrete under attack of sulfate and sulfate–chloride ions,Construction and Building Materials,39 (2013), 26-32.

21.Zhang M.H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Analysis of interfacial fracture strength of an inclusion in a polymeric composite considering cohesive force, Computational Materials Science, 45 (2012), 334-343.

22.Lei J.T., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Zhang M.H., Variation of electro-conductive property of SSF /PA6 system under impact loading using a modified SHPB [J]. Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2012, 20 (1&2): 45-51.

23.Song H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Effect of damage evolution on Poisson’s ratio of concrete under sulfate attack, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 24 (2011), 209-215.

24.Chen J.K., Li L.Y., Distortional buckling of cold-formed steel sections subjected to uniformly distributed transverse loading, International Journal of Structure Stability and Dynamics, 10 (5): 1017-1030.

25.Chen J.K., Wang W.C., Huang Z.P., Surface energy effect on damage evolution in a viscoelastic nanocomposite, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 19 (8)(2010), 949-970.

26.Chen J.K., Gong-Tao Wang, Zhong-Zhen Yu, Zhuping Huang, Yiu-Wing Mai, Critical particle size for interfacial debonding in polymer / nanoparticle composites, Composites Science and Technology, 70 (2010), 861 - 872.

27.Zhang M.H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Zhu J., Chen J.Y., Experimental evaluation on modulus of equivalent homogeneous ettringite, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 22 (2009), 320-327.

28.Chen J.K., Jiang M.Q., Long-term evolution of delayed ettringite and gypsum in Portd cement mortar nder sulfate erosion, Construction & Building Materials, 23 (2009) 812–816.

29.Chen J.K., Wang ,W.C., Yang Z.T., Wang J., Yang J.S., Effects of Bending Stiffness and Rotatory Inertia in a Mass-Rod Piezoelectric Vibratory Gyroscope, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 31 (2009), 1–8.

30.Chen J.K., Zhu J., Cao Y.H., Yang D.Y., Study on dynamic relaxation time and modulus of cement mortar by ultrasonic technique, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol. 4(3) (2008) 278–285.

31.Zhu J., Jiang M.Q., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Equivalent model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 20 (2008), 327-332.

32.Zhang M.H., Jiang M.Q., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Variation of flexural strength of cement mortar attacked by sulphate ions, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75 (2008), 4948–4957.

33.Chen J.K. Jiang M.Q., Zhu J., Damage evolution in cement mortar due to erosion of sulphate, Corrosion Science, 50 (2008), 2478–2483.

34.Chen J.K., Wang W.C., Wang J., Yang Z.T., Yang J.S., A thickness mode acoustic wave sensor for measuring interface stiffness between two elastic materials, IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 55, no. 8, august 2008, 1678-1681.

35.Chen J.K., Zhu J., Yuan M., Peng Y,C., Constitutive model of porous materials considering the effect of internal pressure in microvoids, Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 37(5/6) (2008), 240-245.

36.Chen J.K., Huang Z.P., Yuan M., A constitutive theory of particulate-reinforced viscoelastic materials with partially debonded microvoids, Computational Materials Science, 41 (2008), 334-343.

37.Zhu J., Cao Y.H., Chen J.K. (corresponding author), Transversal inertial effect on relaxation/retardation time of cement mortar under harmonic wave, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 21(2008), 44-50.

38.Chen J.K., Huang Z.P., Zhu J., Size effect of particles on the damage dissipation in nanocomposites, Composites Science and Technology, 67 (2007), 2990-2996.

39.Chen J.K., and Yuan M., Decoupling of viscous dissipation and damage dissipation in particulate-reinforced polymeric materials, Computational Materials Science, 40 (2007), 267-274.

40.Chen J.K., Zhu J., Wang J., Yuan M., Chu H.J., The properties of the Poisson’s ratio of foams with low porosity: non-stationary, negative value, and singularity, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 10 (2006), 315-330.

41.Chen J.K., and Zhu J., Energy dissipation across the front of shock wave in rheological materials filled with second phase inclusions, Journal de Physique IV, 2006, Vol. 134, 883-887.

42.Chen, J.K., Huang, Z.P., Mai, Y.W., A constitutive relation of particulate-reinforced viscoelastic composite materials with debonded microvoids, Acta Materialia Vol.51/12 (2003),3375-3384.

43.Chen, J.K., Huan, Z.P., and Bai, S.L., Dynamic stress analysis of the interface in a particle-reinforced composite, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol.21: (7) 753-760.

44.Chen, J.K., Huang, Z.P., and Bai, S.L., “Theoretical analysis on the local critical stress and size effect for interfacial debonding in particle reinforced rheological materials”, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1999, 12(1), 1-8.

45.Chen, J.K., Wang, R.P., Perturbation solution for thermal expansion buckling of no expansion joint slop pavement plate, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 14 (3) 277-284.

46. Li, L.Y.,Chen, J.K., An analytical model for analysing distortional buckling of cold-formed steel sections,Thin-Walled Structures, 2008, 46(12), 1430-14369.

47.Wei, P.J., Chen, J.K., A viscoelastic constitutive model with nonlinear evolutionary internal variables, Acta Mechanica, 2003,164(3-4), 217-225.

48.Huang, Z.P., Chen, J.K., and Wang, W.B., “An internal-variable theory of thermo-viscoelastic constitutive relation at finite strain”, Science in China (Series A), 43(5) (2000), 545-551.

49) Bai, S.L., Chen, J.K., Huang, Z.P., and Yu, Z.Z.,The role of the interfacial strength in glass bead filled HDPE, J. of Mater. Sci. Letters, 19(2000), No.17, 1587-1589.


1. 导电混凝土在寒冷与硫酸盐-氯盐腐蚀环境下的长期稳定性研究, 国家自然科学基金, 主持(在研)。

2. 老化诱致导电高聚物复合材料压阻效应衰变规律的研究,国家自然科学基金11472141,主持(在研)。

3. 纳米复合塑料微孔形态设计研究,国家自然科学基金10172074,主持(结题)。

4. 海水侵蚀条件下脆性介质微损伤成核的孔隙尺度效应,国家自然科学基金10572064,主持(结题)。

5. 导电高聚物复合材料微损伤耦合的荷载-电阻效应研究,国家自然科学基金10872099,主持(结题)。

6. 侵蚀损伤对硫酸根离子在混凝土中扩散的耦合作用,国家自然科学基金51079609,主持(结题)。

7. 孔隙介质的力学与输运性能研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目10932001,宁波大学合作方主持(结题)。


